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EULA Isabelle FAN Aihong MAT ALI Noraini NG Chi-keung Barry SHIEH Irene WU Xiandong YING Jun.

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Presentation on theme: "EULA Isabelle FAN Aihong MAT ALI Noraini NG Chi-keung Barry SHIEH Irene WU Xiandong YING Jun."— Presentation transcript:

1 EULA Isabelle FAN Aihong MAT ALI Noraini NG Chi-keung Barry SHIEH Irene WU Xiandong YING Jun

2 Goal: Become an effective learning organization to meet Urowne users’ evolving expectations  Ambitions to be world-class research university, top 5 in Asia Pacific  Promote innovative approaches to learning  Bold, innovative, agile

3  Align the library’s organizational culture with University’s ambition and strategic priorities  Build a culture of continuous learning  Facilitate staff engagement with change

4  Competency profiles that reflect library new roles established  Staff development plans created  Organizational structure for increased relevance and efficiency

5 Motivation Leadership to walk the talk Communicate, explain, communicate Recognition and incentives for staff willing to try new approaches and roles Hindrance That’s the way we’ve done it for years Shortage of mechanisms to appraise the ability of staff to perform against the expected competency level Inability to learn new skills (despite willingness)

6  Internal environmental scan  SWOT analysis  Promotion / Buy-in  Competency profiles  Staff Development Plan  Review and realign org structure  Assessment ??

7  Library staff: Involve all staff in the process and promote the plan as a way to further professional career / path  Students and faculty: Rename library positions to reflect students views and enhance engagement with users

8 University administrators: Staff are the university best asset; thus have to grow together with the organization Service partners (HR, ITS)  Leverage staff skills set to better incorporate technology in service delivery  Reduce staff attrition, talent management

9  Measuring the efficiency and impact of our professional development plan:  Do we serve our users better ?  Do we meet academic staff / student expectations ?  Is there any positive impact on student learning ? Assessment tools: - Appraise staff against competency profiles - Faculty and student surveys

10 Q & As

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