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BEFORE WE START… Open your book to page xv (the very first pages) and let’s take a look at “THINGS TO KNOW”…

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1 BEFORE WE START… Open your book to page xv (the very first pages) and let’s take a look at “THINGS TO KNOW”…

2 Sign Space and Dominance
The ASL Sign Space is approximately from waist to the top of the head. Dominance – Which Hand Do You Use. Use the hand you write with in a one-handed sign. This is your dominant hand. Ambidextrous? Choose one hand and stick with it.

3 FACIAL EXPRESSION More important than anything else in sign language is facial expression. Without facial expression, your “voice” is M-O-N-O-T-O-N-E Signers need to see your facial expression to know if you’re asking a question or making a statement. Hearing people might feel embarrassed at first. Don’t! You’re safe in here. No laughing at others allowed! Go ahead! Leave your inhibitions outside the door.

4 Precision Is Important
During class, watch me carefully! If you do not get the sign correctly, you could be signing something else entirely. WATCH: SUMMER UGLY DRY

5 Precision and the Five Parameters
Signs have five parts: Handshape I……………………...vs. …………….MY Palm Orientation NAME …… vs. …………….CHAIR Location MOTHER …………....vs. ……………FATHER Movement SNOW……………..…vs. ……………RAIN Non-Manual Signals (facial expression) I UNDERSTAND ……vs. …………...I DON’T UNDERSTAND

6 IS ASL ENGLISH??? NO WAY! ASL has a completely different grammatical structure. For example: there is no word “BE” (or AM, ARE, IS) in ASL. ASL is NOT hand signals in English word order.

7 EYE CONTACT This is one of the most important parts of ASL.
You should watch and maintain eye contact. That means you look at the EYES more than the hands. Trust me and trust yourself. You can see the hands while you look at the eyes. In Deaf Culture (the Deaf World) looking away is rude. Watch me! Here’s how you sign EYE CONTACT

8 Question Sets Every unit we study, you will receive a question set.
You can read ahead and fill out all the answers.

9 Greetings and Responses
Master ASL Unit 1 Greetings and Responses

10 Meet the Characters (pg. 3)
Look on Page 3 at the Master ASL characters. Become familiar with their faces. You will be seeing them through out the year in our book and the Student DVD. Take a minute to read about them.

11 The boys…

12 The girls…

13 The “teacher”


15 Greetings (pg. 4) Most commonly used greetings among the Hearing and the Deaf Hi, hello What’s Up How are you?


17 “How are you?”& “What’s Up” Vocabulary (pg. 5)
To be busy Confused Fine To be good, well To be happy Nothing, not much Same old, the usual Sleepy So-so To be tired

18 Practice with a partner:

19 Deixis (pronounced “dike – sis”) (pg. 6)
If a person or object is not visible, point to an empty space and continue signing. Using the index finger to point is called DEIXIS. I, me You He, she, it We, us They You (plural)


21 Class Practice English: They are busy. THEY BUSY THEY She is happy.


23 More Greetings (pg. 7) Morning Afternoon Evening, night
GOOD + ______________ Morning Afternoon Evening, night

24 Vocabulary to Review Hello, Hi What’s Up? How are you? Busy Confused
Fine Good Happy Nothing, not much Same old, the usual Sleepy So-s0 Tired Morning Afternoon Evening, night

25 Review Continue I, me You He, she, it We, us You (plural) They

26 Introductions, Making Conversation, Signing Good-bye


28 Eyes on ASL (pg. 8) Eye Contact Hold On, Wait a Second Look at Me
Maintain eye contact when signing to others or when others sign to you. NEW SIGNS! Eye Contact Hold On, Wait a Second Look at Me Pay Attention No eye Contact

29 Why do I point Twice?? Pg. 9 Pointing back to yourself or the person you’re talking about shows completion of train of thought. This allows somebody else to begin signing without interrupting you. Using Deixis at the end of a sentence is called closing signal. Remember to use a closing signal when: Making a statement or comment about yourself or somebody else. Asking a question

30 Eyes on ASL #2 pg. 9 Always use a closing signal to complete a signed sentence. An ASL sentence lacking a closing signal is incomplete. What is a closing signal? Using a Deixis at the end of the sentence.

31 Accent Step page. 12 When fingerspelling your complete name, you don’t have to sign LAST NAME between the first and last name. Just briefly pause and continue. Barry Darrell

32 Eyes on ASL #3 pg. 10 (DVD) There are no such thing as a one-word answer or reply in American Sign Language. When responding to a question or statement, one-word replies are incomplete.



35 Introductions Vocabulary Pg. 12
Deaf Friend Hard of Hearing Hearing Introduce Meet My Nice Want Name

36 Classroom Exercise H Look on page 13
Practice signing the dialogue with a partner What are they signing?

37 Practice Sentences Pg. 9 & 11
English ASL - GLOSS What’s your name? My name Kelly Boyd. I want to introduce my friend. Her name is Lisa. YOU NAME WHAT YOU ME NAME K-E-L-L-Y B-O-Y-D ME ME WANT INTRODUCE MY FRIEND. SHE NAME L-I-S-A SHE

(English) I want to introduce my friend Her name is Lisa. ASL Gloss ME WANT INTRODUCE MY FRIEND SHE NAME LISA SHE

39 A)I want introduce my friend her/his name is christina
A)her/his name Barry B)Nice to meet you C)You too

40 Deaf Culture Notes Pg .14 Read on page 14 about Interacting with Deaf People. Shoulder tap Hand wave Turn Off Voice


42 Making Conversation Pg. 17
American Sign Language Bathroom Go-to Learn To sign, sign language Slow, to slow down Yes No Please Again, repeat Thank you Use sign language, to sign fluently(alternate)

43 The Question Maker (pg. 15)
Raising your eyebrows forms the Question-Maker, an expression that shows your are asking a question. Keep the eyebrows raised until you’ve completed signing the question. Notice the difference the question maker makes to the example on page 15. Raise your eyebrows!

44 Classroom Exercise J Look on page 16
Practice introducing yourself to a Deaf person explaining to them you are hearing and that you are learning sign language. HI, ME NAME fs-(YOUR NAME). ME HEARING. ME LEARNING SIGN-LANGUAGE (or ASL) ME. When finished read the “Accent Step” at the bottom of the page. This activity should be done WITHOUT talking.

45 Accent Step (pg 17) When you use deixis, look towards the area you’re pointing to. This is called EYE GAZE and helps “hold” that location for the person or thing you’re signing about.

46 Review Eye contact Hold on Look at me Pay attention Deaf Friend
Hard of hearing Hearing Introduce Meet My Nice Want American Sign Language Bathroom To go to To learn Hi, hello what’s up busy Confused Fine Good, well Happy Nothing, not much Same old, the usual Sleepy So-so Tired Deixis Yes No I am , me You are He, she, it is We are, us You are (plural) They are Eye contact Please Again, repeat To sign, sign language Slow, to slow down Thank you Afternoon Evening, night Morning


48 Accent Step (pg. 19) Don’t add the separate sign for you when signing see you later or see you tomorrow.

49 Farewell Vocabulary Pg. 20
Good bye Later Me too, same here See you, to see you See you later See you tomorrow Take care Tomorrow

50 Saying Good-bye Pg. 19 English ASL - GLOSS I’m happy to have met you!
Me too! I’ll see you tomorrow. Yes, tomorrow morning. Take care! Good-bye ME HAPPY MEET YOU SAME-AS ME SEE TOMORROW YES TOMORROW MORNING TAKE CARE GOOD-BYE

51 Focus: “How do people learn American Sign Language?” pg. 22-23
Read on pages 22 – 23 Pay close attention to the new signs introduced on page 23. We will discuss once you have finished reading.

52 Which sign would you use?

53 Facial Expressions Page

54 New Vocabulary We will begin today’s lesson by learning some new signs…then we will go more in depth about using them!


56 Signing with Facial Expressions pg. 26
Blank face Bored Excited Facial Expressions Mad, angry Sad Sick Scared, afraid


58 Using NMS Vocabulary pg. 29
Can, may Can’t To know To like To understand Don’t know Don’t like Don’t understand I’m not, not me

59 What I want to know… pg. 24 Read “What I Want to Know” on page 24
This will help you understand ASL Grammar Be sure to take Cornell notes on this!! Be able to explain the highlighted terms according to ASL rules: Grammar Syntax Verb Object

60 Non Manual Signals pg. 25 PUT THIS IN YOUR NOTES!
NMS – (Non Manual Signals) are the various parts to a sign that are not sign on the hand. ASL adverbs are made by the eyes and eyebrows. ASL adjectives use the mouth, tongue and lips. One important group of NMS is facial expressions. PUT THIS IN YOUR NOTES!

61 Workbook Work: READ: p. 3 – “I want to know…”
READ: p. 5 – #11 “Double Letters” and “ Accent Steps” READ: p. 6 – “I want to know…” PRACTICE: p. 5 – #11 : names with double letters PRACTICE: p #13 “More Introductions” PRACTICE: p #15 “Mc-names”

62 Numbers 21 – 30 (p. 71 in wkbk) We will now learn the 21 – 30. Take a look at page 71 and READ what it says at the top of the paper. Practice the numbers on your own for a few minutes, then we will try them together as a class and see how well you did!


64 Conversation Vocabulary (p. 30)
To be absent I don’t mind Due, owe Favorite Movie Practice School Today, now

65 Facial Expressions pg. 25 Convey your tone of “voice” while you sign.
Your facial expressions should match the meaning and content of what you’re signing so if you’re singing I am happy then look happy!  Changing the Facial Expression modifies the meaning of the sign, even if the sign itself doesn’t change Look at the example on Page 25

66 Think of learning facial expressions as a fun challenge!
Accent Step (pg 27) It is normal to feel awkward or uncomfortable making facial expressions at first, but with practice you will become more confident and skilled. Without them you can’t sign questions, show interest, or carry on a satisfying conversation. Think of learning facial expressions as a fun challenge!

67 Classroom Exercise pg 27 Look on page 27 at the Classroom Exercise R
# 2 Matching: pair the vocabulary work with the NMS or Facial expression that best matches. NO TALKING: Raise your hand and I will call on you. Remember to use your signs and keep your eyes on me at all times no side conversations with your friends.


69 Using NMS (pg 28) You have already begun using two important non-manual signals when you sign yes or no. These signs must be paired with two NMS called the head nod and the head shake. Use these non-manual signals when using yes or no or when you affirm or negate sentences. Gently nod or shake your head while signing your sentence instead wildly exaggerating your head movement. Look at the examples on page 28 to see how these NMS are used in ASL Sentences.

70 Classroom Exercise “W” P. 32
With partner, sign the sentences in section #1. One person signs the italics, the other what is in boldface. When finished, trade parts and do the exercise again.

71 Accent Steps (pg 28) You don’t need a separate sign for don’t and not. Just use the head shake while signing the sentence.

72 Using NMS (pg 28) English ASL - GLOSS Yes, I am Mia. No, I’m not Deaf.
They aren’t sick. I didn’t go to the bathroom. Yes, I’m learning how to sign. YES I M-I-A I NO I DEAF I THEY NOT-SICK THEY I NOT-GO-TO BATHROOM I YES, I LEARN SIGN I

73 Let’s review and learn some NUMBERS! 21 - 30
Numbers 21 – 30 are some of the most mixed up numbers in ASL. They not hard, just “different” than most of the others. If you can count from 1 – 30 …everything else is EASY!!! Count to 20 with me, then I will show you 21 – 30!

74 Classroom Exercise V pg. 31
Practice signing the sentences on page 31. (no partner needed!) NO TALKING: Remember to use your signs. I want to see you practicing your signs!!! I will call on someone to tell us what each sentence says.

75 Goodbye Late Me too, same here To see, to see you See you later
See you tomorrow Take care Tomorrow Blank face To be bored To be excited Facial expressions To be mad, angry To be sad To be sick To be scared, afraid Can, may Can’t, may not Don’t know Don’t like Don’t understand Understand I’m not, not me To know To like To be absent I don’t mind, Do you mind? Due, owe Favorite Movie Practice School Today, now

76 WE HAVE FINISHED UNIT 1!!! We will begin Unit 2, but you still have a test for Unit 1. We will take that test NEXT FRIDAY…so you can’t forget what you have learned!!

77 Partner Practice Find a partner and practice!
Classroom Exercise “T” p. 29 #1 Classroom Exercise “U” p. 30 #2 KEEP PRACTICING, SWITCH ROLES, TAKE TURNS..UNTIL I SAY “STOP”!

78 Review of all Unit 1 signs!!!
Absent Afternoon Again, repeat American sign language Bathroom Blank face bored Busy Can, may Can’t, may not Confused Deaf Don’t like Don’t understand

79 Review of all Unit 1 signs!!!
Due, owe Evening, night Excited Eye contact Facial expressions Favorite Fine Focus, pay attention Friend Go-to Good, well Good-bye Happy Hard of hearing

80 Review of all Unit 1 signs!!!
He, she, it Hearing Hello Hold on Homework I am, me I don’t mind Introduce Know Last Later Learn Like Look at me

81 Review of all Unit 1 signs!!!
Mad, angry Me too, same here Meet Morning Movie My Name Nice No No eye contact Nothing, not much Please Practice Sad

82 Review of all Unit 1 signs!!!
Same old, the usual Scared, afraid School See Sick Sign, sign language Sleepy Slow, to slow down So-so Take care Thank you They Tired Today, now

83 Review of all Unit 1 signs!!!
Tomorrow Turn off voice Understand Want We are, us What’s up Yes You You (plural)

84 Review Unit 1!!! Count to 30 using your ASL numbers. What is a Deixis?
Using the index finger to point to a person or object. What is a closing signal? Using the Deixis at the end of the sentence. How do you get a Deaf person’s attention? Tap their shoulder, wave your hand, stomp your foot on the floor, or flash the lights on and off.

85 Review Unit 1!!! When hearing and Deaf people are present, it is considered rude if you don’t ______. Sign What is the Question Maker? Raising of your eye brows indicating you’re asking a question. What is Eye Gaze? Looking towards the area you are pointing to when using Deixis.

86 Review Unit 1!!! What does NMS stand for? What are Non-Manual Signals?
The various parts to a sign that are not signed on the hands. (Ex. Facial expressions) ASL Adverbs are made by your… Eyes and eyebrows

87 Review Unit 1!!! ASL Adjectives are made by your…
Mouth, tongue, and lips What are facial expressions? Convey the tone of your “voice” while you sign, show how you are feeling What are two NMS that you already use? The head nod (yes) and head shake (no)

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