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Unit Assessment: National 4 Added Value Unit This Unit has one Outcome: Apply skills and knowledge to investigate a topical issue in biology and its.

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2 Unit Assessment: National 4 Added Value Unit

3 This Unit has one Outcome: Apply skills and knowledge to investigate a topical issue in biology and its impact on the environment/society.  The issue should draw on one or more of the Units of the Course.  There are five Assessment Standards to meet to achieve the Outcome. National 4 Added Value Unit

4 National 4 Added Value Unit: Assessment Standards Assessment Standards 1.1Choosing, with justification, a relevant issue in biology 1.2Researching the issue 1.3Presenting appropriate information/data 1.4Explaining the impact, in terms of the biology involved 1.5Communicating the findings of the investigation

5 There are two stages to this assessment:  Stage1 - research stage - conducted under some supervision and control.  Stage 2 – communication stage – conducted under controlled conditions. The candidate selects, processes and presents their information/data from Stage 1.  The evidence produced does not need to be in the form of a report. National 4 Added Value Unit: Assessment conditions

6  Candidates only need to be re-assessed on the specific Assessment Standard(s) that has not been met.  The candidate can be re-assessed by re-drafting the evidence for that particular Assessment Standard. National 4 Added Value Unit: Re-assessment

7 National 4 Added Value Unit: Transfer of Evidence  Assessment Standards 2.2 and 2.3 can be overtaken as part of the Added Value Unit.  The report produced for a National 5 Assignment can be used to meet the Assessment Standards for the Added Value Unit but this must be internally assessed.

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