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Community-based Organizations as a Catalyst of Social Processes Arūnas Poviliūnas.

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Presentation on theme: "Community-based Organizations as a Catalyst of Social Processes Arūnas Poviliūnas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Community-based Organizations as a Catalyst of Social Processes Arūnas Poviliūnas

2 Number of Community-based Organizations

3 Why the Movement? Community-based organizations have a clear aim. Community-based organizations are concentrated in the relatively uniform and tangled networks of organizations. The participants of community centers share a common understanding and values.

4 The Factors of Community- based Organizations’ Movement 1.A constructive response to the social exclusion of the rural communities 2.“The effect of epidemic” 3. Expectations regarding the support opportunities of EU Structural Funds (LEADER+, previously EQUAL)

5 Average of the Monthly Disposable Income of a Household Member in 2001-2008

6 Generalization of the Community-based Organizations’ Activities 1.Mobilization of local community – 60-80%. 2.The organization of cultural and educational activity – 40-50%. 3.Activities in the field of social services – 20-30%. 4.Business initiatives – 9%.

7 The Development Model elements of Community-based Organizations INSTITUTIONS –The common living together rules of society or community that can be either formal or informal ORGANIZATIONS –It is a group of individuals united for a common aim (economic, political, social and etc. organizations).

8 I stage – Local Community Coalitions Institutional changes –No institutional conflicts; –Fixation of social exclusion and the importance of public sphere; – The movement from marginalized rural community towards an active and inclusive rural community. Organizational changes – In towns and villages establishes the first community –based organizations; –Concentration of towns’ communities (community celebrations, threshing and etc.).

9 How do the balninkiečiai spend their leisure time and how would they like to spend it?

10 II stage – Community Center as a Cultural Organizer Institutional changes –Conflict with the concept of culture that is organized by the top down principle; –Formation of cultural activities involving network; – What is culture? From the providing to the involving concept of cultural activity. Organizational changes –Community-based organizations are strengthening, develop the networks of community-based organizations; –Organizations focus on involving cultural activity, originates educational and self-educational circles.

11 Scheme of Providing Cultural Model

12 III stage – Attempts to Provide Social Services Institutional changes –Conflict with institutionalized and separating system of social services; –Involving network of social services; –Movement from institutionalized system of social services to the model of social community services. –Deinstitutionalization of general social services, especially for elder people. Organizational changes –The strengthening of community-based organizations and its networks; –Community-based organizations need to acquire new skills that are needed in the provision of social services.

13 IV stage – the Beginning of Economic Cooperation? Institutional changes –Conflict with monopolistic business; –The acknowledgement of alternative business and other various forms of funs; –From the stereotypical business and entrepreneurial concepts toward broader concept of business that includes social business and social entrepreneurship. Organizational changes –Diversification of community activities; alternative networks of civil participation; –Alternative food networks, farmers’ markets, “Sūrininkų namai” and etc.

14 The Movement Stages of Community-based Organizations

15 Important The Movement of communities is integral and multidimensional process Communities are connected with various ministries (The Ministry of Agriculture, The Ministry of Social Security and Labor, The Ministry of Culture, The Ministry of Economy, The Ministry of the Interior, The Ministry of Education and Science and etc.) In order to use the energy of the movement of communities, the government should deinstitutionalize itself.

16 The Social Economy Sector Includes: Community-based organizations (usually a small space and small community-based organizations, modest funding and depends on voluntary activities); Voluntary organizations (has its own rules, do not depend on government, self-governing, non-profit, participate many volunteers); Social enterprise (these are business companies that raise the social objectives for itself, and the received profit is invested in the more effective activity that seeks for social objectives.

17 Social Economy (European Union) Includes cooperatives, mutual assistance organizations, non-profit organizations, various support and charitable founds and social enterprises. Experts calculate that in the social economy sector –operate around 2 million companies (around 10 per cent of all companies in EU), –Provides around 11 million workplaces (6 per cent of all workplaces in EU, 70 per cent of it include non-profit associations, 26 per cent cooperatives and 3 per cent mutual assistance organizations); –The number of people who are concerned with the service of this sector is up to 160 millions.

18 Thank You for Your attention

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