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In FRANCE and GERMANY. 1.WHAT is EDUCATION ? 2. French System Of Education Education in France Stages of Education 3. German System Of Education Education.

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2 1.WHAT is EDUCATION ? 2. French System Of Education Education in France Stages of Education 3. German System Of Education Education in Germany Stages of Education

3 WHAT is EDUCATION ? Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and or research.


5 EDUCATION IN FRANCE The French educational system is highly centralized and organized, with many subdivisions. All educational programme in France are regulated by the Ministry of National Education.The head of the ministry is the Minister of National Education.

6 STAGES OF EDUCATION French Education is divided into three stages: 1.Primary education (enseignement primaire); 2.Secondary education (enseignement secondaire); 3.Higher education (enseignement supérieur).


8 PRIMARY (ENSEIGNEMENT PRIMAIRE) Schooling in France is mandatory as of age 6, the first year of primary school. Many parents start sending their children earlier though, around age 3 as nursery classes are usually affiliated to a primary school. After nursery, the young students move on to primary school. It is in the first year that they will learn to write and develop their reading skills. French primary school students teaches French, mathematics, science and humanities to name a few.

9 SECONDARY (ENSEIGNEMENT SECONDAIRE ) French secondary education is divided into two schools: the collège for the first four years directly following primary school; the lycée for the next three years. The completion of secondary studies leads to the baccalauréat.

10 BREVET DES COLLÈGES ( SECONDARY ) The Brevet des collèges is the first official diploma a pupil has to sit. It is not required in order to enter lycée. The mark consisted of the final exam, the Brevet. Pupils were only tested on French, Mathematics, History/ Geography /Citizenship for the exam. Since 2011, pupils are tested on History of the Arts, an oral test.

11 BACCALAURÉAT ( SECONDARY ) The baccalauréat is the end-of- lycée diploma students sit in order to enter university. It is generally taken at age. It is comparable to the German Abitur. Students sit for the theory-oriented baccalauréat which is divided into three streams of study, called séries.  The série scientifique (S) is concerned with the natural sciences, physical sciences and mathematics,  the série économique et sociale (ES) with economics, social sciences and mathematics,  and the série littéraire (L) focuses on French, foreign languages, philosophy history-geography and the arts (as an option).

12 HIGHER (ENSEIGNEMENT SUPÉRIEUR) Higher education in France is organized in three levels or grades which correspond to those of other European countries, facilitating international mobility:  Licence and Licence Professionnelle (Bachelor)  Master (Master)  Doctorat (Doctorate)

13 LICENCE (BACHELOR) The “Licence” degree (Bac + 3 years): This diploma is open to secondary school graduates and is equivalent to 180 European credits. This education programme, which is organized over 6 semesters, allows you to access a master’s programme or to prepare your integration in the professional world by choosing a professional Licence in your 3rd year of study.

14 MASTER (MASTER) The “Master” degree (Bac + 5 years): This diploma is open to Licence graduates and is equivalent to 120 European credits on top of a Licence. This education programme, which is organized over 4 semesters, offers two courses: professionally-oriented and research-oriented.

15 DOCTORAT (DOCTORATE) The “Doctorat” degree (Bac + 8 years): The Doctorat degree is open to research Master graduates and is equivalent to 180 European credits on top of Master.


17 EDUCATION IN GERMANY The responsibility for the German education system lies primarily with the states while the federal government plays a minor role. The system varies throughout Germany because each state decides its own educational policies.

18 STAGES OF EDUCATION German Education is divided into four stages: 1.Optional Kindergarten (nursery school) education is provided for all children between two and six years of age, after which school attendance is compulsory. 2.Most children, however, attend Grundschule (primary education) from the age of six to ten. 3.After finishing their Primary education, children enters German secondary education which includes five types of school. 4. Tertiary Education


20 KINDERGARTEN (NURSERY SCHOOL) The German preschool is known as a Kindergarten. Children between the ages of 2 and 6 attend Kindergarten. They are often run by city or town administrations, churches, or registered societies, many of which follow a certain educational approach as represented. Attending a Kindergarten is neither mandatory nor free of charge, but can be partly or wholly funded, depending on the local authority and the income of the parents.

21 GRUNDSCHULE (PRIMARY EDUCATION) Parents looking for a suitable school for their child have a wide choice of elementary schools:  State school: State schools do not charge tuition fees. The majority of pupils attend state schools in their neighborhood. Schools in affluent areas tend to be better than those in deprived areas.  or, alternatively Waldorf School Montessori method school Freie Alternativschule (Free Alternative Schools) Protestant or Catholic parochial schools

22 SECONDARY EDUCATION After children complete their primary education, there are five options for secondary schooling: Gymnasium Fachoberschule Realschule Mittelschule Gesamtschule

23 GYMNASIUM The gymnasium in the German education system, is a type of secondary school with a strong emphasis on academic learning, comparable with the British grammar school system or with prep schools in the United States. The Aloisiuskolleg (a gymnasium) The Aloisiuskolleg (a gymnasium)

24 FACHOBERSCHULE The Fachoberschule is a type of school that in the countries of the Federal Republic of Germany after the 12th class with the college entrance and establishment of a 13 class with the subject-specific or general higher education entrance qualification. The Technical School is oriented in professional disciplines and is therefore to vocational schools.

25 REALSCHULE Realschule is a German secondary school that includes in its curriculum modern languages, mathematics, science, practical arts, and commercial subjects and that teaches no classics and is not designed to prepare students for the university

26 MITTELSCHULE Mittelschule is a German term literally translating to "Middle School" (i.e. a level "intermediate" between elementary and higher education). It is used in various senses in the education systems of the various parts of German-speaking Europe

27 GESAMTSCHULE Gesamtschule is a comprehensive school. While some German schools such as the Gymnasium and the Realschule have rather strict entrance requirements, the Gesamtschule does not have such requirements. They offer college preparatory classes for the students who are doing well, general education classes for average students, and remedial courses for those who aren't doing that well.

28 TERTIARY EDUCATION University of applied sciences, college of technology, university of cooperative education – the German higher education system has many facets, many different types of institution. This diversity enables students to select the best course for their needs.


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