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Navy Reserve Medicine BUMED M10 Reserve Policy & Integration

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1 Navy Reserve Medicine BUMED M10 Reserve Policy & Integration
Presented By: HMCS Wilcox

2 Objectives General overview of Navy Reserve Medicine Manpower
Overview of Reserve Type Orders Introduction to MEDRUPMIS Manpower Data Systems

3 Navy Medical Reserve Organization
BUMED OSO NAVMED Regions OSO MTFs EMF Dallas/GL/Beth Other OHSUs DETs NOSCs RCC/ REGION CNRFC RCC = Reserve Component Commands NOSC= Navy Operational Support Center CNRF

4 Navy Reserve Regions

5 Purpose of the Reserve Component (RC)
Support Navy Medicine through: Integration Augmentation Sustainment Medical support To accomplish this: Effective utilization of assets Retention Recruitment Medical readiness

6 BSO 18 RC Commands 7 OHSUs (Operational Health Support Unit) –Bremerton, Jacksonville, Camps Lejeune & Pendleton, Pensacola, Portsmouth, San Diego 3 EMF’s (Expeditionary Medical Facility) Dallas, Great Lakes, Bethesda RC Navy Medicine Education and Training Command (NMETC)

7 Navy Reservists Civilian careers Normal activity: Reservists may be:
Annual Training “Drill” one weekend per month Available for other active duty requirements Reservists may be: Former active-duty member Direct accession Remains a reservist either voluntarily, or by obligation

8 3 Types of Reservists 1. Ready Reserve: Selected Reserve (SELRES)
Full Time Support (formerly TAR) Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) Voluntary Training Unit (VTU) Active Status Pool (ASP)

9 3 Types of Reservists 2. Standby Reserve Active Status List (S1)
Key federal employees and hardships Eligible for promotion (except to flag rank) Inactive Status List (S2) May not train for points or pay Not eligible for promotion

10 3 Types of Reservists 3. Retired Reserve
Qualified for non-regular pay (reservists) Regular retirement (FTS) “Gray Area” (retired prior to age 60)

11 RC Medical Department Officer Billets & SELRES Inventory FY 2005 – 2012

12 Types of Reserve Training Orders
Inactive Duty Training (IDT) - 48 paid “drills” per year (2 drills per day/2 days per month) - No travel or per diem associated with this category Inactive Duty Training Travel (IDTT) - Based on budget and availability - CNRFC - Pays travel and per diem (in conjunction with drill periods) Annual Training (AT) - Typically days per year (up to 29, when funding available) - MTF support, OJT, coursework, exercise/mission support Additional Training Periods (ATP) and Reserve Management Periods (RMP) - Acts like additional IDT (drill) days

13 Types of Reserve Extended Active Duty Orders
Active Duty for Training (ADT) - Based on budget and availability - CNRFC - Flexible duration - Pays salary, travel and per diem Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW) - Based on budget and availability – BUPERS (CNRFC) - Up to three years - Requests: MTF / Regional OSO / BUMED / BUPERS “265” Recall (US Code Title 10, sec 12301(D)) - Limited types of positions – OSO, staff HQ - Limited to Medical Community Officer billets - Normally 2 or 3 year recall Full-Time Support (FTS) Staff - Detailed the same as Active Component - Only HM enlisted FTS billets - No officer Medical Community FTS billets (Only “265” Recall)

14 Types of Reserve Mobilization Orders
- Presidential Reserve Call-up (PRC) – Persian Gulf 90-91, Haiti 94-96, Bosnia 95-04, Iraq 98-03, Kosovo 99-present • President, then notifies congress (24 hours) • Involuntary: up to 200,000 Ready Reserve • Up to 365 days - Partial Mobilization (Persian Gulf ‘91) • Service secretaries • Involuntary: up to 1,000,000 Ready Reserve • Up to 24 consecutive months - Full Mobilization • No limit to number of personnel (can include retired reserve) • Duration of war/emergency + 6 months

15 Shift from “Strategic” to “Operational” Reserve
Mobilized infrequently Contributory support and backfill

16 Shift from “Strategic” to “Operational” Reserve
Organized, trained, equipped, and supported to fight, on rotational basis, alongside active forces in the global war on terrorism and any future conflict Operations support and augmentation Boots on ground Better prepared force; same standard as AC Integrated with AC

17 How to Obtain Support The Medical Reserve Utilization Program Management Information System (MEDRUPMIS) is Navy Medicine’s comprehensive process used to identify and validate requirements identified by Active Component Commands with the goal of achieving full integration of Medical Reserve assets into a single, integrated and comprehensive database.

18 Why was it Initialized? Prior to the Navy’s Total Force Policy (SECNAV A, dated 08 April 1997), the Medical Reserve was considered a "Force in Reserve" to be called upon during national emergency. Today, under Navy’s Total Force concept the Medical Reserve must be an "Integral Team Member" supporting the mission of Navy Medicine in peace and war.

19 The Benefits of MEDRUPMIS
Utilize Operational Support Office (OSO). Enhance flexibility to respond to fleet commanders and parent command requirements. Improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness for utilization of Medical Reserve Forces.

20 Reserve Annual Training (AT/ADSW)
External Command Approve Request Member Match AT Orders MTF/ OHSU OPNAV/ BUMED Yes MEDRUPMIS Input BUMED: Requirement Valid? NAVMED OSO Member Reports No Deny Request

21 Benefits of RC (to AC Commands)
Force multiplier Little or no cost to receiving command RC program planning cost lower than AC Sustainment capability Flexibility

22 Benefits of RC (to RC Personnel)
Drill Flexibility Location Drill options Authorized absences Compensation Drill Pay Pay Raises Active Duty Pay Special Pay Augmentations Retirement Promotions Reemployment Rights Life/Health Life Insurance Medical/Dental Care Education Montgomery GI Bill Tuition Assistance Advanced Degree for Officers Income Enhancements Home Loan Program Income Tax Deductions Commissary/Exchange Privileges Travel

23 RC Challenges Recruitment Retention Billet vulnerability

24 Reserve Force Manning HA 149 HM1 580 568 68 HM2 1435 1331 45 HM3 1540
Number of PERS Number of BILLETS Number in VTU HA 149 HM1 580 568 68 HM2 1435 1331 45 HM3 1540 1660 30 HMC 268 285 37 HMCM 18 20 6 HMCS 74 73 17 HN 462 389 1 HR 32 98 4558 4424 205

25 BSO 18 HM Manning HA 28 HM1 313 355 HM2 742 857 HM3 760 1164 HMC 142
Number of PERS Number of BILLETS HA 28 HM1 313 355 HM2 742 857 HM3 760 1164 HMC 142 186 HMCM 10 13 HMCS 45 46 HN 177 63 HR 2 2219 2684

26 Total Force Manning by NEC
Number of PERS Number of BILLETS 0000 1962 2042 96.08% 8404 1622 1156 140.31% 8406 31 12 258.33% 8407 6 3 200.00% 8408 5 15 33.33% 8410 39 7.69% 8416 0.00% 8427 1 49 2.04% 8432 25 55 45.45% 8434 300.00% 8452 100 49.00% 8454 2 8463 100.00% 8466 17 44 38.64% 8482 24 73 32.88% 8483 99 225 44.00% 8485 27 49.09% 8486 7 71.43% 8489 10 32.26% 8493 60.00% 8496 8503 8506 166 29.52% 8541 46 32.61% 8701 261 242 107.85% 8702 50.00% 8708 16 43.75% 8752 8753 18 11.11%

27 BSO 18 HM Manning by NEC Number of PERS Number of BILLETS Total: 2059
0000 1245 1692 73.58% 8404 359 1 % 8407 4 2 200.00% 8408 15 26.67% 8410 37 2.70% 8416 3 0.00% 8432 14 35 40.00% 8434 300.00% 8452 96 36.46% 8454 8463 6 66.67% 8466 12 44 27.27% 8482 20 68 29.41% 8483 73 219 33.33% 8485 53 37.74% 8486 7 57.14% 8489 5 31 16.13% 8503 100.00% 8506 38 154 24.68% 8541 10 46 21.74% 8701 161 142 113.38% 8708 11 45.45% 8752 8753 18 11.11% Total: 2059 2710

28 Military Training = Better Civilian Employment! (Schools for CY14)
*8410: Biomedical Equipment Technician (5) (60m) 1-(2/26/2014-4/3/2015) 1-(3/26/2014-5/1/2015) 1-(4/23/2014-6/02/2015) /21/2014-6/26/2015) 1-6/19/2014-7/28/2015) 8416: Nuclear Medicine Technician (1) (30m) 1-(7/15/ /5/2014) *8427: Fleet Marine Force Reconnaissance Corpsman () ( m) TBD 8432: Preventive Medicine Technician (2) (36m) 1-(5/14/ /5/2014) 1-(7/9/2014-1/14/2015) 8452: Advanced Radiographer, Phase 1 of 2 (4) (60m) 1-(4/16/2014-9/12/2014) 1-(5/20/ /17/2014) 1-(6/24/ /21/2014) 1-(7/23/2014-1/5/2015) 8482: Pharmacy Technician (4) (36m) 1-(3/5/2014-8/13/2014) 1-(4/30/ /9/2014) 1-(6/25/ /08/2014) 1-(8/20/2014-2/17/2015) 8483: Surgical Technologist (4) (36m) 1-(6/25/2014-8/25/2014) 1-(7/16/2014-9/15/2014) 1-(8/20/ /21/2014) 1-(9/17/ /18/2014) 8485: Behavioral Health Technician (4) (30m) 1-(3/5/2014-6/18/2014) 1-(4/30/2014-8/14/2014) 1-(5/29/2014-9/12/2014) 1-(6/25/ /9/2014) 8489: Orthopedic Cast Room Technician (4) (24m) 1-(3/5/2014-5/28/2014) 1-(4/30/2014-7/24/2014) 1-(6/25/2014-9/18/2014) 1-(8/20/ /14/2014) 8506: Medical Laboratory Technician (3) (36m) 1-(6/18/2014-1/6/2015) 1-(7/30/2014-2/18/2015) 1-(9/10/2014-3/31/2015) 8702: Advanced Dental Assistant (4) (36m) 1-(1/8/2014-6/6/2014) 1-(4/9/2014-9/5/2014) 1-(6/11/ /7/2014) 1-(9/10/2014-2/20/2015) * Quotas are not guaranteed, availability based on active component manning.

29 Point of Contacts


31 MARFORRES (Program 9) OSO’s

32 Reserve Affairs Officers (RAOs)

33 BUMED RESERVE POCs CAPT Mary Riggs (703) Deputy Director (M10) LCDR Lisa Gittleman (703) Special Programs / Operations Officer CDR James Clearwood (703) Chief of Staff (M10)0 LCDR Nadesia Henry (703) Comptroller (M10) HMCS Jeffrey Wilcox (703) Senior Enlisted Leader (SEL) HMC Tammy Allen (703) Leading Chief Petty Officer (LCPO) HM1(SW) Lennox Bennett (703) Reserve HM “C” School Program Manager LT Sarah Christian (703) & HM2 Jamise Trapp (703) Manpower & Personnel Current Operations / Total Force Support (M3/5EPCS3): Lt. Jean Pietrowski (703) HMC Brian Cook (703)

34 Questions?

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