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Selected productions Serious Games Interactive 2006-2010 © Getting Serious With Games Mærsk, 19th November ‘10 Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, PhD CEO, founder.

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Presentation on theme: "Selected productions Serious Games Interactive 2006-2010 © Getting Serious With Games Mærsk, 19th November ‘10 Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, PhD CEO, founder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Selected productions Serious Games Interactive 2006-2010 © Getting Serious With Games Mærsk, 19th November ‘10 Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, PhD CEO, founder Serious Games Interactive Game-based learning

2 My Background MA Psychology PhD Games & learning Mixing industry & research Current European Research projects: SIREN, PlayMancer & GaLa Computer games Global Conflicts-series Playing History-series +20 games for clients

3 References

4 Children’s Technology Review (US) - Editors Choice Award 2008. Danish Culture and Business Award (DK) – Most Creative Product 2007. PC ZONE (UK) – Independent Game Award 2007. Nordic Game (Scandinavia) – Best Nordic Game 2007 & 2008 nominee. IndieCade (US) - Best Indie Game Nominee 2008 & 2009. BETT Award (UK) – Secondary educational products 2010. Awards

5  Serious Games Interactive (SGI) was founded in 2006 in Copenhagen, Denmark.  Covered in most major news outlets and won numerous awards.  Develop serious games that combines playing, learning, communication and story-telling.  We are a cross-disciplinary team of 18 people with strong roots in research.  Range of different client: Amnesty, Unicef, Kaplan, WWF, The Danish National Museum, LEGO and European Schoolnet. Company background

6 What this is about…

7 What is game-based learning… ”Integrate game technology and dynamics into your site, service, community, content or campaign, in order to encourage a certain behavior, attitude or skill."

8 What is game-based learning… Learning & education E-Learning Game-based learning SimulationsGamesVisualisationStory-tellingCommunication


10 Children, educators and parents know this…

11 Agenda Why games matters? Learning with games Some examples

12 Game industry fastest growing… EUR 15bnEUR 30bn 19902000 EUR 75bn 2010

13 We invest 3 Billion hours every week in playing games Everyone…

14 Games are becoming mainstream – avg. gamer is 33 years old in US and UK. Today games have become an universal language for playing, learning & communicating. Today games are out-growing other popular media in importance. Games are already forecasting the future of learning… Why consider games?

15 Source: Mr. Toledano

16 Agenda Why games matters? How to approach this? Who have done this? How to do this?

17 Problem-centered learning… …When solving problems = satisfaction Games are problem spaces… …Where your choices have consequences GBL problems are authentic & relevant… …integrating game & learning experience What is game-based learning

18 Why games? Moving away from passive education… Serious Games Interactive | | Learning 1.0 - Repetition Learning 2.0 - Information Learning 3.0 – Engagement!!!

19 Read… Listen… View… Active choices Interactive stories High replayability Multi-user Passive reception Linear stories Low repeatability Single-player Experiencing!!! The interactive experience

20 Motivation: Rewards engage people and push them forward Retention: Do not learn more but remember what they learn. Get closer: Learning is not chopped into abstract bits and pieces. Active use of knowledge: You have to apply your knowledge. Consequences: The game re-acts to your choices and decisions. What works in games…

21 Agenda Why games matters? How to approach this? Who have done this? How to do this?

22 Our work (onboarding) Platform: Multiplayer, web-based Timeline: 2 months (+4 months) Technology: Web 2.0 & flash/html Duration: 45-60 minutes Budget: 60.000 EUR Target group: New (potential & existing employees) Game: Aim to reach employees before job start when they are highly motivated. Presents company as innovative & interesting while delivering facts & information in a compelling context.

23 Our work: Novo Nordisk HCP (2010) Platform: Web-based singleplayer Timeline: 2 months Technology: Flash Duration: 10 minutes Budget: Not available (but in the lower end) Target group: Different functions related to HCP in Novo Nordisk. Game: Aim to reach employees in Novo Nordisk to educate them on the things they need to know when handling Health Care Professionals.. Only available on location

24 Our work: Bring Your Ideas (2010) Platform: Multiplayer, web-enabled, Timeline: 3 months Technology: Php, html & MySql Duration: N/A Budget: 45.000 EUR Target group: Students for management students. Application: Forum for discussing the solution for different business cases. Game reward system w. ranking Advanced forum w. integrated rating Administration module Only available on location

25 Our work: Global Conflicts: Sweat Shops (2009) Platform: Mac/PC, single player, browser, Download Timeline: 4 months Technology: 3D Unity game engine Duration: 45 minutes Budget: 90.000 EUR Target group: Older students Game: The issues related to child labour in Bangladesh with a strong integration between learning & playing. You play an internal audit reporter that by talking to people and locating the right sources must get to the bottom of things. Do your supplier use child labour. Try out game…

26 Our work: Playing History: The Plague (2009) Platform: Mac/PC, single player, browser-based, CD-Rom Timeline: 6 months Technology: 3D game engine Unity Duration: 3 hours Budget: 150.000 EUR Target group: Students & kids (9-13 years old) Game: In the game you play a boy in 14 th century Florence during the Black Death. You must try to save your mother from the disease and get your family out of the city.

27 Agenda Why games matters? How to approach this? Who have done this? How to do this?

28 Technology Unity 3D, Flash, web 2.0, html. Platforms Pc, web, mobiles Different complexity level  Single user >>Multi user  2D graphics >>3D graphics  Small universe >> Large universe  Linear >>Branching  Low fidelity>>High fidelity  Low interactivity>>High Interactivity  15 minutes >>50 hours playtime Design limitations

29 Plan Implement Concept Prototype Production Testing 1 month2 months 1 month 0,5 month Important with fast feedback Depend on iterations of concept & prototype Below timeline influenced by budget & scope Our work process

30 Communication Innovation ExternalInternal Knowledge mgmt. E-learning Onboarding Advertising Branding Edu. campaigns User innovation Lead users Change mgmt Entrepreneurship Different approaches Customer relations

31 Make a game-based course Make a game-based add-on Make a game-based community Make a game-based facilitator Different options

32 Understand your needs Workshop Pitch Design document Next steps

33 Contact details Serious Games Interactive Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen

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