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CMMI December 3rd 2014.

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1 CMMI December 3rd 2014

2 Objective of the presentation
The aim of the presentation is to introduce Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) process improvement approach to students of Software Project Management course at Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies at Slovak University of Technology The presentation will describe at high level what is CMMI about, and a case study will be presented, describing the preparation to CMMI appraisal and appraisal process itself in a service and consulting company

3 Introduction of Accenture – Presenters
Graduate at Slovenská Vysoká Škola Technická Elektrotechnická Fakulta 14 years in Národná banka Slovenska Establishment of new Computing Centre, development of payment system, lead applications maintenance team 8 years Accenture Technology Solutions Software Delivery Life Cycle processes and methodology, Internal and External Audits, CMMI, P-CMM, ITIL Business Continuity and Information Security Vladimír Šatura Accenture Technology Solutions Plynárenská 7/C Bratislava 821 09 Slovakia

4 Agenda Introduction of CMMI Use Case: CMMI Appraisal at service and consulting company

5 Introduction of CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI) is a framework for mature processes developed by Carnegie Mellon University – Software Engineering Institute and currently owned by CMMI Institute. based on actual practices outlines best practices 5 levels of maturity used for a process improvement program

6 Quantitatively Managed Optimizing
Levels of CMMI Initial 1 (Ad-hoc, heroes) “Just Do It” Managed 2 (Basic Project Management) “We recognize our problems and are correcting them” Defined 3 (Process standardization) “We anticipate and prevent problems” Quantitatively Managed 4 (Quantitatively Managed) “We see the sources of individual problems and eliminate them” Optimizing 5 (Continuous Improvement) “We see common sources of problems and eliminate them” Disciplined process Standard, consistent process Predictable process Continuously improving process

7 Mature Organization Mature Organization
Processes are defined and documented Roles and responsibilities are clear Management plans, monitors and communicates Product and process are measured Quality, cost and schedule are predictable Products meet user expectations Technology is used effectively within defined process Management is committed to continuous improvement

8 CMMI Components

9 CMMI Process Areas Development and Services

10 Specific Goals and Practices
Specific Goals and Practices for Technical Solution Process Area for CMM for Development SG 1 Select Product Component Solutions SP 1.1 Develop Alternative Solutions and Selection Criteria SP 1.2 SG 2 Develop the Design SP 2.1 Design the Product or Product Component SP 2.2 Establish a Technical Data Package SP 2.3 Design Interfaces Using Criteria SP 2.4 Perform Make, Buy, or Reuse Analyses SG 3 Implement the Product Design SP 3.1 Implement the Design SP 3.2 Develop Product Support Documentation

11 Generic Goals and Practices of CMMI
GG1 Achieve Specific Goals GP1 Perform Specific Practices GG 2 Institutionalize a managed process GP 2.1 Establish an organizational policy GP 2.2 Plan the process. GP 2.3 Provide resources GP 2.4 Assign responsibility GP 2.5 Train people GP 2.6 Control work products GP 2.7 Identify and involve relevant stakeholders GP 2.8 Monitor and control the process GP 2.9 Objectively evaluate adherence GP 2.10 Review status with higher level management GG 3 Institutionalize a defined process GP 3.1 Establish a defined process GP 3.2 Collect process related experience

12 CMMI for Development & Agile
CMMI and Agile complement one another CMMI focuses on what program / project do Agile focuses on how product is developed CMMI provides engine that enable Agile techniques on large projects Agile enhances CMMI method with specific software engeneering approach CMMI provides methods for continuously improve organization Agile include practices for project team improvement CMMI aimed for high cost failure (weaponry, aircraft) domains Agile aimed for low cost failure (Internet, Games) domains

13 CMMI Appraisal - SCAMPI
Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) is the official CMMI appraisal method Appraisal helps to identify strengths and weaknesses of organizational processes SCAMPI C is short and more flexible. It is used to provide a quick gap analysis between the organization's processes and CMMI practices. SCAMPI B is more formal. It helps an organization understand its progress toward a target CMMI maturity level or capability profile. SCAMPI A is the most rigorous method and the only one that can result in a rating.

14 CMMI Published Appraisal results
Appraisal Results may be published at CMMI PARS page

15 Agenda Introduction of CMMI Use Case: CMMI Appraisal at service and consulting company

16 Audience composition What type of work you incline to?
Be developer expert (coding, programming, testing) Prefere analyse requests with clients Perform applications and user support Manage a team No idea

17 Use case: CMMI Appraisal - Goals
Define Appraisal Goals Improve the quality in products and services provided to the customers and improve the standardization. Provide information that management can use to better predict effort, improve time to market and reduce the cost Obtain recommendations of practices that will ensure the continuous improvement process Defined by CMMI Sponsor – the organization lead who initiated the Appraisal Discuss selection criteria Discuss Internal/External team members

18 Use case: CMMI preparation on organization level
Continuous Improvement Define organization processes standards Enhance processes based on internal and external requests Improve processes standards based on lesson learned Appraisal preparation Collect documentation Prepare Process Improvement Identification Document (PIID) Internal candidate project reviews

19 CMMI for Development & Agile ?

20 CMMI for Development & Agile – Development Practices
Requirement Managemt (REQM) Requirement Development (RD) Technical Solution (TS) Product Integration (PI) Verification (VER) Validation (VAL) REQM REQM VAL VER PI TS Validation (VAL) Prepare for Validation Validate Product or Product Components Verification (VER) Prepare for Verification Perform Peer Reviews Verify Selected Work Products Product Integration (PI) Prepare for Product Integration Ensure Interface Compatibility Assemble Product Components and Deliver the Product Technical Solution (TS) Select Product Component Solutions Develop the Design Implement the Product Design Requirements Development (RD) Develop Customer Requirements Develop Product Requirements Analyze and Validate Requirements Requirements Management (REQM) Understand Requirements, Obtain Commitment to Requirements Manage Requirements Changes RD

21 CMMI for Development & Agile – Management Practices
Project Planning (PP) Risk Management (RSKM) Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) Measurement and Amalysis (MA) Configuration Management (CM) Integrating Project Management (IPM) REQM PMC MA IPM RSKM PP CM RSKM REQM VAL CM VER PI TS PP Integrated Project Management (IPM) Establish the Project’s Defined Process Use Organizational Process Assets for Planning Project Activities Establish the Project’s Work Environment Establish Teams Contribute to Organizational Process Assets Measurement and Analysis (MA) Align Measurement and Analysis Activities Provide Measurement Results Project Monitoring and Control (PMC) Monitor the Project Against the Plan Manage Corrective Action to Closure Risk Management (RSKM) Prepare for Risk Management Identify and Analyze Risks Mitigate Risks Configuration Management (CM) Establish Baseline Track and Control Changes Establish Integrity RSKM RD IPM RSKM PMC MA

22 Use case: CMMI preparation on projects level
Continuous improvement Manage projects using organization standards Check projects against these standards (Software Quality Reviews) Improve project processes and workproducts Appraisal preparation Collect project documentation (work plans, development samples, metrics, reports, ...)

23 Use case: CMMI preparation development projects
Verification (VER) SG 2 Perform Peer Reviews SP 2.1 Prepare for Peer Review – Sprint Planning SP 2.2 Conduct Peer Review – Sprint Pair Programming SP 2.3 Analyze Peer Review Data - Retrospective VER VER VER VER

24 Use case: CMMI preparation development projects
Configuration Management /CM) SG3 – Establish Integrity SP 3.2 Perform Configuration Audits – Retrospective / Impediments CM CM CM

25 Use case: CMMI preparation Services projects
Configuration Management (CM) SG 1 Establish Baseline CM REQM Requirement Management (REQM) SG 1 Manage Requirements CAM Capacity and Availability (CAM) SG 1 Monitor and Analyze Capacity and Availability Services, SLA, People, Processes, Tools, Infrastructure

26 Use case: CMMI Appraisal - Planning
Select projects and Support groups Sampling approach Defined by Appraisal Lead based on projects size, type of work, location 3 Development projects from 9 candidates 3 Services projects from 13 candidates Process Group, Training Coordinators Define Appraisal Team Appraisal Team Lead – 1 external ATL Appraisal Team members – 4 internal + 2 external Appraisal Team spent round 560 hours Discuss selection criteria Discuss Internal/External team members

27 Use case: CMMI Appraisal - Reviews
Review documentation Appraisal team to review all collected documentation from PIID 515 files DEV 168 SVC 177 Org 170 Discuss interview relations, golden questions, why validation,

28 Use case: CMMI Appraisal - Interviews
Plan and Conduct Interviews Perform interview sessions for Higher Management, Project Managers, Practitioners, each support group (38 people in 19 sessions) Basic Rules: Confidentiality Non-attribution Discuss interview relations, golden questions, why validation,

29 Use case: CMMI Appraisal – Interview for Practitioners
Interview for Practitioners – Designers, Developers, Testers Please describe How were the requirements of project understood and commitment obtained? How product is assembled, integrated? How were you trained for your role? Interview for Practitioners – Support team Please describe How were the requirements of project understood and commitment obtained? How you analyze the root cause of incidents? How are you collecting data and reviewing client satisfaction? Example project is student class with practice work to develop st. Use cases, client discussions.Repeatedly agreement Different environments for integration, Classroom, on-the-job, selfstudy List of services agreed, processes, guides, Ticket analysis, confirmation with requestor, KX base Ticket solution confirmation, % reopened tickets, surveys

30 Use case: CMMI Appraisal – Interview for Project Managers
Interview for Practitioners – project managers, team leads for Development Please describe How you plan the project? How you contribute to organization data? How you know you are on time? Interview for Practitioners – project managers, team leads for Services Please describe How you monitor the quality of your service? How you manage the availability of critical resources? How you control the fulfilment of contract? Scope, estimation, plan, commitment, Plan, Resources, Budget, Schedule, Risks, Data, Stakeholders, Environments – when to whom deliver Improvement to org. level time tracking, metrics SLA metrics, reopened tickets Resource planning, monitoring, tools availability, seats, substitues, business continutity SLA

31 Use case: CMMI Appraisal – Findings
Recommendations [SVC] MA SP2.1 Avoid the duplications of metric submission Opportunitites for Improvements [DEV] TS SP2.4 For all projects, not always product component is reused based on established criteria [DEV] TS SP3.1 For some projects, there are not evidence regarding unit test Documentation [SVC] CAM SP2.1 For some projects, thresholds to monitor Capacity (e.g. resource planning) are not always defined TS SP 2.1 Desing Product and Product Component TS GP 2.8 Monitor and Control Process PP SP Plan for knowledge and skills needed to perform the project. PP GP Collect work products, measures, measurement results, and improvement information derived from planning and performing the Project Planning process to support the future use and improvement of the organization's processes and process assets.

32 Use case: CMMI Appraisal - Validation
Identify and Validate preliminary finding Present and validate potential findings to all participants Basic Rules: Non-attribution No rating No Maturity rating Discuss interview relations, golden questions, why validation,

33 Use case: CMMI Appraisal - Rating
Appraisal Team Agreement on rating The team has to agree on ratings based on rules or team judgment Generic and Specific practice rating – Fully, Largely, Partially, Not Implemented Process Area, General and Specific goal rating - Satisfied, Unsatisfied Present Maturity level Discuss interview relations, golden questions, why validation,

34 Use case: CMMI Appraisal - Presentation
Present final findings with Appraisal rating Present strengths, recommendations and improvements to each process areas Present rating Present Maturity level Discuss interview relations, golden questions, why validation,

35 Backup slide – supplement information
CMMI Institute - CMMI Levels - CMMI for Development - CMMI for Services - CMMI SVC Overview - CMMI or Agile: Why Not Embrace Both! -

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