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Sanitary-hygiene requirements in the field of milk and dairy production Dr. Sabina Jotkova Town of Tsar Kaloian 19.10.2007.

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1 Sanitary-hygiene requirements in the field of milk and dairy production Dr. Sabina Jotkova Town of Tsar Kaloian 19.10.2007

2 Structure of presentation  From the farm to the fork  European legislation  Bulgarian legislation  State of the stock-breeding in the dairy sector  Problems with yield of qualitative milk  Future directions

3 From the farm to the fork  Control on the fodders and nutritios supplements for farm animals  Human attitude to the animals  Healthy animals - qualitative raw materials  GPP и HACCP in processing enterprises  Conception for traceability and system for fast warning

4 European legislation  EU Directive 93/43ЕЕС /hygiene of foodstuffs/ 1993. This document imparts legislative character to the system НАССР for development, introducing and regulating of control. In it are set down requirements of the Codex Alimentarius, but with it are accepted the principles of the НАССР system.  The EU white book for food security-2000г. In it is done analysis of food diseases and is indicated the responsibility of all participants in the food line (from the farm to the plate) for providing of food security.  Regulation 178/2002, which introduces the basic principles and requirements of the EU Law for Foods.  EU Directive 92/46ЕЕС, enacts “Sanitary-hygiene rules for production and market realization of raw milk, heat treated milk and dairy products” - 1992.  Regulation 852/2004/ЕС, regarding the common rules for foodstuffs enterprises, concerning the foodstuffs hygiene.  Regulation 853/2004/ЕС, regarding determination of the specific hygiene codes for animal origin foods.

5 Bulgarian legislation  Strategy for the milk stock-breeding and the raw milk quality improvement for the period 2006-2009  Law for support of farm producers  Law for veterinary-medical activity  Law for foods  Law for fodders  Law for stock-breeding  Ordinance No.44/20.04.2006 for the veterinary-medical requirements for the stock-breeding objects.  Ordinance No.51/20.04.2006 for the national reserve, individual milk quotas, purchasers and cow milk purchasing approval.  Ordinance No.61/09.05.2006 for the terms and rules for animals’ identification, stock-breeding objects registration and the access to the identified animals data base.  (project) ORDINANCE FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION, CONSERVATION AND TRANSPORTATION OF RAW COW MILK AND REQUIREMENTS FOR TRADE AND INTRODUCTION ON THE DAIRY PRODUCTS MARKET

6 Veterinary-medical requirements for extraction of raw milk  Raw milk is extracted from animals, free of infectious diseases, not treated with substances dangerous for the humans’ health, which are excreted through the milk.  Raw milk is extracted from farms, registered and controlled from the NVMS, which correspond to the zoo-hygiene and veterinary-medical requirements.  Milking is done with strict observing of hygiene requirements /washing, drying, test milking, placing of cups, disinfection of teats after milking/.  The staff, busy with extraction and and conservation of the raw milk, should have certified health licences, clean clothing and good personal hygiene.

7 Ветеринарно-санитарни изисквания при добив на сурово мляко-2  Rooms for milk conservation should be easy for cleaning and disinfection, with appropriate illumination, ventilation, isolation and protected against pests.  Devices for extraction and conservation of milk are liable to regular cleaning and disinfection.  The owner or the manager in the farm leads primary accounting.  Chemicals, disinfectors and medicines are kept separately in locked premises or cupboards.  Regular removal of the stable manure and the rest of wastes.

8 EXAMPLES of REQUIREMENTS according to REGULATIONS № 853/2004 CATEGORY Milk farm Transition timelinits TNMTNSCBUILDING FUND I groupup to 100,000/мlup to 400,000/млCovered requirements II group Start 2008 End 2009 from 300,000/мl to 100,000/мl up to 400,000/мl Covered requirements Till the 2007 end from 500,000/мl to 300,000/мl from 500,000/мl to 400,000/мl III group Till the 2007 end up to 500,000/мl Not met requirements

9 Requirements by ordinance № 44 to the milk-yielding farms  Stable buildings, constructed according to the normative requirements for protection and human attitude to the animals, having constant fence / 1.50 m high /, not allowing free access of people and animals, with entrance and checkpoint.  Presence of separate premises for animals from different technological groups.  Have equipment for yield and premises for conservation of milk till its delivery for processing  There are appropriate conditions for veterinary-medical service and for hospital treatment.  There are detached maternity boxes or provided maternity room.  There are premises and ground for open-air breeding of calves.

10 STATE OF STOCK-BREEDING IN DAIRY SECTOR – 1 jUNE 2007  Milch cows total number by:2005г.:350,000  Milk producers with quota for deliveries and direct sale total number: 96,572 INDICATORS CATEGORY 1 group 2 group 3 group Farms number 1,1451,353 ? Milch cows number 47,97028,779 Average number in farm 4221

11 Problems with qualitative milk yield  Antiquated, worn out technics/milking units, milk conservation coolers.  Insufficient staff erudition.  Bad selection of animals; low average productivity.  Not balanced feeding and inappropriate exploitation.  Poor demand of veterinary-medical services, frequent and incompetent use of veterinary-medical medicines from owners.  Building fund and breeding systems, not meeting the Ordinance №44 requirements.  Bad prevention, bad hygiene in premises and bad milking hygiene.  Lack of investments in innovations and modernizations in farms.  Bad management.  Insufficient motivation.

12 Future trends  Introducing of GFP concerning the use of pastures, utilization of stable manure, choice of appropriate breeding and milking systems  Modernization of building fund, adjacent premises, technics and equipment  Introducing of good hygiene practices in ПСМ-F  Investments in farms, allowing improvement of effectiveness, increasing of competitive power, adopting of know-how and use of consulting services.

13 Thank You for the attention !

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