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ACI Award Submission Social Media Campaigns Title: jetSet Parking social media Edmonton International Airport (EIA)

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Presentation on theme: "ACI Award Submission Social Media Campaigns Title: jetSet Parking social media Edmonton International Airport (EIA)"— Presentation transcript:

1 ACI Award Submission Social Media Campaigns Title: jetSet Parking social media Edmonton International Airport (EIA)

2 jetSet’s Social Media - Twitter Page: -Page created Feb 22, 2012 -Over 650 followers by March 1, 2013

3 jetSet’s Social Media - facebook page:!/jetSetParking -Page created July 28, 2011 -Over 1,500 friends by March 1, 2013

4 jetSet’s JackPot – 99% off Promotion - In September, 2012 we introduced jetSet’s first ever 24 hour Jackpot where customers could book their parking for 99% off within a specified 24 hour period. - Facebook teaser ads and twitter communications were used the week leading up to the promotion. - A newspaper banner print ad was also printed the day of the promotion. - Redemption was tracked using 2 promotion codes: FREEFALL for those who heard about it through social media, and FREEFALLN for those who saw it in the newspaper.

5 jetSet’s Jackpot - facebook Ads & Results jetSet saw 748 bookings within a 14 hour period: -553 bookings came from social media avenues -195 bookings came from the newspaper print ad jetSet Jackpot sold out before the 24 hour period expired.

6 jetSet Jackpot - facebook & Twitter Response

7 jetSet - a lot to love - In October, 2012 we asked our jetSetters why jetSet is ‘a lot to love’. -We received an overwhelmingly positive response - A winner was chosen at random to receive complimentary tickets to an Edmonton Eskimos CFL game (Canadian Football League).

8 Halloween Social Media Contest jetSet asked facebook friends and Twitter followers to explain their most recent parking stunts, scares, or sentiments. jetSet increased friends and followers by 8% while continuing to foster a positive attitude about jetSet’s extended offerings.

9 Halloween Social Media Contest - jetSet gave away branded candies and a complementary parking pass to anyone who parked at jetSet ‘after dark’ between October 26 – Oct 31, 2012. - jetSet awarded 3 weeks of complementary parking to the person whose comment got the most positive attention - Promoted through facebook, Twitter, and a newspaper banner print ad.

10 Valentine’s Day Promotion

11 Social Media Valentine’s Day Prize

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