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MHA June 11, 2009 Irene Mueller, EdD, RHIA
MS Procedural Coding MHA June 11, 2009 Irene Mueller, EdD, RHIA
Objectives 2nd hour – Coding Common MS Tx Resources ICD-9-CM
CPT coding Resources
MS Procedure Coding Procedures ICD-9-CM CPT
Bone Bx ICD-9-CM CPT 77.40-49 Bone Bx OR 41.31 Aspiration bone marrow
Bone biopsy Bone marrow aspiration performed alone 38220 Bone marrow biopsy is performed 38221 (bone marrow biopsy) cannot report with CPT code (bone biopsy) 38220 and reported together If two procedures performed at separate sites or at separate encounters Separate sites = different bones OR 2 skin incisions over same bone 38221 and performed at same site through same incision Only CPT is reported
Myelography ICD-9-CM CPT Brain 70010 Spine 87.21 Myelography
Cervical 72240 Lumbosacral 72265 Thoracic 72255 Total 72270
Arthrocentesis CPT ICD 81.91 Arthrocentesis Arthrocentesis
includes: Joint aspiration excludes: for arthrography (88.32) bx of joint structure ( ) for injection of drug (81.92) CPT Arthrocentesis Intermediate Joint 20605 Large Joint 20610 Small Joint 20600
Fracture Reduction Type of fx doesn’t always correspond to type of tx
ICD-9-CM - determine Open/closed (Remember open = MUST connect w fx site) Internal fixation used? Bone involved, part of bone Open reduction 79.6x Add’l code for debridement Extremities only Debridement included in open fx reductions of Skull, nasal, orbital, other facial, vertebral bones
CPT Fracture Mgt Many more specific fx proc codes than ICD Pinning
Closed tx w/ manipulation (reduction) w/o manipulation w/ or w/o skeletal traction Open tx (fx site is surgically opened/exposed) Percutaneous Skeletal Fixation External fixation (removal included in global pkge) Internal Fixation (ORIF) Application/Removal of initial cast/splint Normal, uncomplicated Follow up
Internal Fixation ICD-9-CM CPT 78.5.x w/out fx reduction
Fx w/good alignment IF device reinserted – displaced/broken IF with bone grafts, shortening/lengthening bone, Int. Fix. is INCLUDED in those codes CPT Ex: ORIF of left mandibular fx LT
External Fixation ICD-9-CM No reduction
Reduction w/ External fixator device add’l code Type of device – add’l code Monoplanar – 84.71 Ring system – 84.72 Hybrid system (both of above) – 84.73 No reduction 93.4x – traction 93.5x – Other immobilization, etc. 97.88 – Removal of these devices Mini-fixator 78.1 Application – add’l code to any fx reduction 78.6 Removal
CPT External fixation 20692 - Add’l code, unless ext. fix included
Ex: Closed tx of femoral shaft fx with manipulation and external fixation system application 27502, Ex: Closed tx of tibial fx w/manipulation, application of cast, partial skin debridement of fx site 27752, 11040
Open Fx Debridement ICD-9-CM CPT 79.6X Debridement of open fracture
Used instead of 86.22, Excisional debridement of wound, infection, or burn CPT 11010, and 11012 Differ by extent of debridement Must meet open fx definition
Amputation Procedures
Disarticulation OR Cutting thru bone ICD-9-CM 84.xx 3rd digit = upper/lower limb 4th digit = portion of limb AND type of amputation 84.3 Revision of stump 84.1x – Revision of current traumatic amputation BKA = 84.15, AKA = 84.17 If BKA converted to AKA, code just the AKA Metatarsal = toe amputation Transmetatarsal = foot amputation
Dislocations ICD-9-CM CPT Associated w/reduction of fx Not assoc. w/fx
Dislocation reduction incl. in fx reduction code Not assoc. w/fx 79.7x Closed reduction 79.8x Open reduction CPT Body part Open Acute/chronic Internal Fixation or not Closed w/wout Manipulation w/wout Anesthesia Application and removal of first cast or traction included in these codes
Casts and Strapping ICD-9-CM and CPT When performed in ED setting
Application included in reduction code Reported when cast/splint is Replacement procedure Initial service w/out restorative tx When performed in ED setting for comfort and stabilization patient is to follow-up with another physician for definitive treatment only splinting, strapping or casting service is reported Do NOT assign a CPT code for fracture treatment without manipulation.
Sprain/Strain Surgery
CPT Codes often include graft harvesting Ligament, Repair Knee Joint Knee, Reconstruction Ligament Knee, Repair Ligament Collateral 27405 Collateral and Cruciate 27409 Cruciate 27407 – 27409 Arthroscopic (not in Index here) ICD-9-CM Repair Ligament (see also Arthroplasty) 81.96 collateral, knee NEC 81.46 cruciate, knee NEC 81.45 Reconstruction > Construction and repair Knee (joint) NEC 81.47 Collateral ligaments 81.46 Cruciate ligaments 81.45 Five-in-one 81.42 Triad 81.43
Bunion Surgery ICD-9-CM Bunionectomy (radical) 77.59 with
Arthrodesis 77.52 Osteotomy of first metatarsal 77.51 Resection of joint with prosthetic implant 77.59 Soft tissue correction NEC 77.53
CPT Bunionectomy Codes
Hallux valgus repair codes Bunion Repair Chevron Procedure 28296 Concentric Procedure 28296 Joplin Procedure 28294 Keller Procedure 28292 Lapidus Procedure 28297 Mayo Procedure 28292 McBride Procedure 28292 Mitchell Procedure 28296 Silver Procedure 28290 with Implant 28293
Bunion Surgery Examples
Austin Bunionectomy and Reverse Austin Bunionectomy 28296 Hallux valgus (bunion) correction, w/ or w/out sesamoidectomy; with metatarsalosteotomy (eg, Mitchell, Chevron, or concentric type procedures). Distal modified McBride bunionectomy, correction of angular deformity of the first metatarsal w/ proximal osteotomy 28292, Correction, hallux valgus (bunion), w/ or w/out sesamoidectomy; Keller, McBride, or Mayo type procedure, , Osteotomy, w/ or w/out lengthening, shortening or angular correction, metatarsal; first metatarsal, reported with modifier 59 because this code describes the proximal metatarsal osteotomy performed at another site on the metatarsal (usually requiring a separate incision)
Bursitis Procedures ICD-9-CM CPT 83.03 Bursotomy
includes: Removal of calcareous deposit of bursa excludes: aspiration of bursa (percutaneous) (83.94) 83.5 Bursectomy (incl. debridement of bursa) 83.96 Injection bursa (therapeutic agent) CPT Many more codes than CPT Bursa, Bursocentesis, I&D, etc.
Arthroscopy ICD CPT Converted to open, code only open w/ V64.43
CPT Dx – visualization and synovial Bx ONLY 29870 (separate procedure) Surgical – anything else done Includes dx # of compartments important for some codes
Decompression of Medial Nerve (CTS)
ICD-9-CM 04.43 Release of carpal tunnel (Decompression = main term) CPT Carpal Tunnel Injection Therapeutic 20526 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Decompression 64721 Arthroscopic 29848
Arthroplasty (Joint Replacement)
ICD-9-CM coding Based on joint and total/partial replacement 81.5x = lower extremity joints 81.8x = upper extremity joints Add’l Codes Hip replacement – type of bearing surface 00.74 metal on polyethylene 00.75 metal on metal 00.76 ceramic on ceramic Bone-growth stimulator – add’l code 78.9x Bilateral replacement – code assigned X 2
Arthroplasty (Joint Replacement)
CPT coding 27125 Hemiarthroplasty, hip, partial (eg, femoral stem prosthesis, bipolar arthroplasty) notices: For prosthetic replacement following fracture of the hip, use 27236 27130 Arthroplasty, acetabular and proximal femoral prosthetic replacement (total hip arthroplasty), with or without autograft or allograft 27132 Conversion of previous hip surgery to total hip arthroplasty, with or without autograft or allograft 27134 Revision of total hip arthroplasty; both components, with or without autograft or allograft acetabular component only, with or without autograft or allograft femoral component only, with or without allograft
Prosthesis replacement
Due to infection ICD-9-CM coding (Dx) 1st admission 996.66, 80.0x Infection must be cleared (1-2 months) 2nd admission 736.x (Acquired deformity) Joint revision code
Joint Replacement Revision
Adjust or remove and replace ICD-9-CM coding Includes removal of component(s) 81.53 hip component NOS (hip components) add’l code 81.54 knee component NOS (knee components) add’l code 84.57 removal of joint spacer (cement) add’l code 81.59, joint revision NEC (upper/lower extremities) 00.74 – add’l code (if known) V43.6 Joint replacement status, if significant for pt care
Joint Replacement Revision
CPT Coding 27134 Revision of total hip arthroplasty; both components, with or without autograft or allograft acetabular component only, with or without autograft or allograft femoral component only, with or without allograft Many other joint arthroplasties in CPT
Bone Ca Surgery Usual tx – current surgical techniques allow 9 out of 10 pts w/bone cancer in arm/leg to keep limb ICD-9-CM Excision, lesion, bone (no distinction for type) CPT Inconsistent Index Tumor, Excision, Bone, Malignant Go to specific bone Tumor (usu. Means ca), Radical, etc.
CPT Spine Procedures Distinguish bet. Spinal segments from interspaces
T1 = one vertebra/one segment T1-T2 = one interspace OR two segments Bone grafts – sep. codes Only one code per operation, even if more than one level Instrumentation procedures – sep. codes Arthrodesis procedures – sep. codes -62 modifier for 2 surgeons
CPT Spine Osteotomy Anterior/Posterior approach
Osteotomy code includes Corpectomy, discectomy, laminectomy
Spinal Fusion 3 basic approaches
Anterior, posterior, lateral transverse ICD-9-CM coding Anterior ( ) Incision of neck/abdomen Front of vertebrae (anterior annulus) Posterior (81.03 – 81.38) Incision of back, directly over vertebrae Lateral Transverse (81.07, 81.37) Incision of side Lamina approach Add’l Codes Insertion of interbody fusion device – 81.51 Bak cage, ray-threaded fusion cage, synthetic cage, spacer, bone dowels Number of fused discs 81.62 – 2-3 81.63 – 4-8 81.64 – 9+
360° Spinal Fusion Both anterior & posterior portions
Single incision (usually lateral) 1st – fusion or refusion procedure 2nd – ALIF, PLIF, OR TLIF Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion 81.06, 81.36 Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion 81.08, 81.38 Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion
Refusion of Spine Pseudoarthrosis
False joint due to inadequate immobilization of fx bone Greater original fusion, more likely pseudoarthosis will occur, need refusion 81.34, 81.35, 81.36, = Refusion Various sites, various approaches
Kyphoplasty for Compression fxs
Kyphoplasty – reestablish vertebral height Uses inflatable balloon to gain height Injection of Polymethylmethacrylate to stabilize ICD-9-CM CPT 22523 Percutaneous vertebral augmentation, including cavity creation (fracture reduction and bone biopsy included when performed) using mechanical device, one vertebral body, unilateral or bilateral cannulation (eg, kyphoplasty); thoracic 22524 lumbar 22525 each add’l thoracic or lumbar vertebral body (List separately in addition to code for primary procedure)
Vertebroplasty for Compression fxs
Stabilize/strengthen bone Insertion of cement (glue) into body Polymethylmethacrylate NO balloon ICD-9-CM – 81.65 CPT 22520 Percutaneous vertebroplasty, one vertebral body, unilateral or bilateral injection; thoracic 22521 lumbar 22522 each additional thoracic or lumbar vertebral body Add’l code for fluoroscopic/CT guidance
Spinal Disc Prostheses
ICD-9-CM Coding Type of prosthesis – total/partial Spinal segment Cervical – 84.61, 84.62 Thoracic – (total/partial – same code) Lumbarsacral – 84.64, 84.65 No location – 84.60 Revision/replacement – Synchronous insertion of new prosthesis
CPT Spine procedure Examples
Arthodesis of T1-T3; autograft from ribs Dual rods inserted w/multiple hooks/wires 22610, 22614, – 3 fusions rods 20936 – autograft Surgical repair of L1-2 and L3-L4 by 2 surgeons (distinct parts of procedure) (reported by each surgeon) (reported by each surgeon)
Answers to Dx Coding Exercises
Primary osteoarthritis of hip (Localized NOT documented) Admitted for removal of internal fixation nail that has protruded into surrounding tissue, causing pain Main term? Complication, mechanical Type of care? NOT routine follow-up Code?
Answers to Dx Coding Exercises
Compound fracture, shaft of radius and ulna, due to tackle in football game 813.93, E886.0, E849.4 Aftercare for fracture of L4 vertebra V54.17 Cervical strain due to MVA, 2ndary to loss of control and collision w/tree. Pt was restrained driver. 847.0, E816.0 (tree off highway) OR E815.0 (fallen tree on hwy) Derangement of knee due to fall from ladder while working on house 836.2, E881.0, E849.0
Homework View ORlive Previous webcasts
Browse by specialty Orthopaedics April 7, Spotlight on Beth Israel Orthopedics, New York City Need Adobe Flash Player Code the 4 operations Dx? Procedures – ICD and CPT
Questions ? ? ? Thank You !
Resources (Books) Brown, F. ICD-9-CM Coding Handbook with Answers, AHA Press. Frazier, M. S. & Drzymkowski, J. W. Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions, 4th ed., Saunders, 2009 Green, M. A Code It! 2nd ed Delmar. Moisio M. A. & E. W. Moisio, Understanding Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests, Delmar, 1998 (2nd ed? later) Scott, A. S. & Fong, E. Body Structures and Functions, 11th ed., Delmar, 2009
Resources (Videos) ORlive
Laminectomy Back Surgery Video. Spine-Health. Microdiscectomy: Lumbar Microdecompression Spine Surgery Video. Spine-Health.
Resources (Videos) Minimally Invasive Discectomy. ORLive.
Pediatric Spinal fusion to correct scoliosis. ORLive. (via NLM link) Spine Fusion Surgery Video. Spine-Health.
Resources (Websites) Acute vs. Chronic Pain. Cleveland Clinic.
A Guided Tour of the Visible Human Bone scan. Mayo Clinic. Bunionectomy. Clinical Policy Bulletin: Aetna. Bursitis and Tendinitis; Questions and Answers. National Institute of Arthritis and MS and Skin Diseases. April 2007.
Resources (Websites) Drugs of Abuse, Chapter 1 The Controlled Substance Act. Drug Enforcement Administration, US DoJ. Feinberg, S. D. MD. Medications and Chronic Pain, 2007 Supplement. American Chronic Pain Association. Hallux Valgus (Bunion Deformity). Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction. Mercy Hospital, Baltimore, MD.
Resources (Websites) Myelography. American Society of Radiologic Technologists. Osteosarcoma Overview. American Cancer Society. Planes of Section. A Guided Tour of the Visible Human Rheumatoid Arthritis: Treatment options. Arthritis Foundation. Staging: Questions and Answers WebMD.
Resources (X-plain modules)
Carpal Tunnel Release – Open. X-plain module. Patient Education Institute, Nat’l Library of Medicine Myelogram. X-plain module. Patient Education Institute, Nat’l Library of Medicine
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