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Fiction and Nonfiction Greyling My Heart is in the Highlands by Jane Yolen Review.

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Presentation on theme: "Fiction and Nonfiction Greyling My Heart is in the Highlands by Jane Yolen Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fiction and Nonfiction Greyling My Heart is in the Highlands by Jane Yolen

2 Fiction A form of writing that tells a story about made-up characters and events.

3 Features of Fiction people or animals called characters
a group of events called the plot a time and place called setting someone called the narrator who tells the story a message or idea about life called a theme a point of view

4 Point of View First-person point of view means that the narrator is part of the story. The narrator uses the word I to tell what happened. Third-person point of view means that the narrator is not part of the story. This narrator uses the words he and she to tell what happened to others.

5 Examples of Fiction Novel Novella Short story long, with many chapters
shorter than a novel but longer than a short story Short story brief enough to be read in one sitting

6 Nonfiction Writing that gives information or states the author’s opinion about a subject. “I Have a Dream” Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King

7 Features of Nonfiction
about real people, events, or ideas Gives information from the author’s perspective, or the way the author sees things

8 Examples of Nonfiction
Biography the story of a person’s life told by someone else Autobiography the story of the author’s life Letter Written message from one person to another to share information, thoughts, or feelings Journal or diary Written record of daily events and of the writer’s thoughts and feelings

9 Examples of Nonfiction
Essay a brief written work that tells the author’s opinion Informational Text written work that gives information Textbooks, applications, instructions, manuals Speech written work meant to be spoken to an audience

10 From what point of view is “Greyling” told from? How do you know?
The story is told from third-person point of view because the narrator is not a character in the story. The narrator uses the words they, their, she, and he.

11 2. Describe the setting of “Greyling.”
A town or village by the sea.

12 3. What is the conflict or problem that describes why the fisherman and his wife are sad at the beginning of the story? They are sad because they have no children.

13 4. What changes to make the fisherman and his wife happy?
They are happy now because they have a child.

14 5. Describe Greyling. Greyling is a selchie.
He is human on land but a seal in the sea. He has grey eyes and silvery grey hair.

15 6. Why doesn’t the fisherman’s wife want Greyling to go in the sea?
She fears Greyling will turn back into a seal and leave her forever.

16 7. Why does Greyling have a longing in his heart when he looks out to the sea?
He wants to return to the sea but doesn’t understand why.

17 8. Why does Greyling dive into the ocean?
He dives into the ocean to save his father.

18 9. How did the fisherman and his wife feel about Greyling returning to the sea? What does their conversation at the end of the story reveal? The fisherman and his wife were sad but they understood that it was for the best.

19 10. Why does Greyling come back once a year?
He returns to visit his parents.

20 11. What is the theme or message of “Greyling”?
The lesson to be learned is that although parents may love their children, they will eventually have to let them go.

21 12. What does the fisherman mean when he says that Greyling has “gone where his heart calls”?
Greyling has gone back to the sea. He is a selchie that was born at sea. He longs to be in the water. The sea is where he belongs and where he will be happiest.

22 13. Can “Greyling” be described as fiction or nonfiction
13. Can “Greyling” be described as fiction or nonfiction? What details support this? “Greyling” is fiction. The writing starts as “Once on a time...”, Greyling transforms from a seal pup to a baby, Greyling transforms back into a seal, the writing tells a story about made-up characters and events, there is a setting, a narrator tells a story, and there is a theme or life lesson.

23 14. How does the author describe the Highlands?
The Highlands are in Scotland with hills and cottages in high, small country towns.

24 15. Where does the author get her real-life details from that she uses in her stories?
She takes them from family and friends.

25 16. Describe the cottages. White-washed stone cottages made with stones that have been reused from older buildings.

26 17. What does Yolen describe as “stones from the past” to build her stories?
She uses her memories reshaping them into something new.

27 18. What is the purpose of “My Heart is in the Highlands”?
She uses stone cottages as a comparison for how memories are reused like the stones to build stories.

28 19. What does the author mean by “All fiction uses memory”?
Memories are often used by authors from their own lives in creating fictional stories.

29 20. What warning does the author give?
“Get to know me well and you will most certainly find yourself enshrined in one of my books.”

30 21. Can “My Heart is in the Highlands” be described as fiction or nonfiction?
This selection is nonfiction. It is a speech that explains the author’s point of view about the place she was visiting.

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