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EQuality: Continuous Process Improvement for eLearning Quality Dr. Richard Schilke Associate Dean, Virtual College Florida State College at Jacksonville.

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Presentation on theme: "EQuality: Continuous Process Improvement for eLearning Quality Dr. Richard Schilke Associate Dean, Virtual College Florida State College at Jacksonville."— Presentation transcript:

1 eQuality: Continuous Process Improvement for eLearning Quality Dr. Richard Schilke Associate Dean, Virtual College Florida State College at Jacksonville

2 Our Quality Goal Student Success While Meeting College Requirements (Success, Rigor, and Integrity)

3 eQuality Model

4 Point of Contact Dr. Richard Schilke 904-357-8933

5 Quality Matters Broward College, Lisa Ciardulli Yaping Gao, Dist. Director of Instructional Design,, 954-201-6360

6 Broward College FDLC 11-09 @ Broward College QM Membership in June 2008 “Train-the-Trainer” QM Training: District Director of Instructional Design e-Learning Faculty Associates (22) Resulted in 6 QM-Certified Peer Reviewers QM + BC standards = BC Quality Standards for e-Learning Course Design New Faculty Professional Development: New Faculty - “Building Quality Online Courses” Existing e-Learning Faculty - “Already Teaching Online? Quality Really Matters!”

7 QM Plan Going Forward Broward College FDLC 11-09 7 ALL New Courses: Commissioned (BC Certification – must meet all 40 standards) Non-commissioned (must meet 30 required standards) Existing Courses, over time: Commission Redesign (25 this year) Voluntary Improvement (Certificate, Video Camera, Potential Candidate as eAssociate, recognition on website)

8 Faculty Recognition - Webpage 8

9 How the Process Works Faculty speaks to associate dean about developing (for commissioned, all deans agree) Faculty takes required PD training e-Learning sends course development agreement to be signed eAssociate is assigned to mentor faculty throughout the entire development process Mid-term & final review w/ faculty, eAssociate, Assoc. Dean and Instructional Designer Approval Continued assistance, as needed Broward College FDLC 11-09 9

10 eAssociates Are Key to Success Built-in group for vetting of new ideas and technologies – including Quality Matters Faculty buy-in Legitimacy of faculty working w/ faculty –more personal and more relevant –easier to facilitate – some on every campus –decreased learning curve over hiring new staff Sharing of best practices – eAssociates and faculty Broward College FDLC 11-09 10

11 Results of Implementation Higher quality courses Increased student success rates in online courses (up 5% in past four years) Master Courses for sharing Increased number of online courses/programs Increased number of technology skilled faculty Community building among faculty Able to maintain academic freedom without losing out on quality Broward College FDLC 11-09 11

12 Overall Course Benefits of QM Alignment of assessments with learning outcomes Improved course design - better navigation and directions Increased use of grading rubrics Increased use of discussion boards More group projects/cooperative learning More varied learning activities More diverse assessments More higher order/critical thinking skills More student engagement and interaction Creative use of new technologies and multimedia Broward College FDLC 11-09 12

13 Sample Course Broward College FDLC 11-09 13

14 Broward College FDLC 11-09 14

15 FDLC November 2009 Meeting Quality Matters at MDC Developing standards Faculty buy-in Training Roll out Ruth Ann Balla, Executive Director Virtual College, MDC

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