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1. List three features of Antarctica and share them with a partner. 2. Which of the features pose the greatest challenges for those who live there?

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Presentation on theme: "1. List three features of Antarctica and share them with a partner. 2. Which of the features pose the greatest challenges for those who live there?"— Presentation transcript:



3 1. List three features of Antarctica and share them with a partner. 2. Which of the features pose the greatest challenges for those who live there? 3. Now tell your partner what you’d have to take with you to survive in Antarctica. 4. How would you get to Antarctica? How far away is it? 5. Could we agree on just two characteristics we believe are the greatest challenges to living in Antarctica?

4 Wings/Flippers Feathers Coloration Layer of Fat or Blubber and Living in Colonies cc Physical Characteristics and Body Shape cc





9 Canipe, Steve. gentoo-chick.jpg. 8/25/2001. Pics4Learning. 29 Feb 2008 This adult Adélie penguin has just begun to molt. In another two weeks, it will have all new feathers. From Sea WorldSea World



12  0fact%20file/science/cold_penguins.htm 0fact%20file/science/cold_penguins.htm  Click on the link above or on the image to the right for additional information.

13  info/info-books/penguin/physical- characteristics.htm info/info-books/penguin/physical- characteristics.htm  pers-rock/ pers-rock/  Click on the links above or on the images to the right for information on all penguin species and their adaptations for the environments where they live.

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