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This month:This month: The subject of GodThe subject of God Why I believe in God Why the God of the Bible.

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Presentation on theme: "This month:This month: The subject of GodThe subject of God Why I believe in God Why the God of the Bible."— Presentation transcript:




4 This month:This month: The subject of GodThe subject of God Why I believe in God Why the God of the Bible

5 Bible Basics July - A Study of God




9 World Views no GodAtheism – no God God is everythingPantheism – God is everything God is IN everythingPanentheism – God is IN everything God is not involvedDeism – God is not involved many godsPolytheism – many gods God is limitedFinite godism – God is limited Theismone God who is involved in the world and caresTheism – one God who is involved in the world and cares

10 THEISTIC EVOLUTION Did God Create the World

11 Theistic Evolution The view that God created the world and then let it evolve with very limited involvement. It is an attempt to reconcile God and evolution. Is this theory compatible with the Bible?

12 Theistic Evolution? NOTHINGNOTHING in the Bible indicates that God created the world through the evolutionary process Genesis 1 & 2, Ex. 31:17, Ex. 20:11, Nehemiah 9:6,

13 Theistic Evolution? Adam was the first man 1 Corinthians 15:45, “And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” Genesis 2:7, Rom. 5:12-14

14 Theistic Evolution? Adam was the first man TE has problems with the creation of man! Did man exist prior to the fall? When did man fall? Did man die prior to the fall? (1 Cor. 15:22) Explain the soul (Gen. 1:26-27)

15 Theistic Evolution? Cannot explain Eve Evolution demands that man and woman be created side by side Genesis 2:21-23 ? How do we deal with passages like 1 Tim. 2:13 ?

16 Theistic Evolution? Evolution incompatible with Genesis 1 account – Day 1 – light, day 4 – sun – Day 3 – plants, day 4 – sun – Day 4 – birds, day 5 – beasts and insects IF Genesis 1 figurative, then it is incoherent (random)

17 Theistic Evolution? Bible teachings imply immediate creation of man 1 Tim. 2:13 - woman Matt. 19:4-6 - mdr Ex. 20:8-11 – Sabbath

18 Day-Age Theory An attempt to reconcile Genesis 1 & 2 with evolution States that the days were actually ages (perhaps billions of years) Appeals to 2 Pet. 3:8, “problems” with creation account and “day” in Hebrew can mean a period of time.

19 Day-Age Theory? Still contradicts the order of Genesis 1 with creation!

20 Day-Age Theory? “A day can mean an age” Gen. 1:5, “day” from Hebrew word, “yom” ( י ֥ וֹם) It can mean an era or period of time, BUT that is clearly borne out in the context (cf. Num. 13:20 – season, 1 Sam. 27:7 – time, etc.)

21 Day-Age Theory? “A day can mean an age” Whenever “yom” is used in connection with a number, it is always reference to a specific day (or days) cf. Exodus 20:8-11

22 Day-Age Theory? “A day can mean an age” Days of creation always in terms of literal days Ex. 31:15-17 “Morning and evening” - (Gen. 1:5, 8, etc.) appeals to 24 hour time

23 Day-Age Theory? “A day can mean an age” Question for advocates of day- age: IF Moses did want to say 6 literal days, would he have written it differently?

24 Day-Age Theory? What about 2 Peter 3:8 ? “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”

25 Day-Age Theory? What about 2 Peter 3:8 ? Argued that God does not reckon time as we do. Answer: TRUE. BUT what is the context? God’s patience.

26 Day-Age Theory? What about 2 Peter 3:8 ? Question: IF a day in Gen. 1 can mean a thousand years, why can we not say that God can do the work of 1000 years in a day?

27 Day-Age Theory? WHY does God need more than 1 day to create?WHY does God need more than 1 day to create? Psalm 33:6-9 Psalm 33:6-9 Isaiah 45:12, “I have made the earth, And created man on it. I—My hands—stretched out the heavens, And all their host I have commanded.” Isaiah 45:12, “I have made the earth, And created man on it. I—My hands—stretched out the heavens, And all their host I have commanded.”

28 Day-Age Theory? WHY does God need more than 1 day to create? IF Genesis 1 is not literal, how can we trust the rest of the Bible?

29 Day-Age Theory? WHAT is the motive of those who advance this doctrine? Is it to make the creation account less offensive to evolutionists? What is your intent?

30 Why limit the power of God?

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