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MME 1208 TECHNICAL ENGLISH-II yücel birol.

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1 MME 1208 TECHNICAL ENGLISH-II yücel birol

2 What is a standard? A standard is a document that provides requirements, specifications, guidelines or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes and services are fit for their purpose. These requirements are sometimes complemented by a description of the process, products or services. Standards are the result of a consensus and are approved by a recognized body.

3 What are the benefits of standards?
Standards ensure that products and services are safe, reliable and of good quality. For business, they are strategic tools that reduce costs by minimizing waste and errors and increasing productivity. They help companies to access new markets, level the playing field for developing countries and facilitate free and fair global trade.

4 What is standardization?
Standardization is the process of formulating, issuing and implementing standards

5 primary aims of standardization
Fitness for purpose Fitness for purpose is the ability of the process, product or service to fulfil a defined purpose under specific conditions. Any product, process or service is intended to meet the needs of the user. It is difficult for the users to always spell out the desirable quality of the process, product or service. Standards help by identifying the optimum parameters for the performance of a process, product or service (e.g. product standards) and the method for evaluating product conformity (such as test method standards and quality control standards).

6 primary aims of standardization
Interchangeability The suitability for a process, product or service to be used in place of another to fulfil a relevant requirement is called interchangeability. Through a deliberate standardization process, it is possible to make processes, products or services interchangeable, even if they are created in different countries. For example, shaving blades of different brands may be designed to be used in the same razor, injection needles of different sizes and brands may be designed to fit the same hypodermic syringe.

7 primary aims of standardization
Variety reduction While a large number of varieties for a particular process, product or service may be helpful to consumers and enable them to select the most appropriate, this large number of varieties requires large inventories, resulting in high costs to manufacturers. Variety reduction is one of the aims of standardization for the selection, inter alia, of the optimum number of sizes, ratings, grades, compositions and practices to meet prevailing needs. Balancing between too many and too few varieties is in the best interest of both manufacturers and consumers.

8 primary aims of standardization
Compatibility Parallel developments of processes, products or services, which are required to be used in combination, pose problems if they are not compatible. One of the aims of standardization is compatibility, namely, suitability of processes, products or services to be used together under specific conditions to fulfil the relevant requirements, without causing unnecessary interaction.

9 primary aims of standardization
Guarding against factors that affect the health and safety of consumers Safety of the process, product or service is of great importance if, under certain conditions, the use of the process, product or service may pose a threat to human life or property. Therefore, identification of processes, products or services and their safety parameters, not only under normal use but under possible misuse, is one of the important requirements of standardization. For example, If an electrical appliance is manufactured, it should be well insulated to be free from electrical hazards: electric irons, for example, should be designed so as to guard their user against electrical shock from any part of the iron.

10 primary aims of standardization
Environmental protection Environmental protection is an important aim of standardization: the focus here is on preserving nature from damage that may be caused during the manufacture of a product or during its use or disposal after use. For example, the domestic use of a washing machine should generate only a minimum of pollutants.

11 primary aims of standardization
Better utilization of resources Achievement of maximum overall economy through better utilization of resources such as capital, human effort and materials is an important aim of standardization. In manufacturing organizations, it is this aspect of standardization of materials, components and production methods that makes it possible to reduce waste and to carry out mass production in an economic way. For example, in construction and civil engineering, the use of the appropriate quantities of cement and steel to achieve a required strength are recommended in building standards and codes of practices.

12 primary aims of standardization
Better communication and understanding Whenever the transfer of goods and services is involved, standards spell out what means of communication are to be used between different parties. Since standards contain information that is recorded in a precise and documented form, they contribute towards better communication and understanding in a large variety of settings. In public places such as airports, railway stations and highways for instance, standardized signs play an important role.

13 primary aims of standardization
Transfer of technology Standards act as a good vehicle for technology transfer. Since standards incorporate the results of advances in science, technology and experience, they reflect the state of the art in technical development. As standardization is a dynamic process, standards are updated as new technologies are developed.

14 primary aims of standardization
Removal of trade barriers Restrictions on the export of processes, products or services by the introduction of some technical barriers to trade, such as arbitrary product requirements, are being viewed with great concern. Standards prevent such non-tariff barriers to trade by harmonizing requirements in a manner that promotes fair competition. Purchasers can be convinced about the quality level of a product that has been manufactured according to a recognized standard.

15 Benefits of standardization
By its very definition, standardization is aimed at achieving maximum overall economy. Standards provide benefits to different sectors of society. Some of the benefits of standardization are: For manufacturers, standards: Rationalize the manufacturing process. Eliminate or reduce wasteful material or labour. Reduce inventories of both raw material and finished products. Reduce the cost of manufacture

16 Benefits of standardization
For customers, standards: Assure the quality of goods purchased and services received. Provide better value for money. Are convenient for settling disputes, if any, with suppliers. For traders, standards: Provide a workable basis for acceptance or rejection of goods or consequential disputes, if any. Minimize delays, correspondence, etc., resulting from inaccurate or incomplete specification of materials or products.

17 Benefits of standardization
For technologists, standards: Provide starting points for research and development for further improvement of goods and services.

18 Attributes of a standard
A standard generally has three attributes: Level: such as at the company, national or international level. Subject: such as engineering, food, textile or management. Aspect: such as specification, testing and analysis, packaging and labelling (more than one aspect may be covered in a single standard: a standard may include specification of items such as the product, its sampling and inspection, related tests and analysis, packaging and labelling). For example the term “Indian Standard Specification of Biscuits”, means that the standard is a national standard (level), in the food area (subject), and provides specifications(aspect) for the biscuits

19 Types of Standards Vocabulary standards, e.g. glossaries, signs and symbols; Basic standards, such as units of measures; Product standards that cover specifications for dimensions, performance, health, safety, environmental protection and documentation; Standards for inspection, test methods and analysis; Standards that focus on organization, such as for logistics, maintenance, inventory management, quality management, project management and production management

20 vocabulary standards Vocabulary standards cover glossaries and definitions of terms. These standards provide uniformity and cohesion for interpreting terms used in various other standards. Sometimes, a short glossary of terms with their definitions is included in the subject standard itself. But whenever a separate glossary on a given subject exists in a standard form, a mere reference to it in the subject standard is considered adequate. For example International Standard ISO 9000:2000 covers vocabulary of most of the quality management related terms; these are repeated as a “normative reference” in other standards such as ISO 9001:2000 (Quality management systems—Requirements).

21 vocabulary standards

22 basic standards The basic units of the SI system (Système international d’unités or International system of units) was defined and adopted by CGPM (Conférence générale des poids et mesures). The seven basic units of the SI system are: Length metre (m) Mass kilogram (kg) Time second (s) Electric current ampere (A) Temperature kelvin (k) Substance mole (mol) Luminous intensity candela (cd) The IEC, ISO and the International Organization for Legal Metrology (OIML) have published a number of standards and recommendations relating to measurement.

23 product standards For products, standards that contain specifications are the most common: they cover in a comprehensive manner the requirements for a material or product. These specifications provide the user with comprehensive guidance for producing, processing, selling, purchasing and using the product. These standards may include requirements for dimensions, performance, packaging, labelling, methods of sampling and test methods. Alternatively, these requirements may be defined in separate standards.

24 product standards Specification standards contain three categories of requirements: obligatory requirements (essential characteristics that are needed to ensure the usefulness of a product), optional or recommendatory requirements (which help to improve the serviceability of a product or to meet the specific requirements of a particular type of customer) and informative requirements. Product and material standards can be used as the basis for contracts in commercial dealings. National or third party product certifications can only be awarded if these product standards are used. International standards organizations such as ISO, IEC, CODEX, the European Union (through its product regulations) and various NSBs regularly issue new product standards or revise existing ones to keep pace with market requirements and changing technologies.

25 Standards on sampling, inspection, test methods, grading,packaging, labelling, supply and delivery
Methods for sampling and inspection are quite often incorporated into specification standards. Sometimes these may be indicated in a separate document and then referred to in the specification standard. For example, there are separate standards for the sampling of bulk commodities such as iron ore, coal and cereals. Methods for testing and analysis are also quite often incorporated into specification standards. However, when extensive details about test methods are to be given, these standards are published as independent standards. For example, a separate series of ISO standards and national standards is available on the testing of water, petroleum products, dairy products, electrical appliances, paints and textiles.

26 Standards on sampling, inspection, test methods, grading, packaging, labelling, supply and delivery
Methods for grading and classification are sometimes dealt with within the body of the specifications for the materials or products. For many bulk materials like coal and metallic ores, separate methods of grading and classification are available: grades are generally given as Grade A, Grade B, etc. or Class 1, Class 2, etc. To express the hierarchy of individual grades. Packaging and labelling requirements are generally not a part of specification standards and separate standards exist for them. A large number of standards have been published for packaging material (paper, cardboard, etc.) and other packages such as cans, tins, drums, barrels and containers. These standards also describe the methods used for testing the packages considered.

27 Standards on sampling, inspection, test methods, grading,packaging, labelling, supply and delivery
Supply and delivery conditions are also quite often a part of specification standards. When these conditions are of a more technical nature (e.g. concerning sampling, inspection, packaging or labelling) they are generally included in the specification type of standards. Nonetheless, independent standards on supply and delivery conditions are also available that deal mainly with contractual obligations.

28 Standards on organization
Beyond dealing with products, test methods, sampling, inspection and packaging, national and international standards have been developed that cover various management techniques, which include: Inventory management Production management Banking transaction documentation Information technology Logistics Quality management systems (ISO 9000 series) Environmental management systems (ISO series)

29 information sources on standards
The world of standards contains a lot more than simply product specifications and methods of tests. Some standards or standards-related documents are as good as textbooks on their subjects and include codes of practice such as building codes or other important descriptions. a useful link to standards:

30 ISO standards

31 Popular ISO standards

32 ISO standards

33 Standards catalogue

34 Standards catalogue

35 Standards catalogue

36 Standards catalogue

37 ISO standards

38 information sources on standards
National standards bodies (NSB-TSE) The first step for obtaining information on standards is to contact the NSB in your country, which will generally have a standards information centre. NSBs keep a collection of their own standards, and they will generally have collections of national standards of other countries, of regional and of international standards. For example, the Bureau of Indian Standards has in its library more than 60,000 standards, including standards issued by international bodies, other NSBs and standards of societies and associations.

39 information sources on standards
At standards information centres of NSBs, you will usually be able to consult catalogues of standards from various standards bodies to see which of them apply to your product or any other information relating to standards, which you may need. An NSB will be able to sell you its own standards and it will frequently be licensed to sell you standards from other standardizing bodies. If it does not have the standard you need, you may request the NSB in your country to order the standard for you from the relevant NSB.

40 Turkish Standards Institute


42 information sources on standards
The Internet If you do not have easy physical access to your NSB and if you wish to obtain foreign or international standards directly from the relevant standards body, you can use the Internet to search for and obtain standards. The World Standards Services Network (WSSN) is a network of websites of standards organizations around the world. Through the websites of its members, WSSN provides information on international, regional and national standardization and related activities and services (website

43 ASTM standards

44 sample standards

45 sample standards

46 sample standards

47 What is calibration? Calibration is the activity of checking, by comparison with a standard, the accuracy of a measuring instrument of any type. It may also include adjustment of the instrument to bring it into alignment with the standard. Even the most precise measurement instrument is of no use if you cannot be sure that it is reading accurately – or, more realistically, that you know what the error of measurement is.

48 How is calibration performed?
By checking the instrument against known reference standards that have themselves been calibrated according to agreed International Standards – the system of SI units – for example the Volt; Ampere; Watt; metre; litre. (These standards have replaced the “National Standards” that were for many years the traceability requirement).

49 How do we know that our calibration is “traceable”?
By using a calibration laboratory that is accredited to international standard ISO17025:2005. ISO17025 requires laboratories to demonstrate competence in both the technical aspects of the measurements and in the quality assurance aspects that ensure that you will get the service that you ask for if you have specific requirements, or will ensure that you get a useful and valid certificate and set of results if you wish to leave the detailed requirements to the laboratory.

50 How often should the instruments be calibrated?
This depends on how important the measurements being made are to your product or service; the degree of wear and tear that the instrument will experience in service; the stability of the instrument itself and a review of the calibration records that already exist to determine whether adjustment has been needed previously. OTC recommends a starting periodicity of 12 months for most instruments with an increase in calibration frequency (to 6 or 9 months) if adjustment is required, and a reduction in periodicity to 2 years after a sequence of annual calibrations has shown that adjustment has not been needed.

51 Why is calibration so important?
There are three main reasons for having instruments calibrated: To ensure readings from an instrument are consistent with other measurements. To determine the accuracy of the instrument readings. To establish the reliability of the instrument i.e. that it can be trusted.

52 Why is calibration so important?
Calibration defines the accuracy and quality of measurements recorded using a piece of equipment. Over time there is a tendency for results and accuracy to ‘drift’ particularly when using particular technologies or measuring particular parameters such as temperature and humidity. To be confident in the results being measured there is an ongoing need to service and maintain the calibration of equipment throughout its lifetime for reliable, accurate and repeatable measurements.

53 Why is calibration so important?
The goal of calibration is to minimise any measurement uncertainty by ensuring the accuracy of test equipment. Calibration quantifies and controls errors or uncertainties within measurement processes to an acceptable level. Calibration is vitally important wherever measurements are important, it enables users and businesses to have confidence in the results that they monitor record and subsequently control. 

54 Traceability: relating your measurements to others
The results of measurements are most useful if they relate to similar measurements, perhaps made at a different time, a different place, by a different person with a different instrument. Such measurements allow manufacturing processes to be kept in control from one day to the next and from one factory to another. Manufacturers and exporters require such measurements to know that they will satisfy their clients’ specifications.

55 Traceability: relating your measurements to others
Most countries have a system of accreditation for calibration laboratories. Accreditation is the recognition by an official accreditation body of a laboratory’s competence to calibrate, test, or measure an instrument or product. The assessment is made against criteria laid down by international standards. These laboratories are accredited to ISO Guide 25 Requirements for Technical competence of Calibration and testing laboratories.

56 Uncertainty: how accurate are your measurements?
Ultimately all measurements are used to help make decisions, and poor quality measurements result in poor quality decisions. The uncertainty in a measurement is a numerical estimate of the spread of values that could reasonably be attributed to the quantity. It is a measure of the quality of a measurement and provides the means to assess and minimise the risk and possible consequences of poor decisions. For example we may want to determine whether the diameter of a lawn mower shaft is too big, too small or just right. Our aim is to balance the cost of rejecting good shafts and of customer complaints if we were to accept faulty shafts, against the cost of an accurate but over engineered measurement system.

57 Uncertainty: how accurate are your measurements?
When making these decisions the uncertainty in the measurement is as important as the measurement itself. A measurement with a stated uncertainty can be compared to others The uncertainty reported on your certificate is information necessary for you to calculate the uncertainty in your measurements. Measurements are traceable when they can be related to a recognised measurement system, through an unbroken chain of comparisons, each with stated uncertainties

58 Reliability: can I trust the instrument?
Many measuring instruments read directly in terms of the SI units, and have a specified accuracy greater than needed for most tasks. With such an instrument, where corrections and uncertainties are negligible, the user simply wants to know that the instrument is reliable. Unfortunately a large number of instruments are not. Approximately one in six of all of the instruments sent for calibration are judged to be unreliable or unfit for purpose in some way. Reliability is judged primarily by the absence of any behaviour that would indicate that the instrument is or may be faulty. A calibration certificate will be issued only if an instrument is found to be reliable, and will satisfy its intended purpose.

59 Achieving Traceability in your measurements
Many quantities of practical interest such as colour, loudness and comfort are difficult to define because they relate to human attributes. Others such as viscosity, flammability, and thermal conductivity are sensitive to the conditions under which the measurement is made, and it may not be possible to trace these measurements to the SI units. For these reasons the international measurement community establishes documentary standards (procedures) that define how such quantities are to be measured so as to provide the means for comparing the quality of goods or ensuring that safety and health requirements are satisfied.

60 Achieving Traceability in your measurements
To make a traceable measurement three elements are required: An appropriate and recognised definition of how the quantity should be measured, A calibrated measuring instrument, and Competent staff who are able to interpret the standard or procedure, and use the instrument. Traceability is ensured only if these three factors are present in the measurement process Accreditation to ISO Guide 25 has specific requirements for technical competence and is distinct from certification to the ISO 9000 series quality systems, which are simply management tools.

61 Adjustment: what a calibration is not
Calibration does not usually involve the adjustment of an instrument so that it reads ‘true’. Indeed adjustments made as a part of a calibration often detract from the reliability of an instrument because they may destroy or weaken the instrument’s history of stability. The adjustment may also prevent the calibration from being used retrospectively. When Measurement Standards Laboratory (MSL) adjusts an instrument it normally issues a calibration report with both the ‘as received’ and ‘after adjustment’ values. Adjustments may completely invalidate an earlier calibration.

62 What a calibration certificate contains
Your calibration certificate must contain certain information if it is to fulfil its purpose of supporting traceable measurements. This information, which is listed in ISO Guide 25, can be divided into several categories (see appendix for more details): it establishes the identity and credibility of the calibrating laboratory; it uniquely identifies the instrument and its owner; it identifies the measurements made; and it is an unambiguous statement of the results, including an uncertainty statement. In some cases the information contained in your certificate might seem obvious but ISO Guide 25 grew out of the experience that stating the obvious is the only reliable policy.

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