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Let’s meet to know each other through our great cultures Comenius project 2013-2015 Meeting in Madrid from 14.10.13 to 18.10.13.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s meet to know each other through our great cultures Comenius project 2013-2015 Meeting in Madrid from 14.10.13 to 18.10.13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s meet to know each other through our great cultures Comenius project 2013-2015 Meeting in Madrid from 14.10.13 to 18.10.13

2 The French educational system Introduction The French educational system is highly centralized and organized, with many subdivisions. It is divided into three main stages : [Nursery school, from 3 to 6 years, is optional but recommended.] 1.Primary education (from 6 to 11 years) 2.Secondary education (from 11 to 14 years) 3.Higher education  Bachelor, Master, Doctorate

3 The French educational system Introduction Minister : Vincent PEILLON Budget : € 65 billion Students : 15.0 million – Primary : 6.7 million – Secondary : 4.8 million – Post-secondary : 2.3 million Results : – Secondary diploma : 80% – Post-secondary diploma : 27%

4 The French educational system History While the French trace the development of their educational system to Napoléon, the modern era of French education begins at the end of the nineteenth century. Jules Ferry, a lawyer holding the office of Minister of Public Instruction in the 1880s, is widely credited for creating the modern school (l'école républicaine) by requiring all children between the ages of 6 and 12—both boys and girls—to attend.

5 He also made public instruction mandatory, free of charge, and secular (laïque). With these laws, known as Jules Ferry laws, and several others, the Third Republic repealed most of the Falloux Laws of 1850–1851, which gave an important role to the clergy. The French educational system History

6 All educational programs in France are regulated by the Ministry of National Education (officially called Ministère de l'Éducation nationale). The head of the ministry is the Minister of National Education, one of the highest-ranking officials in the cabinet. As of May 2013, the Minister is Vincent Peillon.FranceMinister of National EducationVincent Peillon The French educational system Governance

7 The teachers in public primary and secondary schools are all state civil servants, making the ministère the largest employer in the country. Professors and researchers in France's universities are also employed by the state.civil servantsProfessorsresearchers The French educational system Governance

8 At the primary and secondary levels, the curriculum is the same for all French students in any given grade, which includes public, semi-public and subsidised institutions. However, there exist specialised sections and a variety of options that students can choose. The reference for all French educators is the Bulletin officiel de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (B.O.) which lists all current programmes and teaching directives. It is amended many times every year. [1]curriculum [1] The French educational system Governance

9 In the Metropolitan territory, the school year extends from early-September to early-July. The school calendar is standardized throughout the country, and is the sole domain of the ministry.Metropolitan In May schools need time to organise the exams (for example, the Baccalauréat). In the overseas departments and territories of France, the school calendar is set by the local recteur.Baccalauréatoverseas departments and territories of France The French educational system Governance

10 Major holiday breaks are as follows: All Saints, two weeks (since 2012) around the end of October and the beginning of November; All Saints Christmas, two weeks around Christmas Day and New Year's Day; Christmas DayNew Year's Day Winter, two weeks starting in mid February; Spring or Easter, two weeks starting in mid April;Easter Summer, two months starting in early July. The French educational system Governance

11 The different Academies and school zones in France The French educational system Governance

12 Schooling in France is mandatory as of age 6, the first year of primary school. Many parents start sending their children earlier though, around age 3 as nursery classes (maternelle) are usually affiliated to a borough's primary school. Some even start earlier at age 2 in pré-maternelle or très petite section classes, which are essentially daycare centres. The last year of maternelle, grande section is an important step in the educational process as it is the year in which pupils are introduced to writing and reading.Francenurserydaycare reading The French educational system Primary education

13 After nursery, the young students move on to primary school. It is in the first year (cours préparatoire) that they will learn to write and develop their reading skills. Much akin to other educational systems, French primary school students usually have a single teacher (or perhaps two) who teaches the complete curriculum, such as French, mathematics, science, English, history, geography, visual arts, music, sport, civic and moral instruction, ICT, and safety education (first aids and road safety).primary schoolFrenchmathematicsscience The French educational system Primary education

14 Note that the French word used by pupils for a teacher at the primary school level is maître or its feminine form maîtresse. The real name is Professeur des écoles (previously called instituteur, or its feminine form institutrice). Primary school and kindergarten teachers (Professeurs des écoles), educated in universities have usually a "master" (Bac+5). Their weekly service in front of pupils is about 26 hours a week, they have 108 hours more dedicated to meetings, and all preparation, corrections and daily consultations are not included but necessary. The French educational system Primary education

15 French secondary education is divided into two schools : - the collège for the first four years directly following primary school. It leads to the brevet des collèges; - the lycée for the next three years. The completion of secondary studies leads to the baccalauréat. Pupils have a teacher for each school material.baccalauréat The French educational system Secondary education

16 Ecole maternelle (Nursery School) AgeGradeAbbreviation 3 -> 4Petite sectionPS 4 -> 5Moyenne sectionMS 5 -> 6Grande sectionGS Ecole primaire (Primary School) AgeGradeAbbreviation 6 -> 7Cours préparatoireCP / 11ème 7 -> 8Cours élémentaire première annéeCE1 / 10ème 8 -> 9Cours élémentaire deuxième annéeCE2 / 9ème 9 -> 10Cours moyen première annéeCM1 / 8ème 10 -> 11Cours moyen deuxième annéeCM2 / 7ème Collège (Junior High) AgeGradeAbbreviation 11 -> 12Sixième6e6e 12 -> 13Cinquième5e5e 13 -> 14Quatrième4e4e 14 -> 15Troisième3e3e Lycée (High school) AgeGradeAbbreviation 15 -> 16Seconde2 de 16 -> 17Première1 ere 17 -> 18TerminaleTerm or Tle

17 Higher education in France is organized in three levels or grades which correspond to those of other European countries, facilitating international mobility: Licence and Licence Professionnelle (bachelor)bachelor Master (Master)Master Doctorat (Doctorate)Doctorate The French educational system Higher education

18 The French educational system Overview

19 Pupils 12 213 300 pupils in primary and secondary education (3 to 18 years) 6 753 800 pupils in primary education  5 459 500 pupils in secondary education - 3 330 300 in junior high - 2 129 200 in high school 210 400 disabled pupils are educated in ordinary school. The French educational system Statistics

20 Teachers 841 700 teachers in primary and secondary education (3 to 18 years) In public school there are in a classroom (on average) 25,8 pupils in nursery school 22,8 pupils in primary school 24,7 pupils in junior high 29,7 pupils in high school The French educational system Statistics

21 Average number of students per teacher in primary school (2011) The French educational system Statistics

22 Graduates 84,5 % of the pupils succeded in « Brevet » 86,8 % of the pupils succeded in « Baccalaureat » 73,1 % of a generation has the « Baccalaureat » The French educational system Statistics

23 Schools 64 300 primary schools (3-11), junior high (11-15) et high schools (15-18), public and private  52 900 primary schools  7 100 junior high  4 300 high schools The French educational system Statistics

24 School expenditure Average for each pupil to a year 6000 euros in primary school 8 400 euros in junior high 11 600 euros in high school The French educational system Statistics

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