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excellence in modern transport emt after 20 years of experience in street transports, expand his offer with a new Intermodal service. Thanks to new vehicles.

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2 excellence in modern transport

3 emt after 20 years of experience in street transports, expand his offer with a new Intermodal service. Thanks to new vehicles at the avand-guard, we can offer a new service of quality always in total respect of environment.

4 The transport on rail avoid unexpected traffic congestion. Thanks to the synergy created with the combination from road and rail it’s possible to optimize the costs. Already for a long time our company invests in modern vehicles for a low environmental impact. Now we have the possibility to use the railroad for the majority part of the transport and this means zero emission.

5 The spedition Multicargo at Köln is the official partner of EMT in Germany. Multicargo works since years within the division of intermodal traffics and it‘s therefor a competent partner in the daily development of intermodal transports. Once arrived at the railstation in Germany Multicargo receive our trailers and carry them to deliver at the consegnees.. Multicargo - Köln

6 Whatever kind of product you have to send, we will manage your transport, no matter if in export or in import. We have vehicles at the avant-guard and specialized personnel, ready to offer the best possible solution for your needs. Contact: EMT Transport Branch office Verona Phone +39 0442 85 828 intermodal1vr@emt- Ecologic Intermodal … the road is not enough

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