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Dr Tansy Jessop SEED Research Meeting 14 February 201 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Tansy Jessop SEED Research Meeting 14 February 201 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Tansy Jessop SEED Research Meeting 14 February 201 4

2  Students engaging with educational development and quality enhancement  Engagement in educational evaluation  Engagement in enhancement research  Engagement as change agents  Engagement in curriculum redesign Issues: how to involve students in the improvement of courses and teaching; how to set up partnerships between staff and students

3 Student Fellow Scheme: 54 Student Fellows, 30 projects Internal and externally funded L&T projects Faculty priority research & enhancement Institutional priority research and enhancement Student Union research and enhancement Professional Services research – IT, QA, Library, Student services Individual academic /student research

4  How much of the activity is to do with educational development?  How do we define educational development?  How broadly do we define educational development?  “a term that tends to be reserved for the activity undertaken by those staff who specialise in enhancing learning and teaching” Leadership Foundation

5 Students doing research/evaluation/enhancement of learning and teaching:  with staff  for staff  on staff-led projects  on student-led projects  with the student union  for the faculty

6  Informants  Representatives  Participants  Researchers  Specialists  Student ‘voice’, student ‘ears’, student ‘minds’  Innovators  Influencers

7 Develop research profile Engage students more in seminars Learn research skills for FYP Learn to blog and produce public material Research/ evaluation Enhancement Staff driver Student drivers

8 Deepen evidence base beyond NSS scores Improve A&F Provide student voice data, contribute to evidence base Learn more and achieve better through A&F Research/ evaluation Enhancement Staff driver Student drivers

9 Deepen understanding of employability data and issues in certain disciplines Develop package linked to disciplines to help students ‘ employability prospects Find out how to get a job, more about context, employment stats, skill sets and opportunities Re-purpose package in appealing and accessible language and format for fellow students Research/ evaluation Enhancement Staff driver Student drivers

10 Publish and disseminate innovation and findings Improve innovation based on student ‘voice’ evidence Develop research skills and co-publish with staff Refine innovation based on evidence for future students Research/ evaluation Enhancement Staff driver Student drivers

11 Actors: Main and supporting roles InformantsMethodsContentBeneficiaries/ Audience Purpose Liz B, Psychology 2 nd year Students, secondary data from websites, experts in the field Interviews, focus groups, website scans Setting up social media platform to help students transition from A-level to 1 st year 1 st year students; Psychology programme To improve the entry student experience and create a climate of belonging for them

12  RKE Conference: April  L&T day : 2 June  SEDA Conference: May in Newcastle  HEA Change Academy on Curriculum  SEED Online Journal: to be launched in June  Other journals?

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