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Published byBarnaby Nichols Modified over 9 years ago
UNEP Risoe Centre Contribution to regional distribution Miriam Hinostroza Programme Manager 7 th CDM Joint Coordination Workshop Bonn, 12-13 March 2011
2 Regional Distribution Measuring regional distribution - discrepancy in the distribution of current CDM projects lays in the geographic distribution of the different projects RegionNr. of all projects Latin America15,2% Asia & Pacific80,0% Europe and Central Asia1,1% Africa2,6% Middle-East1,1%
3 Regional Distribution Measuring regional distribution Region Nr. of all projects Latin America15,2% Asia & Pacific80,0% Europe and Central Asia 1,1% Africa2,6% Middle-East1,1%
4 Barriers Lack of capacity for DNAs Lack of finance to cover upfront costs Complexity of procedures combined with lack of CDM expertise Lack of awareness and know-how of project developers Lack of project financing Lack of local CDM champions Specific nature and scope of projects in the regions
5 Increasing access of medium-small developing countries to the carbon markets Energy and Carbon Finance policy analysis and capacity development to facilitate the transition towards low carbon societies Capacity building Innovative approaches Analytical work Institutional Individual Seminars Workshops Training sessions Regional Forums Policy analysis on new developments: Pledge tracker REDD+ Programmatic approaches Interfacing and integration of NAMA and NAPA by sector impact assessment - The role of capacity development in making the CDM operational in developing countries Carbon finance and sustainable development: Indirect benefits of CDM PoA analysis – new sheet in the Pipeline CER price analysis Analysis of investments in CDM projects by sub-type, country etc Carbon finance and clean energy: Large hydro problems Articles on hydro/wave/geothermal energy PoA potential and feasibility study for solar technologies in Indonesia CDM technology fact sheets Guidebooks on specific issues of the CDM Carbon Market Perspective Series CD4CDM Working Paper Series CDM data & analysis - CDM&JIPipeline CDM Bazaar Web based CDM Technology &Methodology Selection Tool Legal frameworks enabling environments
6 Key activities and Projects CD4CDM in ACP CDM Green Facility UNDP/UNEP in Africa UNDP/UNEP in LAC CASCADe ACAD UNEP POA Facility (new) Projects Structured, country-level capacity building programs Regulatory advisory, DNA/ institutional capacity building Targeted, hands-on workshops & training sessions Analytical work (guidebooks; market surveillance and analysis & targeted research) Promotion Activities – organization/participation in regional/global carbon events Facilitation of information management – web-based tools. CDM Bazaar Activities
7 ACAD Innovative PPP for green financing supported by German Government with two aims: o Facilitate realization/closure of replicable carbon projects o Mainstream carbon investment literacy within African financial sector Secretariat embedded in Standard Bank following UNEP tender A catalytic platform o Risk sharing model, leveraging private finance with seed capital + TA Addresses key barriers to African market growth by: o Enhancing transactional capacity within African banks o Reducing high early-stage costs and risks o Providing a jump-start financing solution Launched fall 2009 at UNEP FI Roundtable, Cape Town
8 ACAD - Key Activities Transaction cost sharing with accompanying technical support to leverage closure of 10-12 replicable transactions o Roughly €50,000 per project o Local financiers, developers, or project proponents can apply o Can disburse to service provider of choice and cover CDM documentation development, carbon auditing, registration fees, enviro-legal studies, etc. Enhance knowledge and skills in origination, financial appraisal, and due diligence amongst African banks o Four advanced training workshops for developers and African FIs: Cape Town (Oct. 2009), Nairobi (Mar. & June 2010), Lagos (January 2011). Over 100 bankers trained. o Additional in-house clinics and training for Standard Bank & clients Investor outreach/mobilization o 2nd African Bankers’ Carbon Finance & Investment Forum, Joburg, Nov. 4 - 5, 2010
9 1.Abule-Egba, Soulos and Epe Project : Consortium incl. Lagos State Waste Management Authority (LWMA), NIGERIA 2.APA Integrated Waste Management Program, NIGERIA 3.Athi River Mining Kaloleni Cement Plant Fuel Switch/EE project, KENYA 4.Lake Turkana Wind Power Project, KENYA 5.Terem Hydropower Project, KENYA 6.Distillery effluent management at EthCo Ltd, MALAWI 7.International Ferrometals Waste Gas Cogeneration, SOUTH AFRICA 8.Katene Kadji Biomass Project, MALI 9.NURU Lights Projects, RWANDA Approved Projects to Date
10 CASCADE Carbon Finance for Agriculture, Sylviculture, Conservation and Action against Deforestation The aim is to stimulate generation of carbon credits from land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF) and bio-energy projects in seven Sub Saharan countries: Benin, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon and Madagascar. o Technical assistance to selected projects, developed by a variety of organizations from the private sector, civil society or governmental organizations; o National, regional and international knowledge transfer; o Institutional support to the Designated National Authorities CASCADE is funded by the “Fonds Français pour l’Environnement Mondial (FFEM)” and implemented by UNEP DTIE and UNEP Risoe Centre.
11 CASCADE – activities and achievements Technical assistance provided to 24 project (PIN) in participating countries Twelve from those PINS were supported to develop PDDs Three out of the 12 PDDs are currently under validation 2 more advanced afforestation/reforestation projects in Latin America have been supported with the view to draw lessons for South-South knowledge and experience transfer for the benefit of projects in sub- Saharan Africa 2 reforestation projects in Senegal and Cameroon have also received support CASCADe target countries have received tailor-made institutional support with a specific focus on forestry and bio-energy. Support offered included: o assistance for the elaboration of the forest definition, o legal review of the national regulatory CDM framework, o capacity building for the members of the DNA national councils, o establishment of a website for the DNA,
12 Funded by the EC – EUR 4,3 millions Simultaneous execution in 12 ACP countries + regional activities in the Caribbean and the Pacific Duration: 4 years Executing Agency: UNEP Risø Centre, in close coordination with CARICOM & 5C the AUC and SPREP and local partners. Project Overview enable targeted ACP countries to participate in the global carbon market provide skills to identify, design, approve, finance, implement and monitor CDM projects, emphasise the development of a regional CDM projects portfolio that could be marketed in international carbon events support the provision for Designated National Authority (DNA) website. Objectives ACP – CD4CDM
13 Africa: Angola, Botswana, Côte d’Ivoire, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda and São Tomé and Principe Caribbean: Belize, Cuba and Trinidad and Tobago. Regional activities will also be conducted. Pacific: Fiji and Vanuatu. Regional activities will also be conducted Project participating countries ACP – CD4CDM
14 ACP – CD4CDM – Activities 48 workshops will be organized, including national and training workshops 36 sector focused workshops will be organized: − Energy – EE & RE − CH4 avoidance and electricity generation − Landfill − Biogas A number of community meetings
15 ACP – CD4CDM – Activities National CDM Project Portfolios Potential sectors for CDM projects will be prioritized 48 Project Idea Notes (PINs) will be developed (4 per country) 24 Project Designs Documents will be formulated (2 per country) 4 POA PINs will be developed (2 per region) 2-4 POA – DDs will be formulated for each region Promotion of CDM Portfolios 3 Regional Carbon Forums will be organized Participating country delegations will be supported to participate in Carbon Expo 2011 3 Regional Carbon Forums for the Financial sector National CDM websites will be supported
16 Regional Activities Identification/selection of two to three high-potential sectors for Program of Activities (POAs), that might be implemented at regional level, i.e., in several Island States Regional POA Training Workshop (A regional workshop to present and discuss potential ideas for one or more Program of Activities under the CDM) - May-June 2011, Trinidad and Tobago 2 Regional Workshop for DNAs – March 2011, Havana 4 POA PINs and 2POA DD for prioritized sectors in each region A regional workshop to present developments of PINs and POAs Regional Carbon Forum, Marrakesh, July 2011; Costa Rica October 2011 A regional Carbon Finance Bankers' Forum, TBA, 2011 Participate in Carbon Expo to present and promote portfolio of PINs and PDDs
17 Regional activities Africa Carbon Forum, Senegal, Sep. 2008; Kenya, March 2010 Latin America Carbon Forums, Quito 2006, Lima 2007, Santiago 2008, Panama 2009, DR 2010 Knowledge and information sharing platforms Bring together CDM stakeholders to benefit from: Updates on Carbon markets; technical knowledge sharing on conferences; trade fair and capacity- development sessions, Organizers: IETA, UNEP/Risø, WB, OLADE, UNDP, and UNFCCC Investment mobilization and engaging the finance sector Regional Carbon Forums African Bankers’ Carbon Finance Investment Forum. May 2007, Johannesburg Dakar, Senegal: Carbon finance perspectives for the banking sector. Feb 12-14, 2008 Training finance sector staff – Regional Financial Sector CDM Forum, Lima, Nov 2008 Finance guidebook
18 UNEP/URC capacity development activities in Africa CD4CDM Green Facility UNDP-UNEP CASCADE CD4CDM in ACP in 7 countries. 28 COUNTRIES; 11 LDC UNEP/URC capacity development activities in Africa CD4CDM Green Facility UNDP-UNEP CASCADE CD4CDM in ACP in 7 countries. 28 COUNTRIES; 11 LDC
19 CD4CDM UNDP & UNEP – LCF in LAC CD4 CDM for the Caribbean Current UNEP/URC capacity development activities in Latin America & Caribbean
20 Guidebooks on specific issues of the CDM oIntroduction to the CDM: 2002 oCDM Information and Guidebook: Dec. 2003 oInstitutional strategy to promote the CDM in Peru: Feb. 2004 oCDM legal issues Guidebook: May 2004 oInstitutional issues in CDM implementation: May 2004 oCDM and Sustainable Development: Feb. 2004 oGuidebook on developing baselines for CDM projects: June 2004 oPDD Guidebook: Navigating the Pitfalls - Second edition: April 2008) oGuidebook to Finance CDM projects: May 2007 oImplementing CDM Projects: Guidebook to Host Country Legal Issues: August 2009 oA Primer on CDM Programme of Activities: November 2009 Analytical Activities & Publications Support the informational and educational objectives of our capacity development activities provide targeted audiences with ‘reference’ manuals containing clear operational instructions on concrete topics for which public information is already available.
21 Carbon Market Perspective Series o2010 – Pathways for implementing REDD+: Experiences from carbon markets and communities o2009 - NAMAS and the Carbon Market o2008 - A Reformed CDM - Including New Mechanisms For Sustainable Development o2007 - Equal Exchange: Determining a Fair Price for Carbon Analytical Activities & Publications aims at comprising an annual special feature on a topic of pivotal importance to all developing countries in the global carbon market
22 CD4CDM Working Paper Series 1.Facing Destruction without Representation? Low-Power Groups in Climate Negotiations on Post-Kyoto CDM 2.PoA CDM Manual - Mini Biogas Plants for Households 3.Electricity sector crediting mechanism based on a power plant emission standard: A clear signal to power generation companies and utilities planning new power plants in developing countries post-2012 4.Electricity sector no-lose targets in developing countries for post-2012: Assessment of emissions reduction and reduction credits 5.Technology and knowledge transfer from Annex 1 countries to Non Annex 1 countries under the CDM - An empirical case study of CDM projects implemented in Malaysia 6.A quantitative analysis of the cost-effectiveness of project types in the CDM Pipeline 7.Potentials and barriers for end-use energy efficiency under programmatic CDM 8.Sustainable Development Benefits of Clean Development Projects 9.Risks and Chances of Combined Forestry and Biomass Projects under the Clean Development Mechanism Analytical activities & publications analytical in nature and are designed to address critical policy issues and methodological barriers constraining the CDM through cutting-edge independent research.
23 Analytical activities & publications Data base and analysis providing monthly CDM data & analysis - CDM&JIPipeline oA web based data base compiling CDM projects oAnalysis and market surveillance oProjections of GHG emission reductions oCalculation of different parameters oIt also contains the baseline & monitoring methodologies, a list of DOEs and several analyses. Almost all information is from and
24 Virtual platform for information exchange
25 Analytical activities & publications Up coming publications: o Studies on CDM Potentials for countries with less that 5 projects in the pipeline (together with UNFCCC and UNDP) o Guidebook on MRVs Update of guidebooks: o CDM Information and guidebook o CDM PDD guidebook: Navigating the pitfalls o Financing CDM projects
26 A handy and simple tool Categorizes methodologies by technology Facilitates choosing a methodology that is applicable to a specific type of CDM project Builds on the list of approved methodologies updated monthly at the CDM/JI pipeline A snapshot review of technologies used to date in CDM activities, including: Examples of application Investment Estimated CERs revenues Performance under CDM Methodology applicable to the technology Methodology Technology
27 it is linked to each methodology users can share experiences and views on pitfalls, difficulties, applicability, especial requirements, limitations and tips on how to draft a PDD Tool for Selecting CDM Methodologies and technologies Discussion Forum
28 UNEP’s Contribution to the Carbon Markets Final Impact – Development and promotion of national CDM project portfolios and the institutional capability to attract CDM investments A comprehensive capacity development package Provision of technical and financial assistance to country’s institutional and individual preparedness for the CDM in more than 40 countries – impact on host country attractiveness as CDM destination Provision of CDM knowledge and dissemination – Impact on CDM dissemination and promotion Free flow information – impact on improving the information asymmetry Support to national CDM portfolio creation and/or diversification – impact on increase of CDM portfolio Facilitation of national portfolios promotion and dissemination through regional events, such as the ACF and in Carbon Expo – impact on cost reduction
29 More information: Thank you!!
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