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Interpreter Dynamics Capt Cory Ross UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO.

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Presentation on theme: "Interpreter Dynamics Capt Cory Ross UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interpreter Dynamics Capt Cory Ross UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO

2 1.Categories / Considerations 2.Preparatory Phase 3.Execution Phase 4.Follow-up Phase 5.Questions Outline UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO

3 Categories / Considerations 1.Category I: Usually hired locally, speak local dialect Require vetting Used for basic interpretation activities May have extensive combat experience 2.Category II: U.S. citizens with a secret clearance Possess good oral and written communication skills, but may not speak the local dialect well Limited availability Limited combat experience UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO

4 Categories / Considerations 1.Category III: U.S. citizens with a top secret clearance Possess excellent oral and written communication skills Scarce commodity 2.Considerations Remember to practice OPSEC Unit Linguist Manager Language skill/regional dialect of the interpreter Patrol experience vs high level KLE experience UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO

5 Preparatory Phase 1.Get to know the interpreter Background (Pashto/Dari, region, experience) Education-level Predispositions (Family history in this conflict) Note prejudices 2.Provide material in advance / Prep him Complex terminology Develop emergency retrograde signals Note taking 3.Treat like one of your own Respect Protection (body armor, force pro, living conditions) 4.Study the target language The more you learn, the better off you will be -Even basic greetings will pay off!!! UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO “It’s more advantageous to study Pashto or Dari for an hour each day than reading another hour of intel reporting.” – Dr. Carter Malkasian, COMISAF POLAD

6 Execution Phase 1.Introduce interpreter to your audience/counterpart Respect Displays credibility and value in your interpreter 2.Avoid military jargon and complex terminology If unavoidable, thorough preparation Identify common words that do not translate well 3.Address your audience/counterpart; not your interpreter Proximity to interpreter is important Always look and talk directly to your counterpart /audience Speak with normal gestures and inflection UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO

7 Execution Phase (cont.) 4.Speak slowly, clearly, and in logical “bites” This may seem unnatural, but it’s a must If it is difficult to memorize in English, it’s even harder to interpret into a second language 5.Many Afghans speak English well Compliment their ability Be mindful of what you say Encourage the use of your interpreter for business Prepare your interpreter 6.Have a second interpreter present if possible Gather atmospherics from the audience Quality control for your primary interpreter UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO

8 Bad Practices 1.Avoid making comments to your interpreter that are not interpreted. 2.Do not address your counterpart/audience in the third person. 3.Do not speak in run on sentences. You may think you are on a roll, making an excellent point, but the CF in the room are the only ones who will receive the message. 4.Never use profanity 5.Avoid acronyms 6.Humor does not translate well, use a proverb instead UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO

9 Follow-Up/ After Action Phase 1.Debrief your interpreter Find out what he took away from the meeting Atmospherics about the audience Sidebar conversations Insider Threat awareness 2.Keep the same interpreter if at all possible Rapport building Efficiency Become a good team 3.Keep a detailed turnover log about your Afghan counterpart/s Will greatly assist your successor UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO

10 Questions? Reference US Army FM 3-24 Appendix C 8443-E4276B6F0481-1274576841878/3-24/appc.htm UNCLASSIFIED// FOUO

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