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Early Explorers and Map Skills

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Presentation on theme: "Early Explorers and Map Skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Explorers and Map Skills

2 Let's review maps!

3 Can you name the seven continents?

4 Can you name the four oceans?
Arctic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean

5 We live on the continent of North America
We live on the continent of North America. Can you name the countries on our continent? North America

6 Canada United States Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean Mexico

7 The Countries of Europe
England England France France Italy Italy Spain Spain

8 The Vikings The earliest European explorers were the Vikings (from what is known today as Scandinavia). Much of what we know today about their adventures comes from sagas. Sagas are tales that originated in Iceland and have been passed down. Historians believe that the Vikings were the first Europeans to reach the Americas, about 1,000 years ago.

9 Early Explorers Eric the Red – Sailed from Iceland and landed on an island that he named Greenland. Leif Ericson – son of Eric the Red; reached Newfoundland. Probably the first European to reach North America

10 Northwest Passage Explorers were looking for an all water route to get to Asia. They thought that they could travel along the north coast of North America. They never found this Northwest Passage.

11 John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto)
Sponsor: England Wanted to find a direct route to Asia Small ships, poor weather, and poor maps were obstacles Explored the coast of North America and Newfoundland Claimed North America for England

12 Voyages of John Cabot

13 Giovanni da Verrazano Sent by king of France to find the Northwest Passage. Established French claims to land in Canada.


15 Jacques Cartier Cartier sailed for France.
Looking for the Northwest passage to the Indies. Explored the St. Lawrence River in Canada. Reached a town called Hochelaga and called it Mont Réal, French for “royal mountain”.

16 Jacques Cartier’s Voyage
St. Lawrence River France

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