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SW 644: Issues in Developmental Disabilities Best Practice: Moving Beyond the Service System and Expanding Normalization in and with Community Lecture.

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Presentation on theme: "SW 644: Issues in Developmental Disabilities Best Practice: Moving Beyond the Service System and Expanding Normalization in and with Community Lecture."— Presentation transcript:

1 SW 644: Issues in Developmental Disabilities Best Practice: Moving Beyond the Service System and Expanding Normalization in and with Community Lecture Presenter: Connie Lyle O’Brien, MSW

2 Call Forth the Light in Community Life

3 ways to embody their contribution Capacity Thinking The art of discovering what people can contribute to community life

4 Contributing Being Respected Sharing Ordinary Places Belonging Choosing Dimensions of Self-Determination









13 Ability & willingness to… Power over Power with Power from within …make decisions for others & enforce compliance …listen to & be influenced by others’ perceptions & suggestions & offer perceptions & suggestions in return …discover & creatively express abilities & concerns which are spiritually meaningful 3 kinds of Power

14 JUSTICE Beyond individualism, toward community Focus on person Freedom from interference Abstracted from social circumstances Supports our common humanity (sameness) Mutual responsibility to self & others Obligations arising from personal ties and connections Embedded in particular social circumstances Supports our unique individuality (difference) RELATIONSHIPS & CARINGINDIVIDUAL RIGHTS

15 Individual Rights Get people out of institutions, sheltered workshops, day hab Individual rights for those whose rights have been denied Demand for autonomy & self determination Seeing the necessity of asking people, “What do you want?” Result: Community services, mostly agency controlled & operated “home-like” placements or “job placements” Relationships & Caring What are we getting people into? Responsibility to & for each other Search for interdependence Work toward shared visions of desirable futures held together by mutual, personal knowledge, love, commitment, celebration & grieving. Aiming for support to live in my own home & have a job suited to my gifts where I can make a contribution & earn a decent wage.

16 The Service SystemCommunity The Language of… us citizen/member friend neighbor care love personal capacity (1/2 full) interest experience stories/gossip acting/doing common variety/surprise social/collective voluntary dreams consent capacity/abundance them client/consumer volunteer staff/provider service/programs treatment/training professional deficiency (1/2 empty) needs/problems curriculum/education studies planning reports specialization standardization individual paid for I_P’s/plans compliance/control scarcity

17 ENERGY used to develop & organize structures, agencies, organizations (which tend over time to conformity, uniformity, & discipline Thrives on: Principles, laws, procedures, due process, courts, contracts, rules & regulations, I__P’s, reports, plans, deadlines, justifications POWER OVER Connections, webs, circles, friends ENERGY used to find, call forth, support, regenerate, create community (which relies on diversity, pluralism, self governance, and self direction Thrives on: Trust, promises, dreams, experiences, personal knowledge, negotiation, time, stories, obligations POWER WITH RELATIONSHIPS & CARING Service System


19 A Variety of Resources Individual RelationshipNetwork Association Service qualities abilities possessions knowledge concerns * habits Individuals people can count on as friends: for fellowship, support & to get things done Informal groups: support one another and get things done together Identified group that confers membership, defines roles, takes positions, gets things done Bureaucratic structure to get things done for eligible people: formalized relationship.




23 Can’t ride on own Riding Stable No, insurance Saturday riders Only expressed interest ? Better Listening Interest in Horses reveals Disabled Riding Group search


25 Discovering Capacity Creating Vision Sharing Resources Building Community Developing Supports Themes of Person-Centered Work

26 Discovering Capacity Creating Vision Sharing Resources Building Community Developing Supports Contributing Being Respected Sharing Ordinary Places Belonging Choosing

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