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Codes of Ethics Corporations & Organizations/Industries.

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Presentation on theme: "Codes of Ethics Corporations & Organizations/Industries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Codes of Ethics Corporations & Organizations/Industries

2 Code of Ethics: A company's Code of Ethics contains the ethical standards to which it commits itself and its employees. A Code of Ethics typically has two components, a Values Statement and a Code of Conduct.

3 Values Statement Short, aspirational document. It lists and defines a company's core ideals. These values usually are both ethical and operational in nature. A values statement lays out the critical guideposts that a company aspires to observe in the course of its business dealings, and provides some insight into how it integrates ethical and operational concerns.

4 Code of Conduct A longer more specific document, normally for internal use, which states or summarizes a company's ethics policies or practices.

5 Example of Mission Statements: Starbucks

6 Home Depot’s Value Statment l/Values l/Values

7 Example of Corporate Code of Ethics: s/corporate/documents/ethics/setting-the- standard.pdf

8 Example of Association Code of Ethics: es/ es/Statement%20of%20Ethics.aspx

9 Generic Ethics Code ader/content.nsf/Web+Content/Checklists GuidesCodeofBusinessConduct!OpenDoc ader/content.nsf/Web+Content/Checklists GuidesCodeofBusinessConduct!OpenDoc ument

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