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TFT LCD. What is TFT LCD –Flat Panel Display What is TFT LCD  TFT-LCD stands for Thin-Film Transistor Liquid- Crystal Display  It is an advanced display.

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Presentation on theme: "TFT LCD. What is TFT LCD –Flat Panel Display What is TFT LCD  TFT-LCD stands for Thin-Film Transistor Liquid- Crystal Display  It is an advanced display."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is TFT LCD –Flat Panel Display

3 What is TFT LCD  TFT-LCD stands for Thin-Film Transistor Liquid- Crystal Display  It is an advanced display system  “Liquid Crystals” are semi-solid substances that are sensitive to temperature and electricity.  Commonly used in  Digital watches, calculators, laptops, monitor, TV  Compared with conventional CRT display systems  Advantages  Light  Thin  Low power consumption  Disadvantages  Expensive for computer display  Display size is limited by manufacturing complexities

4 What is TFT-LCD TFT LCD Configuration

5 What is TFT LCD – What is TFT LCD – LCD Types  The Liquid Crystals themselves can not emit light, although they can control the amount of light passing through them. Two types of LCDs are available.  Transmissive  Contain their own fluorescent tube behind the LCD  Very commonly used for computer displays  Reflective :  Based on the reflection of external source of light  Commonly used in digital watches  Simpler and inexpensive

6 What is TFT-LCD – What is TFT-LCD – LCD Types  Transmissive type  Reflective type  Transflective type

7 What is TFT LCD – What is TFT LCD – Transmissive LCD  Rely entirely on Backlight for displaying image Good contrast Good color saturation High brightness High power consumption (Use of Backlight) Poor readability in bright environment e.g. under sunlight × 

8 What is TFT LCD – What is TFT LCD – Reflective TFT-LCD  Rely entirely on ambient light for displaying image Very low power consumption Compact Light weight Sunlight readable Poor readability in dark environment Low contrast Poor color saturation × 

9 What is TFT LCD –Transflective TFT-LCD What is TFT LCD – Transflective TFT-LCD Transmissive LCDReflective LCD Dark Environment ˇ × Bright Environment ס Combine together Transflective LCD Dark Environment ˇ Bright Environment ˇ  Good readability under any ambient light level !

10 What is TFT-LCD – working principle Electric field No Electric field

11 What is TFT LCD – working principle

12 What is TFT-LCD —Panel size evolution

13 How to produce a TFT-LCD  TFT-LCD Fabs – Size Matters  TFT-LCD Fabs come in a range of generations – from Generation 1 to Generation 7.5. The major difference between generations is the size of the mother glass. The larger the mother glass is, the larger the panel that can be produced. A Generation 7.5 mother glass, for example, is larger than a king size mattress at 195cm x 225 cm, and can optimally be cut into eight 42 or six 47(inch,diagonal) panels.

14 Applications Consumer product display Information Technology display Television display

15 TFT製程TFT製程 Thin Film Deposit Process Etch Process TFT Device Test Photo-lithography Process BM Deposit Photo Process Etch Process CF製程CF製程 RGBRGB RGB Coating RGB Developing Inspection RGB Patterning Alignment Layer Coat LC Alignment Process LC Filling Process TFT/CF Alignment LCD Panel Test LCD製程LCD製程 TFT LCD Process Array Process Cell Process Color Filter Back glass Front glass

16 TFT Manufacturing Process

17 Color Filter Manufacturing Process

18 Cell Manufacturing Process polyimide LC arrangement along rubbing direction

19 Targets applied in TFT-LCD manufacturingTarget Function Al electrode 、 conductive line Mo electrode 、 conductive line Cu Electrode 、 conductive line (next generation) Cr CF (black matrix) ITO CF and array electrode

20 Targets applied in TFT-LCD manufacturing  Array / Color Filter Mo/Al/Mo: electrode, conductive line Cr:BM ITO: electrode

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