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MAKE IN INDIA. INTRODUCTION India has already marked its presence as one of the fastest growing economies of the world. It has been ranked among the top.

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2 INTRODUCTION India has already marked its presence as one of the fastest growing economies of the world. It has been ranked among the top 3 attractive destinations for inbound investments. The regulatory environment in terms of foreign investment has been consistently eased to make it investor-friendly. Shankarlal Jain & Associates Chartered Accountants Make In India

3 RECENT POLICY MEASURES FOR FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT  100% FDI allowed in the telecom sector.  100% FDI in single-brand retail.  FDI in commodity exchanges, stock exchanges & depositories, power exchanges, petroleum refining by PSUs, courier services under the government route has now been brought under the automatic route.  Removal of restriction in tea plantation sector.  FDI limit raised to 74% in credit information & 100% in asset reconstruction companies.  FDI limit of 26% in defence sector raised to 49% under Government approval route. Foreign Portfolio Investment up to 24% permitted under automatic route. FDI beyond 49% is also allowed on a case to case basis with the approval of Cabinet Committee on Security.  Construction, operation and maintenance of specified activities of Railway sector opened to 100% foreign direct investment under automatic route. For details on FDI Policy Shankarlal Jain & Associates Chartered Accountants Make In India

4 TAX EXEMPTIONS ELIGIBLE BUSINESS  An enterprise producing eligible articles or business of Hotels, Adventure sports, Medical Services and certain other eligible activities in North Eastern States  Development Special Economic Zone (SEZ)  SEZ unit engaged in manufacturing of product or eligible services  Undertaking engaged in processing bio-degradable waste for generating power or producing bio-fertilizers etc.  Income of Venture Capital co. & Capital fund and business trust from investment  Income of infrastructure debt fund  An enterprise carrying on the business of developing or operating and maintaining or developing, operating and maintaining infrastructure facility.  An undertaking which begins to generate or generate and distribute power or start transmission or distribution by laying a network or substantial renovation of such network before 31 st March, 2017. Shankarlal Jain & Associates Chartered Accounts Make In India

5 TAX EXEMPTIONS ELIGIBLE BUSINESS  An undertaking providing telecommunication services  In case of eligible housing project including redevelopment of slum area  Setting up and operating cold chain facility  Setting up & operating warehousing facility for storage of agricultural produce  An undertaking is engaged in laying and operating a cross country natural gas or crude or oil pipelines network for distribution chain facility.  Setting up 2 star or upper category of hotels  Operating and maintaining a hospital in rural area. - The hospital has at least 100 beds for patients  An undertaking is engaged in developing housing projects in scheme of Slum development approved by Central Government  Building and operating housing project under scheme for affordable housing framed by Government.  Production of fertilizers Shankarlal Jain & Associates Chartered Accountants Make In India

6 TAX EXEMPTIONS ELIGIBLE BUSINESS  Setting up and operating inland container depot or a container freight station  An undertaking is engaged in bee – keeping and production of honey  Setting up and operating warehousing facility for storage of sugar  Laying and operating a slurry pipeline for the transportation of iron ore  Setting up and operating a semi-conductor wafer fabrication manufacturing unit  Research & Development Expenditure Expenses incurred on approved in-house Research & Development by an industrial undertaking : 200 % on capital Expenditure. For details on Tax Exemptions Eligible Business Shankarlal Jain & Associates Chartered Accountants Make In India

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