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Hiteroza, Narciso Diagnostics. Collection Date & Time02/15/12 10:51 PM02/16/12 11:12 AM Doctor ER CONSULTANTAP Location ERRR Test nameResult Ref. rangeUnit.

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Presentation on theme: "Hiteroza, Narciso Diagnostics. Collection Date & Time02/15/12 10:51 PM02/16/12 11:12 AM Doctor ER CONSULTANTAP Location ERRR Test nameResult Ref. rangeUnit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hiteroza, Narciso Diagnostics

2 Collection Date & Time02/15/12 10:51 PM02/16/12 11:12 AM Doctor ER CONSULTANTAP Location ERRR Test nameResult Ref. rangeUnit SERUM CHEMISTRY SODIUM-Istat 139 138.00 - 146.00mmol/L POTASSIUM-Istat 4.5 3.50 - 4.90mmol/L CREATININE Abbot 94.2 62.00 - 115.00umol/L CBC HEMOGLOBINL 132 L 110 135 - 170g/L HEMATOCRITL 0.39 L 0.33 0.40 - 0.54 RED BLOOD CELLL 4.34 L 3.59 4.60 - 6.20x10^12/L WHITE BLOOD CELL 9.4 7.6 4.50 - 10.00x10^9/L MCH 30 31 27 - 31pg MCHC 0.33 0.34 0.32 - 0.36 MCV 91 80 - 96fl RDW 12.4 13.1 11.5 - 14.5 THROMBOCYTE 200 180 140 - 440x10^9/L DIFF COUNT NEUTROPHIL (BLOOD)H 0.86 H 0.75 0.56 - 0.66 LYMPHOCYTE (BLOOD)L 0.09 L 0.2 0.22 - 0.40 MONOCYTE (BLOOD) 0.05 0.04 - 0.08 EOSINOPHILL 0 L 0 0.01 - 0.04 COAGULATION PROTHROMBIN TIME PROTIME CONTROL 12.8 seconds PROTIME PATIENT 13.3 12.0 - 14.0seconds PROTIME % ACTIVITY 0.93 0.70 - 1.30 PROTIME INR 1.04 APTT APTT CONTROL 29 seconds APTT PATIENTL 27.5 28.0 - 37.0seconds BLOOD TYPING Blood Type O RH Factor Positive

3 No evident fracture or dislocation. Small round pelvic density; phlebolith versus cystolithiasis Pelvis AP (2/15/2012 8:11 PM )

4 Cervical Spine AP (2/15/2012 8:13 PM )

5 Open Mouth View (2/15/2012 8:13 PM )

6 Cervical Cross Table Lateral (2/15/2012 8:13 PM )

7 Thoracic Cage AP (2/15/2012 8:15 PM ) There is no evidence of distinct fracture. No abnormal bone reactions are noted.

8 Thoracic Cage AP (2/15/2012 8:15 PM ) There is no evidence of distinct fracture. No abnormal bone reactions are noted.

9 CXR (2/15/2012 8:19 PM ) No significant chest findings.

10 Right Shoulder Lateral (2/15/2012)

11 No evident fracture or dislocation.

12 Left Hand PA (2/15/2012 9:19 PM ) 5th proximal phalanx dislocated posteromedially 3rd middle phalanx dislocated posterolaterally Comminuted fracture in the base of the 3rd distal phalanx. Soft tissue swelling on the 3rd digit

13 Left Hand Lateral (2/15/2012 9:18 PM ) 5th proximal phalanx dislocated posteromedially 3rd middle phalanx dislocated posterolaterally Comminuted fracture in the base of the 3rd distal phalanx. Soft tissue swelling on the 3rd digit

14 Left Hand Oblique (2/15/2012 9:18 PM ) 5th proximal phalanx dislocated posteromedially 3rd middle phalanx dislocated posterolaterally Comminuted fracture in the base of the 3rd distal phalanx. Soft tissue swelling on the 3rd digit

15 Right Proximal Femur AP (2/15/2012 8:44 PM )

16 Right Proximal Femur Lateral (2/15/2012 8:52 PM )

17 Right Distal Femur AP (2/15/2012 8:45 PM )

18 Right Distal Femur Lateral (2/15/2012 8:53 PM )

19 Cranial CT Scan Results 1.Fractures of the bilateral nasal bones, frontal process of the right maxillary bone and nasal septum with adjacent soft tissue injury as described. Sinus disease with no significant air-fluid level. Punctate dermal hyperdense foci in the anterior frontal region may represent calcifications or foreign bodies. 2.Bilateral trochlear calcifications. No signs of intraorbital injury. 3.No acute intracranial hemorrhage, mass effect, hydrocephalus or calvarial fracture.

20 Left Hand Lateral (2/16/2012 6:43 PM )

21 Left Hand Lateral (2/16/2012 6:43 AM )

22 Left Hand PA (2/16/2012 7:40 AM )

23 Left Hand Lateral (2/16/2012 7:40 AM )

24 Left Hand Lateral Mobile (2/16/2012 7:40 AM )

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