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Project Overview Isabelle Piccard (VITO) Presented by, Lieven Bydekerke GEO European Projects workshop London, 8-9 February 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Overview Isabelle Piccard (VITO) Presented by, Lieven Bydekerke GEO European Projects workshop London, 8-9 February 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Overview Isabelle Piccard (VITO) Presented by, Lieven Bydekerke GEO European Projects workshop London, 8-9 February 2010

2 Content  Introduction  Context  ISAC team  Project objectives  Users  Services 14/01/2011 2

3 Introduction  FP7 collaborative project, SPACE-2010-1 call: “Stimulating the development of GMES services in specific areas”  Basic idea: agricultural monitoring in a changing environment using high resolution satellite images (20-30m)  Start date: 1 January 2011  Duration: 30 months  Budget: 1 250 757 EUR (EC grant)  Co-ordinator:  Partners: 3

4 Context  Increase of world population: land resources under stress…  Climate change: more natural disasters…  Agriculture more exposed to evolution of world market prices… → Europe: CAP states “farmers should take measures to manage risk” (insurance, mutual funds,…) → Africa: agricultural systems are less well understood, resilience after disasters is low,… = food aid & development programs are needed to remedy and formulate actions for sustainable management and development need for transparent & reliable information on agriculture and the agri-environment = supported by Lisbon protocol, CAP, NEPAD’s Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development programme & Environmental programme,… 14/01/2011 4

5 5 ISAC team PartnerExpertiseUser contacts Deimos ImagingEO based agriculture (pastures, crops) & environment applications Spanish insurance sector (Agroseguro), ENESA IIASAModelling land use & land use trends, link between climate change & index insurance IFPRI, IGAD World Bank GeoSASFood security & disaster risk management, involved in Ethiopia Drought Insurance Pilot Project IGAD member countries, WFP, World Bank Eth. insurance sector Infoterra UKGeo-information provider, a.o. for emergency sector, leading SAFER & Garnet-E projects Emergency response community in Africa VITOImage processing & EO based applications for monitoring agriculture & food security: leading GMFS, involved in geoland2, MARSOP, ADASCIS projects Belgian and Eur. insurance sector, Flemish Agriculture Administration, Belgian Agricultural Calamity Fund, JRC-MARS, Food security community in Africa + international (UN, EC) Global Land user community Clear needs: frequent information covering large areas

6 Project objectives  Development of 3 prototype services:  Core Mapping Service on High Resolution Biophysical Parameters (ABP-CMS)  Core Information Service on Drought stress (DS-CIS)  Core Information Service on Agricultural change (AC-CIS)  Service demonstration in Belgium, Spain and Ethiopia 14/01/2011 6 Existing services based on low/medium resolution satellite data Increased availability of high resolution, wide swath satellite data Long term sustainability: feed into existing GMES services, stimulate downstream services with paying clients

7 Users & demonstrations  Insurance sector (Agroseguro Spain, Belgian insurance sector - Assuralia, CEA, NYALA Ethiopia,…)  Authorities (Flemish Agriculture administration, ENESA Spain, Ministry of Agriculture Ethiopia,…)  Food security & Emergency response sector  Current initiatives in IGAD region related to food security & emergency response (ICPAC, REFORM, crop production monitoring database of CPSZ/FAO/EC, …)  Information provider activities: GMES Africa, JRC Africa, GEO/GEOSS, FAO, USAID and UN activities. 14/01/2011 7

8 Service R&D – CMS HR BioPar  Role of VITO (WP leader): development of a processing chain to derive biophysical parameters from high resolution DMC/Deimos-1 satellite images  Methodology: Based on CTIV, MARS-OP and Geoland-2 experience in processing low & medium resolution satellite data (SPOT-VGT, NOAA & METOP AVHRR, MODIS, MERIS) and experience in (very) high resolution airborne & UAV data processing 14/01/2011 8

9 9 Service R&D – CIS Drought stress  Development of a prototype service for drought related crop damage & risk assessment based on HR BioPar  Methodology: Based on ADASCIS, project for Belgian Agricultural Calamity Fund → anomaly detection, crop damage & risk assessment per municipality, based on SPOT-VGT fAPAR fAPAR exceptional? Return frequency Large number of exceptional values in crop’s critical period: “potentially damaged”

10 Service R&D – CMS Agricultural change Courtesy IIASA, Steffen Fritz, Marijn De Valck  Short-term AC to improve crop yield forecast & early warning  Long-term AC detection integrating EPIC outputs with GLOBIOM for long term CC impact

11 Thank you! 14/01/2011 11

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