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Distributed Low-Latency Scheduling

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1 Distributed Low-Latency Scheduling
Sparrow Distributed Low-Latency Scheduling Kay Ousterhout, Patrick Wendell, Matei Zaharia, Ion Stoica

2 Sparrow schedules tasks in clusters
using a decentralized, randomized approach

3 Sparrow schedules tasks in clusters
using a decentralized, randomized approach support constraints and fair sharing and provides response times within 12% of ideal

4 … … … … Scheduling Setting Map Reduce/Spark/Dryad Job Task Task Task

5 Job Latencies Rapidly Decreasing
2012: Impala query 2010: Dremel Query 2010: In-memory Spark query 2009: Hive query 2013: Spark streaming 2004: MapReduce batch job 10 min. 10 sec. 100 ms 1 ms Job Latencies Rapidly Decreasing

6 Scheduling challenges:
Millisecond Latency Quality Placement Fault Tolerant High Throughput

7 26 1.6K 160K 16M 1000 16-core machines Scheduler throughput
2012: Impala query 2010: Dremel Query 2010: In-memory Spark query 2009: Hive query 2013: Spark streaming 2004: MapReduce batch job 10 min. 10 sec. 100 ms 1 ms 26 decisions/second 1.6K decisions/second 160K decisions/second 16M decisions/second Scheduler throughput core machines

8 ? Millisecond Latency Quality Placement Fault Tolerant High Throughput
Today: Completely Centralized Sparrow: Completely Decentralized Less centralization Millisecond Latency Quality Placement Fault Tolerant High Throughput ?

9 Sparrow Decentralized approach Existing randomized approaches Batch Sampling Late Binding Analytical performance evaluation Handling constraints Fairness and policy enforcement Within 12% of ideal on 100 machines

10 Scheduling with Sparrow
Worker Scheduler Worker Job Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker

11 Random Job Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler

12 Simulated Results Omniscient: infinitely fast centralized scheduler
100-task jobs in 10,000-node cluster, exp. task durations

13 Per-task sampling Power of Two Choices Job Worker Scheduler Worker

14 Per-task sampling Power of Two Choices Job Worker Scheduler Worker

15 100-task jobs in 10,000-node cluster, exp. task durations
Simulated Results 100-task jobs in 10,000-node cluster, exp. task durations

16 Response Time Grows with Tasks/Job!
70% cluster load

17 Per-Task Sampling Job Per-task Worker Scheduler Task 1 Worker
Scheduler Task 1 Worker Job Scheduler Worker Task 2 Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker

18 Place m tasks on the least loaded of dm slaves
Per-task Sampling Batch Per-task 4 probes (d = 2) Worker Scheduler Worker Job Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker Place m tasks on the least loaded of dm slaves

19 Per-task versus Batch Sampling
70% cluster load

20 100-task jobs in 10,000-node cluster, exp. task durations
Simulated Results 100-task jobs in 10,000-node cluster, exp. task durations

21 Queue length poor predictor of wait time
80 ms 155 ms Worker Worker 530 ms Poor performance on heterogeneous workloads

22 Place m tasks on the least loaded of dm slaves
Late Binding 4 probes (d = 2) Worker Scheduler Worker Job Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker Place m tasks on the least loaded of dm slaves

23 Place m tasks on the least loaded of dm slaves
Late Binding 4 probes (d = 2) Worker Scheduler Worker Job Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker Place m tasks on the least loaded of dm slaves

24 Place m tasks on the least loaded of dm slaves
Late Binding Worke r reques ts task Worker Scheduler Worker Job Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker Place m tasks on the least loaded of dm slaves

25 100-task jobs in 10,000-node cluster, exp. task durations
Simulated Results 100-task jobs in 10,000-node cluster, exp. task durations

26 What about constraints?

27 Restrict probed machines to those that satisfy the constraint
Job Constraints Worker Scheduler Worker Job Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker Restrict probed machines to those that satisfy the constraint

28 Probe separately for each task
Per-Task Constraints Worker Scheduler Worker Job Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker Probe separately for each task

29 Technique Recap Batch sampling + Late binding Constraint handling
Worker Scheduler Batch sampling + Late binding Constraint handling Worker Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker

30 How does Sparrow perform on a real cluster?

31 Spark on Sparrow Sparrow Scheduler Job Worker Worker Worker
Query: DAG of Stages Worker Job Worker Worker Worker

32 Spark on Sparrow Sparrow Scheduler Job Worker Worker Worker
Query: DAG of Stages Worker Worker Worker Job Worker

33 Spark on Sparrow Sparrow Scheduler Job Worker Worker Worker
Query: DAG of Stages Worker Worker Worker Job Worker

34 How does Sparrow compare to Spark’s native scheduler?
core EC2 nodes, 10 tasks/job, 10 schedulers, 80% load

35 TPC-H Queries: Background
TPC-H: Common benchmark for analytics workloads Shark: SQL execution engine Spark: Distributed in-memory analytics framework Sparrow

36 100 16-core EC2 nodes, 10 schedulers, 80% load
TPC-H Queries Percentiles 95 75 50 25 5 core EC2 nodes, 10 schedulers, 80% load

37 TPC-H Queries Within 12% of ideal Median queuing delay of 9ms
core EC2 nodes, 10 schedulers, 80% load

38 Timeout: 100ms Failover: 5ms Re-launch queries: 15ms
Fault Tolerance Spark Client 1 Scheduler 1 Spark Client 2 Scheduler 2 Timeout: 100ms Failover: 5ms Re-launch queries: 15ms

39 When does Sparrow not work as well?
High cluster load

40 Related Work Centralized task schedulers: e.g., Quincy Two level schedulers: e.g., YARN, Mesos Coarse-grained cluster schedulers: e.g., Omega Load balancing: single task

41 Worker Scheduler Batch sampling + Late binding Constraint handling Worker Scheduler Worker Worker Scheduler Worker Scheduler Worker Sparrows provides near-ideal job response times without global visibility

42 Backup Slides

43 Priorities Fair Shares
Policy Enforcement Priorities Serve queues based on strict priorities Fair Shares Serve queues using weighted fair queuing Slave Slave High Priority User A (75%) Low Priority User B (25%) Can we do better without losing simplicity?

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