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2,000 people died in the Hamas-Israel conflict A quarter of Gaza’s population is homeless Communities across the Holy Lands are gripped by hatred.

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Presentation on theme: "2,000 people died in the Hamas-Israel conflict A quarter of Gaza’s population is homeless Communities across the Holy Lands are gripped by hatred."— Presentation transcript:


2 2,000 people died in the Hamas-Israel conflict A quarter of Gaza’s population is homeless Communities across the Holy Lands are gripped by hatred

3 But we’re sharing an alternative message, of peace, unity and reconciliation

4 We believe the Bible is part of the answer

5 This Christmas, we want to invite 4,500 children in Bethlehem and the West Bank to see our nativity play. And we’ll give each of them a Bible.


7 Joseph*, 16, attended our Bible camps in Bethlehem as a child. He committed his life to Christ. Now, he’s training to be a priest. He’s staying in Bethlehem to share the Bible with more children there. *name changed to protect his identity

8 Will you join us this Christmas? Will you help share the Bible in Bethlehem, throughout the West Bank and across the Middle East, while we have the opportunity?

9 £13 could help two children attend our Christmas play and give them a Bible £26 could provide Bibles to four children, and bring the nativity story to life for them

10 ‘Now is the time to reach out with the Bible, because the Middle East is boiling around us.’ Simon Azazian, who works for Bible Society in the Holy Lands

11 Thank you for being part of this mission!

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