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Praxis Program™ Update OCTEO Conference April 16, 2010 Dublin, OH Ines Bosworth, Client Relations Director Dena Hoffman, Marketing Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Praxis Program™ Update OCTEO Conference April 16, 2010 Dublin, OH Ines Bosworth, Client Relations Director Dena Hoffman, Marketing Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Praxis Program™ Update OCTEO Conference April 16, 2010 Dublin, OH Ines Bosworth, Client Relations Director Dena Hoffman, Marketing Director

2 TODAY’S OBJECTIVES Brief “Praxis 101” review Focus on what’s new –Revised tests –Multi-state model for standard setting –Service enhancements –Additional test prep –Improved website –Tools for IHEs Answer questions

3 OHIO AND ETS Valued client since late 1980s –Praxis I – basic academic skills for entry to programs –Praxis II – content tests, including Principles of Learning and Teaching (PLT) –Praxis III – until last year –ParaPro

4 MORE THAN PRAXIS SAT, Advanced Placement, NAEP, GRE, TOEFL Support State Teachers of the Year via CCSSO Work with HBCU’s NCCTQ – Teacher Quality Center Teacher Leader work Educator Performance Assessments

5 LICENSURE BASICS State regulated process Required, not voluntary Focus is on core knowledge required to begin practice Tests are one of multiple requirements Tests are high stakes; must be legally defensible Tests do not predict performance

6 A National Advisory Committee (NAC) comprised of practitioners is convened for each test ETS solicits states to provide nominations National standards and state needs are considered Job Analysis Survey is conducted – reality check The NAC develops test specifications focused on core knowledge essential for beginning practitioners Practitioners write items matched to specifications Test forms are assembled and reviewed by NAC and other experts CREATING QUALITY ASSESSMENTS

7 PRAXIS TEST REGENERATION PROGRAM 5-year strategic review of test titles If revisions are not more than 20%, a new standard setting study is not required Revision process takes 18 months

8 NEW MULTI-STATE STANDARD SETTING MODEL Introduced in 2009; replaces single-state model 2 panels of experts nominated by client states Convened at ETS; work independently from each other, 2 day process Arrive at a definition of the “just qualified candidate” Panelists judge each item to arrive at a recommended passing score; discuss, rate items again Data from 2 panels are combined Study report enables each state to select a score

9 REVISED TEST TITLES STARTING FALL 2010 Special Education: Core Knowledge and Application (0354) Business Education (0101) Teaching Reading (0204) French: World Language (0174) German: World Language (0183) Spanish: World Language (0195) World Language Pedagogy (0841)

10 3 TEST CHANGES THAT WILL AFFECT OHIO FALL 2010 Sp Ed: Core Knowledge and Applications (0354) replaces Education of Exceptional Students: Core Content Knowledge (0353) –Old test was 1 hour MC; new test is 2 hrs MC –OH had 4 panelists on national validation panels Teaching Reading K-12 (0204) replaces Intro to Teaching of Reading (0200) –OH had 2 panelists on national validation panel –For licensing a beginning reading teacher

11 3 TEST CHANGES THAT WILL AFFECT OHIO FALL 2010 Business Education (0101) replaces Business Education (0100) –Main change is the addition of a new area, entrepreneurship –OH had 2 panelists on national validation study –Score scale changing from old 250-990 to 100-200 new scale

12 TAAGS FOR REVISED TESTS Will be available on the ETS website, starting in mid-July Draft copies available now via ODE or Ines Bosworth at

13 TEST TITLES UP FOR REGENERATION, 2010-2011 Teaching Students with Visual Impairments English to Speakers of Other Languages Education Leadership, Administration & Supervision Technology Education Teaching Students with Language Impairments Art: Content Knowledge PLT – 4 tests

14 7 paper/pencil administrations annually Praxis I offered paper/pencil and on computer at Prometric centers and some IHEs ADA accommodations we provide: Extra time, Braille, large print test books, test reader, additional breaks, sign language Primary Language Not English THE PRAXIS PROGRAM IN OHIO Program Operations

15 Candidates: –Must designate who gets scores – Can designate up to 3 score recipients Institutions: –Can receive scores three ways Paper CD-Rom ScoreLink (internet delivery of data file) ODE automatically receives scores THE PRAXIS PROGRAM IN OHIO Candidate Score Reports

16 Score reports now available faster and online –Multiple-choice test scores available in 17 days –Candidate score reports available via Web Simplified fee policies based on client feedback –One registration fee per testing year –Automatic refunds for candidates who re-register for the same test prior to receiving their score report More flexible registration options –Register up to a week before test day – with a guaranteed seat THE PRAXIS PROGRAM IN OHIO Service Enhancements

17 THE PRAXIS PROGRAM IN OHIO Program Enhancements Computer delivery, Fall 2010: –Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (0014) –Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (0011) New Test Prep: –E-books –PLT online tutorial available now –El Ed: 0014 interactive practice test available now –Praxis I Webinars – free –Praxis I tutorial - available this summer

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