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Published byOlivia Boone Modified over 9 years ago
Internet access - Fiber to the home 1 Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is one member of the Fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) family that includes Fiber-to-the-building or basement (FTTB), Fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP), Fiber-to-the-desk (FTTD), Fiber-to-the- curb (FTTC), and Fiber-to-the-node (FTTN)
Fiber to the x - Definitions 1 FTTC / FTTK (fiber-to-the-curb/kerb, -closet, or -cabinet): This is very similar to FTTN, but the street cabinet or pole is closer to the user's premises, typically within 1,000 feet (300 m), within range for high-bandwidth copper technologies such as wired ethernet or IEEE 1901 power line networking and wireless Wi-Fi technology. FTTC is occasionally ambiguously called FTTP (fiber- to-the-pole), leading to confusion with the distinct fiber-to-the-premises system.
Fiber to the x - Definitions 1 To promote consistency, especially when comparing FTTH penetration rates between countries, the three FTTH Councils of Europe, North America, and Asia-Pacific agreed upon definitions for FTTH and FTTB in 2006, with an update in 2009 and another in 2011. The FTTH Councils do not have formal definitions for FTTC and FTTN.
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the node 1 (If the cabinet serves an area of less than 1,000 ft (300 m) in radius, the architecture is typically called FTTC/FTTK.)
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 Fiber to the curb (FTTC) is a telecommunications system based on fiber- optic cables run to a platform that serves several customers. Each of these customers has a connection to this platform via coaxial cable or twisted pair. The "curb" is an abstraction and can just as easily mean a pole-mounted device or communications closet or shed. Typically any system terminating fiber within 1,000 ft (300 m) of the customer premises equipment would be described as FTTC.
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 FTTC allows delivery of broadband services such as highspeed internet. Usually existing wire is used with communications protocols such as broadband cable access (typically DOCSIS) or some form of DSL connecting the curb/cabinet and the customers. In these protocols, the data rates vary according to the exact protocol used and according to how close the customer is to the cabinet.
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 Power line networking deployments also rely on FTTC. Using the IEEE P1901 protocol (or its predecessor HomePlug AV) existing electric service cables move up to 1Gbit/s from the curb/pole/cabinet into every AC electrical outlet in the home – coverage equivalent to a robust Wi-Fi implementation, with the added advantage of a single cable for power and data.
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 FTTC is subtly distinct from FTTN or FTTP (all are versions of fiber in the loop). The main difference is the placement of the cabinet. FTTC will be placed near the "curb", which differs from FTTN placed far from the customer, and FTTP placed directly at the serving location.
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 Unlike FTTP, FTTC can use the existing coaxial, twisted-pair or AC power line infrastructure to provide last-mile service. The and IEEE P1905 efforts were attempts to unify these existing cables under one management protocol.
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 By avoiding new cable and its cost and liabilities, FTTC costs less to deploy. However, it also has historically had lower bandwidth potential than FTTP. In practice, the relative advantage of fiber depends on the bandwidth available for backhaul, usage- based billing restrictions that prevent full use of last-mile capabilities, and customer premises equipment and maintenance restrictions, and the cost of running fiber that can vary widely with geography and building type.
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 Existing FTTC plant may be removed and replaced with FTTP
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 However, the largest 1Gbit/s deployment in the United States, in Chattanooga, Tennessee, despite being conducted by power utility EPB, was FTTH rather than FTTC, reaching every subscriber in a 600- square-mile area
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 In effect FTTC serves as a halfway measure between fixed wireless and FTTH, with special advantages for smart appliances and electric vehicles that rely on PLC use already.
Fiber to the x - Fiber to the premises 1 Fiber to the premises (FTTP) is a form of fiber-optic communication delivery, in which an optical fiber is run in an optical distribution network from the central office all the way to the premises occupied by the subscriber. The term "FTTP" has become ambiguous and may also refer to FTTC where the fiber terminates at a utility pole without reaching the premises.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone - History 1 Because NTT owns most of the last mile (FTTC or FTTB/FTTH), it enjoys oligopolistic control over land lines in Japan
Fiber to the premises - Definitions 1 *'FTTC / FTTK' (fiber-to-the-curb/kerb, - closet, or -cabinet): This is very similar to FTTN, but the street cabinet or pole is closer to the user's premises, typically within, within range for high-bandwidth copper technologies such as wired ethernet or IEEE 1901 power line communication|power line networking and wireless Wi-Fi technology. FTTC is occasionally ambiguously called FTTP (fiber-to-the-pole), leading to confusion with the distinct fiber-to-the-premises system.
Fiber to the premises - Fiber to the node 1 (If the cabinet serves an area of less than in radius, the architecture is typically called FTTC/FTTK.)McCullough, Don (August, 2005), [ us/lightwave-issue- archives/issue/flexibility-is-key-to- successful-fiber-to-the-premises- deployments-53914857.html Flexibility is key to successful fiber to the premises deployments], Lightwave '22' (8)
Fiber to the premises - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 FTTC allows delivery of broadband services such as highspeed internet. Usually existing wire is used with communications protocols such as broadband cable access (typically DOCSIS) or some form of digital subscriber line|DSL connecting the curb/cabinet and the customers. In these protocols, the data rates vary according to the exact protocol used and according to how close the customer is to the cabinet.
Fiber to the premises - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 Power line communication|Power line networking deployments also rely on FTTC. Using the IEEE P1901 protocol (or its predecessor HomePlug AV) existing electric service cables move up to 1Gbit/s from the curb/pole/cabinet into every AC electrical outlet in the home – coverage equivalent to a robust Wi-Fi implementation, with the added advantage of a single cable for power and data.
Fiber to the premises - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 By avoiding new cable and its cost and liabilities, FTTC costs less to deploy
Fiber to the premises - Fiber to the curb (also known as fiber to the cabinet) 1 Existing FTTC plant may be removed and replaced with FTTP.[ c_fttp_122107/ Analyst: ATT may replace some FTTC with FTTP], Ed Gubbins, Connected Planet, Penton Media, Inc., 21 December 2007 Verizon, meanwhile, announced in March 2010 they were winding down Verizon FiOS expansion, concentrating on completing their network in areas that already had FiOS franchises but were not deploying to new areas, suggesting that FTTH was uneconomic beyond these areas.
OTE - Infrastructure 1 OTE’s access network is mainly based on copper (with over 5.3 million pairs) and on optical fibres that will gradually replace the copper network. Greece’s entire broadband network relies on OTE’s access network for all services provided by OTE and all alternate providers. The supported technologies are: ADSL/ADSL2/ADSL2+, NGA with FTTC/VDSL2 Architecture, Satellite broadband internet.
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd - Products 1 In the Internet segment, PTCL provides fixed broadband through conventional copper wire Fiber to the x|FTTC and wireless broadband based on EVDO|EvDO Rev A and B technology with the brand name of EVO.Ptcl has also introduced a 3G tab
Fiber to the premises by country - Brazil 1 * TIM Participações|TIM Brasil launched in 2012 its FTTC service called Live Tim, in the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, currently offering speeds up to 50 Mbit/s downstream and 35 Mbit/s upstream.
Fiber in the loop 1 FITL can be implemented with any FTTx architecture, such as fiber to the cabinet (FTTC), fiber to the node (FTTN), and fiber to the premises (FTTP).
Fiber to the telecom enclosure 1 'Fiber to the telecom enclosure' (FTTE), also sometimes called 'fiber to the zone' (FTTZ), or 'fibre to the cabinet' (FTTC) in the UK is a standards-compliant structured cabling system architecture that extends the optical fiber backbone network from the equipment room, through the telecommunication|telecom room, and directly to a 19-inch rack|telecommunications enclosure (TE) installed in a common space to serve a number of users in a work area.
Vodafone Ireland 1 The company also offers a range of fixed- line services including traditional telephone services, ADSL2+|ADSL2+ and fibre (FTTC) high speed broadband using the Vodafone@Home brand. These services are delivered using the eircom wholesale access network with Vodafone's own back-haul capacity. In some areas, Vodafone has made use of Local-loop unbundling|Local-Loop Unbundling (LLU) and has its own equipment in the local exchange operated in partnership with BT Ireland
DSL - DSL technologies 1 Preliminary hardware has become available in mid-2013.[ boost.html Alcatel-Lucent gives DSL networks a gigabit boost | PCWorld] Formal specifications have been drafted as ITU-T G.9700 and G.9701, _off/[ ITU Readies New 1Gbit/s Broadband Standard] and are expected to be ratified in early 2014.[ technology-passes-first-stage-approval.html Future 1Gbps FTTC Broadband G.Fast Tech Passes First Stage of Approval - ISPreview UK][ could-271847.html Gigabit-boosted DSL Internet standard could be ready in 2014, ITU says - Network World][ Broadband-Speeds-Customers-Over-Copper-FTTdp G.Fast Delivers Gigabit Broadband Speeds To Customers Over Copper (FTTdp) | PC Perspective] Blair Levin however expressed skepticism that US ISPs have enough incentives to adopt this technology.[ superfast-internet/ Alcatel-Lucent Dials Copper Internet Up to a Gigabit Per Second | MIT Technology Review] The maximum speed of 1 Gbit/s will work only up to 100 meters
BT 21CN - Potential issues 1 BT Retail launched their BT Infinity service in 2010[ dex.cfm?newsid=28411 BT launches 40 Mb BT Infinity broadband service] Macworld UK, published 2010-01- 22, accessed 2010-10-27 and expect to continue expanding availability by installing new cabinets until at least 2014.[ broadband.html Fibre Broadband (FTTC / FTTH) Guide] Thinkbroadband, accessed 2012-04-21 The FTTC deployment essentially installs a small (96-288 line) DSLAM into thousands of street cabinets, each backhauled using direct fibre to a larger exchange or metro node, removing much of the local-loop length limitations and allowing end-user speeds exceeding 100Mbit/s following future upgrades.
Internet in the United Kingdom - Unbundled local loop 1 Exchanges continue to be upgraded, subject to demand, across the country, although at a somewhat slower pace since BT's commencement of FTTC#FTTN or FTTC|FTTC rollout plans and near- saturation in key geographical areas
Milton Keynes - Communications and media 1 Recent work by BT to enhance its network (including FTTC and FTTP) should see the issue resolved for up to 50% of customers before end of 2013 – but the Eastern Western Expansion Areas, plus rural exchanges such as Woburn Sands are in the final third of roll-outs, meaning upgrades there won't occur until around 2017, if at all
Internet usage - Fiber to the home 1 Fiber to the x |Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is one member of the Fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) family that includes Fiber-to-the-building or basement (FTTB), Fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP), Fiber-to-the-desk (FTTD), Fiber- to-the-curb (FTTC), and Fiber-to-the-node (FTTN)
BT Total Broadband - BT Infinity 1 Most homes will get FTTC service and have up to 40Mbit/s broadband, those with FTTP will get 100Mbit/s and a 20GB monthly usage allowance, with an unlimited package also offered
BT Total Broadband - BT Infinity 1 Virgin Media offer an up to 100Mb service although, as some commentators have noted, since both are using FTTC the difference in speeds consumers actually achieve is likely to be negligible.
BT Cellnet - Fixed line and broadband 1 O2 announced in June 2011 a fibre optic broadband service designed to compete with the BT Infinity product. This service will utilise FTTC technology, speeds and pricing have yet to be decided.
Bonanno crime family - The Bonanno War (1964–1968) 1 Donnie Brasco: My Undercover Life in the Mafia [ 4rXbcgCpg=PT186dq=street+boss+Domin ick+Napolitanohl=enei=KKpFTtCYMYyUtw emhuwtsa=Xoi=book_resultct=resultresnu m=5ved=0CEQQ6AEwBA#v=onepageq=s treet%20boss%20f=false chapter 12 Sonny Black]
Fibre to the premises - Definitions 1 *'FTTdp' (Fibre To The Distribution Point) This is very similar to FTTC / FTTN but is one- step close again moving the end of the fibre to within meters of the boundary of the customers premises in last junction possible junction box know as the 'distribution point' this allows for near-gigabit speeds pean-technology/could-ultrafast-broadband- over-copper-speed-the-rollout-of-gigabit- internet/?tag=nl.e101s_cid=e101ttag=e101fta g=TRE684d531
Fibre to the premises - Fiber to the curb/cabinet 1 Fiber to the curb/cabinet (FTTC) is a telecommunications system based on fiber-optic cables run to a platform that serves several customers. Each of these customers has a connection to this platform via coaxial cable or twisted pair. The curb is an abstraction and can just as easily mean a pole-mounted device or communications closet or shed. Typically any system terminating fiber within of the customer premises equipment would be described as FTTC.
Fibre to the premises - Fiber to the curb/cabinet 1 Existing FTTC plant may be removed and replaced with FTTP.[ ws/att_fttc_fttp_122107/ Analyst: ATT may replace some FTTC with FTTP], Ed Gubbins, Connected Planet, Penton Media, Inc., 21 December 2007 Verizon, meanwhile, announced in March 2010 they were winding down Verizon FiOS expansion, concentrating on completing their network in areas that already had FiOS franchises but were not deploying to new areas, suggesting that FTTH was uneconomic beyond these areas.
Fibre to the premises - Fiber to the curb/cabinet 1 was FTTH rather than FTTC, reaching every subscriber in a 600-square-mile area
TransACT - Company 1 The first broadband platform rolled out known as Phase 1 network was based on FTTC (fibre to the curb) design with nodes being placed within 300 metres of premises
Contention ratio - Specific examples by country 1 In the United Kingdom|UK, an RADSL (Rate Adaptive Digital Subscriber Line) connection used to be marketed with a contention ratio between 20:1 and 50:1 within the BT network, meaning that 20 to 50 subscribers, each assigned or sold a bandwidth of up to 8 Mbit/s for instance, may be sharing 8 Mbit/s of uplink bandwidth.A good account of the state of the issue in the UK is found in a [ ency_scheme/ses2003-04/ay4463a/rp_anx/ay4463a_anx.pdf 2004 OFCOM report on wireless internet.] With the advent of ADSL2+ (up to 20Mbit/s service), FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) offering 40Mbit/s services and even FTTP (Fibre to the Premises) offering 100Mbit/s, BT no longer work on contention ratio as a planning rule.
Niue - Information technology 1 In July 2011, Niue Telecom launched pre- paid mobile services (Voice/EDGE – 2.5G) as Rokcell Mobile based on the commercial GSM product of vendor Lemko. Three BTS sites will cover the nation. International roaming is not currently available. The fibre optic cable ring is now completed around the island (FTTC), Internet/ADSL services were rolled out towards the end of 2011.
Pembroke, Pembrokeshire - Broadband blackspot 1, it was revealed that Pembroke is the UK's second-slowest broadband town. The average internet download speed in Pembroke is just over 1.6 Mbit/s (1600 kbit/s) compared to the UK average of 12.0 Mbit/s (12000 kbit/s). BT Group|BT's telephone exchange which serves Pembroke and Pembroke Dock is yet to be upgraded to offer either 21CN, FTTC or Internet_in_the_United_Kingdom#Unbundl ed_local_loop|LLU.
Be Un Limited - FTTC 1 In late June 2011, BE's managing director Chris Stening announced a fibre optic service to directly compete with BT Infinity. This service would also utilise FTTC technology, one of the new generation Fiber to the x|Fibre to the X technologies, with speeds and pricing yet to be determined.[ BE's blog]
Be Un Limited - FTTC 1 The new service was specified as using Openreach GEA (Generic Ethernet Access), allowing data from BT to be transferred to BE's Digital subscriber line access multiplexer|DSLAM equipment instead of routing it to a Point of Presence (PoP) via BT's core network.[ FTTC TrialQA][ p?id=798 BE Fibre Trial Email]
Broadband internet - Fiber to the home 1 Fiber to the x|Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is one member of the Fiber-to-the-x (FTTx) family that includes Fiber-to-the-building or basement (FTTB), Fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP), Fiber-to-the-desk (FTTD), Fiber- to-the-curb (FTTC), and Fiber-to-the-node (FTTN)
Ken Livingstone - Political activism: 1968ndash;1970 1 Beginning a romantic relationship with Christine Chapman, president of the PFTTC student's union, the couple married in 1973
Internet in Israel - Connection specifications 1 Bezeq, the major local exchange carrier, began rolling out their Next Generation Network (NGN) in 2009 with theoretical speeds up to 100Mbit/s by using a combination of Fiber to the x|fiber to the curb (FTTC) and ADSL2+/VDSL/VDSL2 technologies
NTT - History 1 Because NTT owns most of the last mile (Fiber to the x|FTTC or Fiber to the x|FTTB/FTTH), it enjoys Oligopoly|oligopolistic control over land lines in Japan
Burn, North Yorkshire 1 Burn has its own telephone exchange which serves about 400 premises. It was enabled for ADSL in October 2004 and ADSL Max in March 2006. It has been accepting orders for FTTC BT Infinity since February 2014.
Sky Broadband - Networking 1 Sky Broadband provides Sky (UK Ireland)|Sky customers with download speeds of up to 20Mbit/s (ADSL2+ from Sky enabled exchanges, by means of Local loop unbundling|LLU) and up to 76Mbit/s from exchanges enabled for Fiber to the x|FTTC via an Openreach landline (often still referred to as a 'BT line').
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