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 Took thousands of years to complete.  People were farmers with large families.  Isolated from other people.  Children were schooled at home or in.

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Presentation on theme: " Took thousands of years to complete.  People were farmers with large families.  Isolated from other people.  Children were schooled at home or in."— Presentation transcript:


2  Took thousands of years to complete.  People were farmers with large families.  Isolated from other people.  Children were schooled at home or in a one room schoolhouse.

3  Took 300 years to rise.  People moved to cities to work in factories.  Smaller families.  People were less isolated.  Invention of machines.  Lasted 300 years.

4 Invention of the telephone and telegraph. The introduction of the radio and then television. There are not as many factories. Personal computers The World Wide Web Cellular Phones

5  Smart Phones  Wireless internet  Satellite Radio  Social Networking  Access most current news using the Internet.  Telecommunicating- more people are working from home using the computer.

6 Toffler’s Wave Theory. (2010). Laureate Education, Inc. Thornburg, D. (2010). The Next Wave, Part 1. Laureate Education, Inc

7 1900 – 1910  1912 x-ray was discovered  1913 invention of the zipper  1915 first airplane was built 1910-1920  1911 air conditioner was invented  1915 Long distance radio and telephone developed by ATT 1920-1930  1921 the first robot was built  1923 the traffic signal invented  1927 invents a complete electronic TV system.  1927 Technicolor invented. 1930-1940  1933 FM radio invented  1934 first tape recorder invented  1937 photocopier invented  1939 first successful helicopter 1940-1950  1941 first computer that uses software  1942 built the first electronic digital computer.  1944 The kidney dialysis machine invented  1950-1960  1951 first credit card  1952 build the hydrogen bomb  1958 computer modem invented

8 1960-1970  1962 audio cassette invented  1962 first video computer game developed  1963 video disk invented  1968 computer mouse 1970-1980  1971 Floppy disk invented  1971 microprocessor invented  1971 VCR invented  1972 word processor invented  1973 first cell phone call  1977 first personal computer sold 1980-1990  1981 MS –Dos invented  1984 Apple Macintosh invented  1985 Windows program by Microsoft  1989 HD television 1990 -2000  1990 The World Wide Web and Internet protocol (HTTP) and WWW language (HTM) were created  1991 digital answering machine invented 2000 – 2010  2001 artificial heart  2002 solar tower  You tube web site

9    

10 1900-1910  1905 most states had passed a minimum age law to protect children 1910-1920  1913 Department of Labor is established.  1919 Four million workers strike. 1920-1930  1922 coal miners in Illinois formed a strike and 36 miners were killed  1929 the stock market crashes.  1930-1940  1932 Wisconsin enacts the nation's first unemployment insurance law.  1933 - 18,000 cotton workers went on strike in Pixley, California  1934 - 5000 men go out in a strike that established the Teamsters Union.

11 1940 - 1950  1941 Henry Ford recognizes the UAW union  1942 National War Labor Board  1946 A national railway strike stops all trains.  1949 Child labor is finally prohibited 1950-1960  1951 UAW president Walter Reuther elected president of CIO  1959 Longest steel strike in U.S. history, shut down 90% of US steel production for 116 days. 1960-1970  1963 Equal Pay Act  1964 Civil Rights Act bans discrimination in the workplace.  1968 The Age Discrimination in Employment Act makes it illegal to discriminate against people 40 to 65 years old 1970-1980  1971 April 28, Occupational Safety and Health Act

12 1980 - 1990  Minimum wage is $ 3.75  Technology stocks made the economy boom.  Construction industry grew  Many job losses in manufacturing 1990- 2010  Mortgage industry collapses  Federal bail outs  Housing industry drops  Unemployment rate climbs  Inflation increases


14 1900 – 1910  1901 Dewey published books about his Functional Theories and progressive education  1906 Thorndike’s reward but not punishment system 1910 – 1920  1910 Gestalt Psychology influences the Progressive Movement.  1913 Thorndike‘s Connectionism or Learning became the leading educational psychology. 1920 – 1930  1922 Dewey publishes Human Nature and Conduct describing the interaction of the individual and his end  Maria Montessori develops methods still in use, teaching very young children evironment  1920Piaget cognitivism theory  1930 – 1940  1930 Guthrie's Contigunity Theory of learning is presented  1931 Morrison mastery learning  1932 Bartlette constructivist theory  1938 Skinner publishes Behavior of Organisms that repopularizes behaviorist classroom models

15 1940 – 1950  1949 1949 Ralph Tyler publishes Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction 1950 - 1960  1956 Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy of Learning 1960 – 1970  1963 Keller Plan  1964 Individual Prescribed Instruction developed by Learning Research and Development Center Pa.  70’s –Criterion Referenced Instruction (CRI) is introduced by Robert Mager 1980 – 1990  E.D. HIRSCH Cultural Literacy  1983 Howard Gardner publishes Multiple Intelligences 1990 – 2000  1991 Spiro Schema Theory  1991 Bertier Connectionism Theory  1992 Dede multimedia  Outcome Based Education 2000 – 2010  Electronic Learning  Accountability

16 e Basics of Cognitivism Saettler, P. (2004). The Evolution of American Educational Technology. Greenwich, CT:

17 1900 1910  1901 First radio transmission by Marconi  1902 Air Conditioner invented  1903 Orville Wright flies 120 feet 1910 – 1920  1913 Refrigerator  1914 Federal Trade Commission formed  1914-1920 World War 1  Women get the right to vote 1920 – 1930  1927 television invented  1928 Penicillin, the first antibiotic  1929 Black Thursday stock market crashes 1930 – 1940 1932-1939 Roosevelt’s New Deal

18 1940 – 1950  1940 – 1948 WW11  1942 More than 120,000 Japanese living in western U.S. moved to relocation centers 1950 – 1960  1950 mass production of computers  1950 first organ transplant  Average salary 2992 a year  60% of families own their own home 1960 – 1970  1961 The Berlin wall was built  1963 President Kennedy was Assassinated  1963 Martin l. King I have a Dream speech  1964 Beatles 1970 – 1980  1970 floppy disk are introduced  1972 Watergate scandal  1973 Vice President resigns  1975 Microsoft founded

19 1980 – 1990  1981 Aids is identified  1981 personal computers are introduced by IBM  1989 Berlin wall comes down 1990 – 2000  1992 riots in Los Angeles over Rodney King  1993 World Trade center bombing  1997 scientists clone sheep 2000 -2010  2001 World Trade Center bombed  2005 hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans  2008 Republican VP hopeful Sarah Palin:  2009 unemployment reaches over 10%

20 ntieth_3.htm

21 1900 – 1910  1901 President Mc Kinley is assassinated  1906 President Roosevelt simplifies spelling  1907 Ten Rules of War Established at the Second Hague Peace Conference 1910 – 1920  1914 personal income tax is introduced  1917 U.S. enters World War 1  1919 Treaty of Versailles Ends World War I 1920 – 1930  1920 Probation begins  1920 Women are granted the right to vote  1923 Teapot Dome scandal  1924 J.Edgar Hoover appointed head of FBI 1930 – 1940  1933 Adolf Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany  1933 assassination attempt on FDR  1933 probation ends

22 1940 – 1950  1941 Japanese attack Pearl Harbor  1942 Japanese Americans are held in detention camps  1942 FDR dies  1945 Hitler commits suicide  1945 UN founded  1949 NATO established 1950 – 1960  1950 Korean War begins  1951 Truman Signs Peace Treaty With Japan, Officially Ending WWII  1954 Segregation Ruled Illegal in U.S.  1955 Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Bus

23 1960  1960 first televised Presidential debates  1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion  1963 JFK Assassinated  1964 Civil Rights Act Passes in U.S.  1965 Troops are sent to Vietnam  1968 Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated 1970  1972 Watergate scandal  1973 U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam  1973 U.S. Vice President Resigns  1974 U.S. President Nixon Resigns

24 1980  1981 Assassination Attempt on U.S. President Reagan  1981 First Woman Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court  Reagan Announces Defense Plan Called Star Wars 1990  1991 Operation Desert Storm begins  1992 Official End of the Cold War 2000- 2010  2001 Bush was sworn in as president  2001 terrorists attack Twin Towers  2002 Bush adds Homeland Security to cabinet  2003 War against Iraq  2004 Bush is reelected president  2009 first African American president elected


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