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The CLIC project Brief overview of the CLIC machine and collaboration organisation Status: Feasibility studies and Conceptual Design Report (CDR) Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "The CLIC project Brief overview of the CLIC machine and collaboration organisation Status: Feasibility studies and Conceptual Design Report (CDR) Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 The CLIC project Brief overview of the CLIC machine and collaboration organisation Status: Feasibility studies and Conceptual Design Report (CDR) Physics Guidance, stages and energy ranges – the best possible machine Plans for 2012-16 and towards implementation Steinar Stapnes on behalf of the CLIC collaboration

2 The CLIC Layout ICHEP Paris, July 24, 20102D. Schulte

3 140  s train length - 24  24 sub-pulses 4.2 A - 2.4 GeV – 60 cm between bunches 240 ns 24 pulses – 101 A – 2.5 cm between bunches 240 ns 5.8  s Drive beam time structure - initial Drive beam time structure - final CLIC RF POWER SOURCE LAYOUT Drive Beam Accelerator efficient acceleration in fully loaded linac Power Extraction Drive Beam Decelerator Section (2  24 in total) Combiner Ring  3 Combiner Ring  4 pulse compression & frequency multiplication pulse compression & frequency multiplication Delay Loop  2 gap creation, pulse compression & frequency multiplication RF Transverse Deflectors CLIC Power Source Concept 3ICHEP Paris, July 24, 2010D. Schulte

4 Helsinki Institute of Physics (Finland) IAP (Russia) IAP NASU (Ukraine) IHEP (China) INFN / LNF (Italy) Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (Spain) IRFU / Saclay (France) Jefferson Lab (USA) John Adams Institute/Oxford (UK) Polytech. University of Catalonia (Spain) PSI (Switzerland) RAL (UK) RRCAT / Indore (India) SLAC (USA) Thrace University (Greece) Tsinghua University (China) University of Oslo (Norway) Uppsala University (Sweden) UCSC SCIPP (USA) ACAS (Australia) Aarhus University (Denmark) Ankara University (Turkey) Argonne National Laboratory (USA) Athens University (Greece) BINP (Russia) CERN CIEMAT (Spain) Cockcroft Institute (UK) ETHZurich (Switzerland) FNAL (USA) Gazi Universities (Turkey) John Adams Institute/RHUL (UK) JINR (Russia) Karlsruhe University (Germany) KEK (Japan) LAL / Orsay (France) LAPP / ESIA (France) NIKHEF/Amsterdam (Netherland) NCP (Pakistan) North-West. Univ. Illinois (USA) Patras University (Greece) The CLIC collaboration CLIC multi-lateral collaboration 41 Institutes from 21 countries

5 Structure of the project CLIC/CTF3 Collab. Board CLIC Steering Committee Repr. from accelerator and detector/physics management structures CLJC accelerator activities and management Detector/Physics activities and management Might interact with overall global LC consortium at some stage (CB and CSC) CB: Every 6 months, links to WP update and status to provide active feedback/discussion basis to collaborators

6 CLIC Detector Issues Detector requirements are close to those for ILC detectors First studies indicate that ILC performances are sufficient in many cases Adapt ILD and SID concepts for CLIC Close collaboration with validated ILC designs and work Differences to ILC Larger beam energy loss Time structure (0.5 ns vs. 738 ns) Higher background due to: Higher energy Smaller bunch spacing Other parameters are slightly modified Crossing angle of 20 mradian (ILC: 14 mradian) Larger beam pipe radius in CLIC (30mm) Denser and deeper calorimetry Linear Collider Detector study has been established at CERN beginning of 2009 (see 6

7 CLIC main parameters Centre-of-mass energy 500 GeV3 TeV Total (Peak 1%) luminosity2.3(1.4)·10 34 5.9(2.0)·10 34 Total site length (km)13.048.3 Loaded accel. gradient (MV/m)80100 Main linac RF frequency (GHz)12 Beam power/beam (MW)4.914 Bunch charge (10 9 e+/-)6.83.72 Bunch separation (ns)0.5 Beam pulse duration (ns)177156 Repetition rate (Hz)50 Hor./vert. norm. emitt (10 -6 /10 -9 )4.8/250.66/20 Hor./vert. IP beam size (nm)202 / 2.340 / 1 Hadronic events/crossing at IP0.192.7 Coherent pairs at IP1003.8 10 8 Wall plug to beam transfer eff4.1%5.0% Total power consumption (MW)240560

8 Feasibility issues (some examples in the following slides): Drive beam generation Beam driven RF power generation Accelerating Structures Two Beam Acceleration Ultra low emittances and beam sizes Alignment Vertical stabilization Operation and Machine Protection System CDRs: Vol 1: The CLIC accelerator and site facilities (H.Schmickler) CLIC concept with exploration over multi-TeV energy range up to 3 TeV Feasibility study of CLIC parameters optimized at 3 TeV (most demanding) Consider also 500 GeV, and intermediate energy ranges Vol 2: The CLIC physics and detectors (L.Linssen) Vol 3: CLIC study summary (S.Stapnes) Summary and input to the European Strategy process, including possible implementation stages for a CLIC machine as well as costing and cost-drives Proposing objectives and work plan of post CDR phase (2012-16) Timescales: By end 2011: Vol 1 and 2 completed Spring/mid 2012: Vol 3 ready for the European Strategy Open Meeting Feasibility studies and the CDR

9 Fully loaded acceleration RF to beam transfer: 95.3 % measured. No issues found with transverse wakes in structures. Operation is routinely with full loading Full commissioning of x 4 combiner ring Drive beam current stability at the end of the fully loaded linac : better than CLIC specification: 0.75 10 -3 1.2 us drive beam pulse Key CTF3 feasibility milestones: drive beam generation


11 Unloaded gradient at CLIC 4*10 -7 BDR and 180 ns pulse length T18 – strong tapering T18 – strong tapering (now with recirculation) T18 – strong tapering (CERN built) TD18 – waveguide damping T24 – high efficiency TD18 – waveguide damping T24 – high efficiency MV/m 1400 3900 550 1300 3200 280 600 conditioning time [hr] Interrupted by earthquake in Japan 1570

12 Generations of structures

13 Gradient, BDR and pulse length

14 December 14, 2010: Probe beam accelerated by 23 MV in a TD24 accelerating structure, corresponding to 106 MV/m, in a reproducible way. Meas. PETS power input to structure ~ 80 MW (~200 MW in the resonant loop) Drive beam: 12.5 A, 113 MV, 12 GHz in CLEX (1.5 GHz beam combined factor 8), 140 ns pulse length Probe beam: 0.08 A, 173 MV, 1.5 GHz, 8 ns pulse length 2010: Two-beam acceleration with a gradient of 106 MV/m

15 Two Beam Test Stand (TBST) results 2011  Well established two beam acceleration experiments  Calibration converging, structure correctly tuned  Interesting breakdown studies started 2011 : CTF3 TBTS running for full after winter shut-down. Gradients of 110 – 130 MV/m are routinely reached (20% above CLIC target). Very preliminary, RF parts in early conditioning phase Blue: all components, Orange: limited to structures

16 Experimental results on vertical nano stabilization Design, hardware and methods are being developed. Methods: Stabilization (mechanical filters), beam- based feedback and vibration sensor based feed-forward used No dynamic imperfections (but budget for static ones used fully) L = 120% (20% overhead for dynamic effects) CMS-based ground motion model (hall floor) L = 53% Plus transfer function of tested system L = 108% Plus transfer function of system that will be developed L = 118%

17 DR: comparison to other projects CLIC requirements close to new generation synchrotron light sources (Operation- Projects) CLIC 500 GeV similar as ILC and demonstrated in ATF/KEK (normalized emittance) CLIC 3 TeV similar as PEPX/SLAC project. Close collaboration with ATF/KEK (small emittances) and CESRTA/Cornell (electron clouds) Emittance conservation a challenges: For example, CLIC main linac design fulfills emittance requirements. Tight, but feasible component specification

18 18 Tunnel implementations (laser straight) Central Injector complex Central MDI & Interaction Region

19 Linear Collider Detector project @ CERN LCD: addressing physics and detectors at CLIC and ILC Current focus: Preparation of conceptual design report for CLIC detectors => developed into a truly international effort in 2010 Experimental issues for a CLIC experiment now well understood, and detector geometries for the CLIC benchmark studies were fixed Affiliation of CLIC CDR editors Beam test with a tungsten-based HCAL for linear collider, CALICE collaboration  

20 CLIC energy scans (for a single stage) Requirement from physics : vary the c.m. energy for a given CLIC machine. Main options : Early extraction lines : significant hardware modifications needed Reduce gradient : disadvantage: need to scale down bunch charge linearly with gradient for stability, leading to a significant luminosity loss (green) CLIC drive beam scheme: gradient can be reduced while increasing pulse length. A large fraction of the luminosity loss is recovered (black). Modifications to drive beam generation are minimal. Lower gradient can be achieved by switching of phase of incoming drive beam bunches : Drive beam energy after extraction

21 There are limits to the CLIC performance (luminosity) during an energy scan

22 What is the physics ? - some production cross-sections - One of many possible models for new physics SM physics, for example top studies should not be forgotten (not included in this plot) Or whatever your favorite model is …

23 CLIC energy staging 3 TeV Stage Linac 1Linac 2 InjectorComplex I.P. 3 km 20.8 km 3 km 48.2 km Linac 1Linac 2 InjectorComplex I.P. 7.0 km 1 TeV Stage 0.5 TeV Stage Linac 1Linac 2 InjectorComplex I.P. 4 km ~14 km 4 km ~20 km CLIC two-beam scheme compatible with energy staging to provide the optimal machine for a large energy range Lower energy machine can run most of the time during the construction of the next stage. Physics results will determine the energies of the stages. Optimization need to take into many account many others parameters: performance and luminosities at various energies, costs, construction and commissioning times, manufacturing/re-use/move of components, etc The drive beam setups can deal with various stages of the machine

24 CLIC implementation questions Many questions: Waiting for physics guidance: Current trend are increasing limits on squark/gluino masses (but loop holes exist) – and currently no information about other SUSY particles (can be much lighter in some models) or Higgs (Standard Model or several) – Any wiser after summer conferences ? – Benefits of running close to thresholds versus at highest energy, and distribution of luminosities as function of energy – We assume that we have to be sensitive from a light Higgs threshold (~200 GeV) to multi-TeV, in several stages What are the integrated luminosities needed and what it is the flexibility needed within a stage – Interested in looking in more detail for at least one model in order to make sure the machine implementation plan can cope with whatever will be needed – Complementarity with LHC a key What are reasonable commissioning and luminosity ramp up times ? – LHC will need 3 years to get to 50 fb -1 and collects ~50 fb-1/year at 10 34 (roughly) How would we in practice do the tunneling and productions/installation of parts in a multistage approach – Cheapest (overall) to do in one go but we don’t know final energy needed, and it is likely that we can make significant technical process before we get to stage 3 (or even 2?) – Timescales for getting into operation, and getting from one stage to another Answers are possible but must be found based on all available information at the time the project is launched

25 2011-2016 – Goal: Develop a project implementation plan for a Linear Collider : Addressing the key physics goals as emerging from the LHC data With a well-defined scope (i.e. technical implementation and operation model, energy and luminosity), cost and schedule With a solid technical basis for the key elements of the machine and detector Including the necessary preparation for siting the machine at CERN Within a project governance structure as defined with international partners After 2016 – Project Implementation phase: Including an initial project to lay the grounds for full construction (CLIC 0 – a significant part of the drive beam facility) Finalization of the CLIC technical design, taking into accoun the results of technical studies done in the previous phase, and final energy staging scenario based on the LHC Physics results, which should be fully available by the time Further industrialization and pre-series production of large series components with validation facilities CLIC next phases Final CLIC CDR and feasibility established European Strategy for Particle Physics @ CERN Council

26 The next steps – focusing points Define the scope, strategy and cost of the project implementation. Main input: The evolution of the physics findings at LHC and other relevant data Findings from the CDR and further studies, in particular concerning minimization of the technical risks, cost, power as well as the site implementation. A Governance Model as developed with partners. In order to achieve the overall goal for 2016 the follow four primary objectives for 2011—16 can defined: These are to be addressed by activities (studies, working groups, task forces) or work-packages (technical developments, prototyping and tests of single components or larger systems at various places) Define and keep an up-to-date optimized overall baseline design that can achieve the scope within a reasonable schedule, budget and risk. Beyond beam line design, the energy and luminosity of the machine, key studies will address stability and alignment, timing and phasing, stray fields and dynamic vacuum including collective effects. Other studies will address failure modes and operation issues. Indentify and carry out system tests and programs to address the key performance and operation goals and mitigate risks associated to the project implementation. The priorities are the measurements in: CTF3+, ATF and related to the CLIC Zero Injector addressing the issues of drivebeam stability, RF power generation and two beam acceleration, as we as the beam delivery system. (other system tests to be specified) (technical work-packages and studies addressing system performance parameters) Develop the technical design basis. i.e. move toward a technical design for crucial items of the machine and detectors, the MD interface, and the site. Priorities are the modulators/klystrons, module/structure development including testing facilities, and site studies. (technical work-packages providing input and interacting with all points above)

27 Summary table Full info (as of end May): ibId=10&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=1 34291 R. Corsini, CLIC Project Meeting 1 st June2011 TE NameMaterial [MCHF]Personnel [FTE years] General CLIC-001CLIC General 633 Project Implementation Civil Engineering & Services 0.812 Scope. Cost. Power Project Implementation Studies Beam Physics BPH-BASEIntegrated Baseline Design 4.3232 Beam physics and machine parameters BPH-LUMIIntegrated Dynamic Studies BPH-BCKGBackground BPH-POLPolarization BPH-MPMachine Protection & Operational Scenarios BPH-SRC EMain beam source, e- BPH-SRC PMain beam source, e+ BPH-DRDamping Rings BPH-RTMLRing-To-Main-Linac BPH-MLMain Linac - Two-Beam Acceleration BPH-BDSDeam Delivery System BPH-DRVDrive Beam Complex Beam & System Tests CTF3-001CTF3 Consolidation & Upgrades 45.5269 CTF3+ and CLIC zero, other system-tests CTF3-002Drive Beam phase feed-forward and feedbacks CTF3-003TBL+, X-band high power RF production & structure testing CTF3-004Two-Beam module string, test with beam CLIC0-001CLIC 0 drive-beam front end facility (includin Photoinjector option) BTS-001Accelerator Beam System Tests (ATF, Damping Rings, FACET,…) BTS-002Sources Beam System Tests Technical Systems CTC-001DR SC Wiggler 42.6314 Technical design and prototypes of critical components CTC-002Survey & Alignment CTC-003Quad Stability CTC-004Two-Beam module development CTC-005Warm Magnet Prototypes CTC-006Beam Instrumentation CTC-007Machine-Detector Interface (MDI) activities CTC-008Beam Disposal (post-collision line & dumps) CTC-011Controls CTC-012RF Systems (1 GHz klystrons & DB cavities, DR RF) CTC-013Powering (Modulators, magnet converters) CTC-014Vacuum Systems CTC-015Magnetic stray Fields Measurements CTC-016DR Exctraction System RF RF-DESIGNX-band Rf structure Design 40.0211 RF components and test- facilities RF-XPRODX-band Rf structure Production RF-XTESTINGX-band Rf structure High Power Testing RF-XTESTFACCreation and Operation of x-band High power Testing Facilities RF-R&DBasic High Gradient R&D & Outreach XTBA-FACCreation of an “In-House” TBA Production Facility RF-MISCMiscellaneous RF Total 139.11071 Present Status: Work-program organized in WPs covering from hardware (very straight- forward WPs) to working-groups (attempt to also describe as WPs) Description of work-packages in some detail done (see following example) Mainly top-down, but input from CERN groups and collaborators in several areas All past collaborators have expressed interest to continue New collaborators have been contacted and are getting involved (in Germany, US, Russia, Belarus, UK, Spain...) Material and personnel profiles over 2012-2016 are reasonable agreement with expected resources Some cuts in material budget already implemented Still need a 20-30% reduction Expect to converge by end of 2011 – plan collaboration workshop in November as an important event towards final plan

28 RF structures & High-power tests Basic feasibility  ~ OK (for both accelerating structures & PETS) Goals for the next phase (2011-2016): Implement full features (damping material, wake-field monitors, vacuum, cooling, PETS on-off …) Increase statistics, long-term running Optimization of fabrication techniques for cost/performance Start industrialization/large-series production Explore potential for further improvements PETS @ASTA - SLAC, klystron powered PETS @ CTF3 – TBTS, beam powered BDR <1.2 x 10 -7 /pulse/PETS R. Corsini, CLIC Project Meeting 1 st June2011

29 Example of activity: X-band Rf structure production


31 Summary CDR underway and good progress on feasibility issues Increased focus on ensuring the machine can be adapted to running a several energies and be implemented in stages to provide physics as quickly and efficiently as possible Plans 2011-2016 formulated towards implementation plan – resources situation reasonable thanks to collaborative efforts CLIC organization adapted to new phase, being implemented now

32 Combined ILC/CLIC working groups + General issues groups for accelerator, chairs M. Harrison (ILC)/P. Lebrun (CLIC )

33 Preliminary

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