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 What is art to you?  Have you ever created a work of art? If so how did you know that it was art?

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Presentation on theme: " What is art to you?  Have you ever created a work of art? If so how did you know that it was art?"— Presentation transcript:

1  What is art to you?  Have you ever created a work of art? If so how did you know that it was art?

2 Coach Nihart’s

3  What you decide?  All art has a message, communication or is produced for enjoyment Margret Hamlin - abstract Iris Scott – finger painting “Cell Phones”

4  You do!  Society  Moral standards  Time- What may be art today may not be understood as art in the future.

5  Commercial art  Architecture (Buildings/Monuments)- Applied Art – the design or decoration of functional objects to make them pleasing to the eye  Daily used art- useful art  Produced to admire- Decorative art  Language art- reading, speaking, spelling

6  Painting, sculpture, and architecture, arts which have no practical function and are valued in terms of the visual pleasure they provide or their success in communicating ideas or feelings  Visual – Painting and Sculpting  Music – Classical, Jazz, Rock & Roll, and Pop  Dance – Tango, Waltz and Dub Step  Drama or Performance – Ballet, Movies and Theatre

7  We all do:  Doodle  Draw  Arrange  Dress  Plant

8  Aesthetics- created simply for its visual appeal  Morals/Ethics- used to depict people and behaviors that are considered noble and good  Spirituality- connecting people with supernatural forces  History- provides valuable information about important people, places and events  Politics- used as a tool of persuasion or propaganda

9  Sometimes Yes- Impressionists  Sometimes No- Abstract

10  YES!!!  Visual Arts – a unique expression of ideas, beliefs, experiences, and feelings presented in well- designed visual forms.

11  Pre-Historic wall paintings  Jewelry  Paintings  Sculpting  Car decorations  Tattoos

12  Easter Island Head




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