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App Development on Android. Contents  First Milestone  Second Milestone  Third Milestone  Last Milestone 

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1 App Development on Android

2 Contents  First Milestone  Second Milestone  Third Milestone  Last Milestone  app-development-bowl-2015- challenge/technical-resources-support

3 First Milestone (03/06/2015)  Prepare Android o Java Runtime Environment (JRE) o Java Development Kit (JDK) o Integrated Development Environment (IDE) o Android Software Development Kit (SDK)  More Details are in “Tutorial”

4 First Milestone (03/06/2015)  Create a New Android App o Use Android SDK 5.0  Create a New Android Virtual Device o Use Android SDK 5.0  More Details are in “Tutorial”

5 First Milestone (03/06/2015)  Design o Main Purpose Game, Weather, Book, Health Care, Tool, Education, News, Travel, Finance, Social, Music, Video, Photo, and Life.

6 Second Milestone (03/13/2015)  Build the Main Architecture o Layout Define the visual structure for a user interface

7 Second Milestone (03/13/2015) o Layout Horizontal Linear Vertical Linear Relative

8 Second Milestone (03/13/2015)  Collect Resources o Resources icon picture music

9 Third Milestone (03/20/2015)  Implement functions A. Statement o In JAVA file Objects Variables Methods o OnClickListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a view is clicked private class MyOnClickListener implements OnClickListener{}

10 Third Milestone (03/20/2015)  Design functions o Button o TextView VIEW!

11 Third Milestone (03/20/2015)  Implement functions B. Definition: Connect object to view o In JAVA file Object = (Class) findViewById(; r_imgBtn = (ImageButton) findViewById(; imgView = (TextView) findViewById(; o Set a ClickListener to a button Button.setOnClickListener(myOnClickListener); View Object

12 Third Milestone (03/20/2015)  Implement functions B. Definition: Connect object to view

13 Third Milestone (03/20/2015)  Implement functions C. Implement Main Algorithm o In class MyOnClickListener o onClick() method o With View as the argument.  public void onClick(View v){}

14 Third Milestone (03/20/2015)  Implement functions C. Implement Main Algorithm 1.After click any button, computer randomly select a choice; 2.Get the which button is clicked before; 3.Judge the result.

15 Last Milestone (03/27/2015)  Improve UI o Color o Picture o Music o Font o Layout

16 Last Milestone (03/27/2015)  Color o In res/values/colors.xml, add or edit colors: #99FFCC

17 Last Milestone (03/27/2015)  Test on AVD and real devices

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