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How do you create an introduction for an informational text?

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Presentation on theme: "How do you create an introduction for an informational text?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you create an introduction for an informational text?

2 In this lesson you will learn how to create an introduction for an informational text by hooking your reader and telling them what they will learn.

3 Let’s Review An informational text gives facts about a non-fiction topic. Introduction Introduction

4 Let’s Review Writing Process 1 Write Drafts Write Drafts Revise and Edit Revise and Edit Generate Ideas Generate Ideas 23

5 Let’s Review A Common Mistake Giving all the information up front. Settlers came, then Powhatans were mad. After, they were friends. Settlers came, then Powhatans were mad. After, they were friends. Is that the end? Is that the end?

6 Let’s Review Core Lesson Create a hook question to draw readers in. 1 2 Answer the hook question. 3 Explain what readers will learn in the text.

7 Let’s Review Core Lesson Create a hook question to draw readers in. 1 What do you know about Native Americans? What do you know about Native Americans? How would you feel if someone took over your home? How would you feel if someone took over your home? When do you think the Powhatans became friendly? When do you think the Powhatans became friendly?

8 Let’s Review Core Lesson 2 Answer the hook question. Introduction How would you feel if someone took over your home? Not very happy, right? Well, that’s just how the Powhatan tribe felt when Jamestown settlers came and took their land. Introduction How would you feel if someone took over your home? Not very happy, right? Well, that’s just how the Powhatan tribe felt when Jamestown settlers came and took their land. Hook Question Answer

9 Let’s Review Core Lesson 3 Explain what readers will learn in the text. What will my readers learn in the introduction? What will my readers learn in the introduction? Settlers claimed their land for themselves Settlers claimed their land for themselves Had a hard time adjusting to the land Had a hard time adjusting to the land Powhatans were mad at first, but then helped Powhatans were mad at first, but then helped

10 Let’s Review Core Lesson 3 Explain what readers will learn in the text. Introduction How would you feel if someone took over your home? Not very happy, right? Well, that’s just how the Powhatan tribe felt when Jamestown settles took their land. Although tensions were high at first, eventually the settlers and Native Americans worked together to live and work in peace. Hook Question Answer Information

11 Let’s Review Core Lesson Create a hook question to draw readers in. 1 2 Answer the hook question. 3 Explain what readers will learn in the text.

12 In this lesson you have learned how to create an introduction for an informational text by hooking your reader and telling them what they will learn.

13 Let’s Review Guided Practice Create a hook for and an introduction in your own informational text.

14 Let’s Review Extension Activities Pretend you are writing a text about Native American tribes. Choose a hook below and complete the introduction by adding an answer and an explanation to readers: 1.Did you know there are many native tribes across the Unites States? 2.Have you ever seen a teepee? 3.Why do you think Lakota tribes hunted buffalo?

15 Let’s Review Extension Activities Find a partner and take turns reading your introductions. Make a checklist like the one below to see if you have all the important parts: Hook question Answer the hook question Tell the readers what they will learn

16 Let’s Review Quick Quiz Create a hook for and an introduction in your own informational text.

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