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Ireland’s Smart Grid Roadmap Joe Durkan 27 th March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Ireland’s Smart Grid Roadmap Joe Durkan 27 th March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ireland’s Smart Grid Roadmap Joe Durkan 27 th March 2012

2 Technology Roadmaps: Smartgrid, Wind and eVehicles

3 The basic concept: maximizing throughput of the electricity delivery system while reducing the energy consumption –monitoring, analysis, control, communication. Smart Grids?

4 The Smart Grid



7 Roadmap Development

8 Roadmap – Steering Group

9 Industry consultation

10 Findings


12 Projected Final Energy Demand by Sector

13 Projected Electricity Generation Mix

14 Key Findings By 2050, this scenario shows: Increasing electrification of thermal loads in the residential, services and transport sectors Electrical final energy demand >48,000 GWh 88% renewable, 33,000 GWh on-shore wind Decarbonisation of electricity in the Irish system Reduction in energy imports in excess of 4.3 Mtoe Monetary Savings (offset imports): $/Barrel Oil$111$179$247 Savings (Billions)€2.35€3.79€5.23

15 Next Steps

16 Smart Grid Roadmap – next 10 years Establish a test-bed facility, strengthening Ireland’s position as a leader in smart grid technology research. Develop and deploy training courses in smart grid systems and technologies. Review of policies dealing with energy and CO 2 ratings of buildings to encourage electrification. Develop interoperability standards and secure communications and data protocols National rollout of smart meters with DSM and variable ToU tariffs. Develop an overlay of secure, high speed communications onto the electricity system. Continue grid investment programmes, Grid-West, Grid 25.

17 Smart Grid Emphasis Action Plan for Jobs 2012 The Green Economy: Target FDI opportunities in the green economy including the manufacturing, assembly and testing of products/solutions in renewable energy, smart grids, water management and wastewater treatment and electric vehicles. Focus public investment in research and development so as to build critical mass in a number of areas of direct relevance to the Green Economy, including marine renewable energy, smart grids and smart cities. Research Prioritisation – Smart Grids / Smart Cities Key Actions Required Develop a range of innovation test-bed opportunities to deliver a single national test platform brand for conversion of R&D outputs into new products and services. Engage in active industry-academic collaborations in convergent technology arenas in order to capitalise on significant public investments to date and integrate the SME and MNC research base. Build strategic international alliances to enhance competitive positioning and to develop new market niches focusing on key partnerships in Europe, US and Asia.

18 Wind Roadmap Matt Kennedy

19 Wind has [capacity] Value

20 Wind has [export] Value

21 eVehicle Roadmap Graham Brennan



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