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Presentation on theme: "COMBINED CADET FORCE (ARMY SECTION) SURVIVAL GUIDE Maj SK Ellen."— Presentation transcript:


2 VALUES & STANDARDS OF THE BRITISH ARMY SOLID C Selfless Commitment Respect for Others Loyalty Integrity Self Discipline Courage both Morale and Physical

3 RANK STRUCTURE CADET STRUCTURE Cadets Cadet Non Commissioned Officers Cadet Warrant Officers

4 RANK STRUCTURE STAFF Commissioned Officers –Regular & TA –Teachers –Always salute a Commissioned Officer –Pay respects to the Commission NOT the Officer Non Commissioned Officers and Warrant Officers –Regular & TA –8 Cadet Training Team –Other school CCFs

5 ARMY SECTION STRUCTURE CO SSI RN Sect Army Sect RAF Sect OC Army Platoon Commander Lucknow PlBarossa Pl 2Lt FaircloughMr Aiken

6 ARMY SECTION STRUCTURE Army Sect OC Army Platoon Sergeant Lucknow PlBarossa Pl Cadet WO1 (RSM) Cadet WO2 (CSM)Cadet CSgt (CQMS) Sect Commander (Cpl) Sect 2IC (LCpl) 1 Section

7 KEY PERSONALITIES Commanding Officer –Cdr (CCF) AA Powell RNR –Looks after the day to day running of the unit, together with teaching –Ensures training happens cross the three sections

8 KEY PERSONALITIES School Staff Instructor –Maj SK Ellen RIFLES –Looks after the day to day running and administration of the unit –Ensures training happens cross the three sections –Provides technical & Safety advice –Runs the stores and looks after all equipment that is owned by or on loan to the unit –Looks after course bookings and other info –COME AND HAVE A CHAT!

9 KEY PERSONALITIES Officer Commanding Royal Navy Section –Commanding Officer (But can be another Royal Navy Officer) –Looks after the behaviour, standards & attendance on a Tuesday –Ensures training happens within the RN Section

10 KEY PERSONALITIES Officer Commanding Army Section –Major P Stephens PWRR –Looks after the behaviour, standards & attendance on a Tuesday –Ensures training happens within the Army Section

11 KEY PERSONALITIES Officer Commanding Royal Air Force Section –Flight Lieutenant S Garcia RAFVR (T) –Looks after the behaviour, standards & attendance on a Tuesday –Ensures training happens within the RAF Section

12 KEY PERSONALITIES Other Officers in the unit –Lots of experience in many different fields –Assist with training, administration and standards Royal Navy Section –Sub Lieutenant S Surridge Army Section –2Lt S Fairclough –Mr Aiken Royal Air Force Section –Squadron Leader N Jones –Flying Officer R Robinson

13 CCF FACILITIES PARADE SQUARE (Main School Playground) CO’s OFFICE (Top Floor of Cornwallis) SSI’s OFFICE (Top Floor of Cornwallis) C10 LECTURE ROOM (Top Floor of Cornwallis) AIR RIFLE RANGE (Top Floor of Cornwallis) ARMOURY (Basement of Broadfields) STORES (Top Floor of Broadfields, accessed via Fire Escape Steps, outside, by the bike sheds) –OPEN TUESDAY LUNCHTIMES –AT OTHER TIMES SEE THE SSI IN HIS OFFICE

14 TRAINING YEAR 10 (Army Proficiency Certificate) –Drill & Turnout –Military Knowledge –Skill At Arms –Map & Compass –First Aid YOU MUST PASS A SMALL TEST ON EACH TO MOVE INTO THE NEXT YEAR

15 TRAINING YEAR 11 (Advanced Army Proficiency Certificate) –Drill & Turnout –Military Knowledge –Skill At Arms –Map & Compass –First Aid (Methods of Instruction Cadre) –Learn to Instruct new cadets in the APC Syllabus –Pass on your knowledge to new cadets –Possibility of promotion and appointment

16 TRAINING YEAR 12 & 13 (Continuation Training) –External leadership & training courses (Leadership & Instruction) –Have key leadership roles within the unit that are linked with promotion up to Cadet Warrant Officer Class 1 (Regimental Sergeant Major)

17 CAMPS & EXERCISE Range Day (One every term) Field Training Exercise (Over the school Activities Day in the Autumn and Summer Term) Easter Adventurous Training Camp Summer Camp Other extra competitions and trips

18 WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU To turn up to training on a Tuesday afternoon (you have volunteered…) To inform the OC and SSI if you will be absent from CCF BEFORE TUESDAY To wear your uniform correctly and properly throughout Tuesdays To respect the cadet NCOs and the hard job they have Look at the notice board in the main building COMMUNICATION

19 WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DON’T? OPERATE A THREE STRIKES AND OUT SYSTEM Any of the following will be noted and you will be warned. You will be asked to leave after your third offence in a term.

20 WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU DON’T? THE MAIN ONES… Lateness Unauthorised absence Missing/ No Kit Poor Behaviour Failure to pass tests/ progress through training

21 UNIFORM Beret (Moulded) Jacket Shirt (Arms Ironed) Green or Brown Issued T-Shirt Belt Trousers (Legs Ironed) Boots (Polished) Suitable hair cut Girls hair in a bun that doesn’t get in the way of the beret

22 UNIFORM TYPES OF DRESS –COMBAT JACKET ORDER Winter Dress, Exercises and if it is cold during Summer Dress –SHIRT SLEEVE ORDER (WINTER) Normal dress for lectures inside. Sleeves down. Shirt tucked in. –SHIRT SLEEVE ORDER (SUMMER) Summer Dress. Shirt Sleeves rolled up. Shirt tucked in.

23 UNIFORM KIT DEMONSTRATION Ironing Brush Polishing Bulling Beret Moulding Correct wearing of uniform



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