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RPI EcoEd making connections k-12 students + teachers + university researchers and students protecting, restoring and vitalizing education and environment.

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Presentation on theme: "RPI EcoEd making connections k-12 students + teachers + university researchers and students protecting, restoring and vitalizing education and environment."— Presentation transcript:

1 RPI EcoEd making connections k-12 students + teachers + university researchers and students protecting, restoring and vitalizing education and environment

2 RPI EcoEd + Tamarac Environmental Engineering Research Program

3 Wastewater Treatment

4 Wastewater Treatment Plants Come in All Shapes and Sizes

5 Lynn, Massachusetts Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant 118.8 million dollar plant construction Treats wastewater from four cities/towns (over 134,000 residents) Can treat over 100 million gallons per day …run by 33 employees!

6 Why Do We Need to Treat Wastewater? Alternatives: Store massive amounts of wastewater in tanks/basins Mix wastewater into clean lakes and rivers Consequences of poor wastewater treatment: Leaks/spills! Poor air and water quality Health problems

7 Why Is The Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities Important? Capacity to handle waste stream Energy use Danger from the treatment process itself

8 Biggest Wastewater Disasters! London, 1878 – infrastructure unable to keep up with population growth; cesspools overflowed into Thames River; members of parliament soaked curtains with chemicals to keep out smell Hawaii, 2007 – 48 million gallons of sewage overflowed into Ala Wai Canal; closed down all nearby beaches Mexico, 2011 – 200 homes flooded by sewage after pipe burst; 3 children injured

9 Just this month!

10 RPI EcoEd + Tamarac Environmental Engineering Research Program Together, the research group will produce a timeline documenting the development of Tamarac’ wastewater facility a photo essay describing components and the process of Tamarac’s wastewater system a photo essay describing how wastewater treatment has developed over time, alternative plant designs, laws governing wastewater treatment and issues arising through their operation a short lesson for third grade students, contributing to their understanding of “systems.” Time permitting, we may also produce a film about our research. There also could be opportunities for fieldtrips.

11 RPI EcoEd + Tamarac Environmental Engineering Research Program The research will be presented to the Brittonkill Board of Education to interested classes for critical review and public viewing at RPI’s Earth Week Festival

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