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Exposition of Philippians Paul's Joy for the Partnership of the Philippians Phil 4:10-23.

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1 Exposition of Philippians Paul's Joy for the Partnership of the Philippians Phil 4:10-23

2 Outline of Philippians Prologue (1:1-11) – greeting and prayer. Prologue (1:1-11) – greeting and prayer. Paul’s Exhortation to the Philippians as His Partners in the Gospel (1:12 – 4:20) Paul’s Exhortation to the Philippians as His Partners in the Gospel (1:12 – 4:20) Paul's Personal Circumstances in Advancing the Gospel (1:12-26) Paul's Personal Circumstances in Advancing the Gospel (1:12-26) Paul's Exhortation to the Philippians to Walk Worthy of the Gospel (1:27 – 4:1) Paul's Exhortation to the Philippians to Walk Worthy of the Gospel (1:27 – 4:1) Paul's Exhortations to the Philippians in their Various Circumstances (4:2-9) Paul's Exhortations to the Philippians in their Various Circumstances (4:2-9) Unity Between Euodia and Syntche (4:2-3) Unity Between Euodia and Syntche (4:2-3) Joy, Forbearance, and Peace (4:4-7) Joy, Forbearance, and Peace (4:4-7) Focusing on What is Excellent (4:8-9) Focusing on What is Excellent (4:8-9) Paul's Joy for the Partnership of the Philippians (4:10- 20) Paul's Joy for the Partnership of the Philippians (4:10- 20) Epilogue (4:21-23) – closing greetings. Epilogue (4:21-23) – closing greetings.

3 Paul’s Joy in the Philippians’ Partnership (4:10) Paul expresses his great joy over the Philippians concern for him, as evidenced by the gift they have sent by Epaphroditus. Paul expresses his great joy over the Philippians concern for him, as evidenced by the gift they have sent by Epaphroditus. He uses the language of horticulture here; their concern for him has “blossomed again.” He uses the language of horticulture here; their concern for him has “blossomed again.” Paul knows their concern for him is continual, but up until recently they have lacked opportunity. Paul knows their concern for him is continual, but up until recently they have lacked opportunity.

4 Clarification: Paul Has Learned Contentment (4:11-13) Paul is quick to clarify that he does not speak “from lack”, i.e., he was not feeling discontent before their gift arrived. Paul is quick to clarify that he does not speak “from lack”, i.e., he was not feeling discontent before their gift arrived. In fact, Paul has learned through time and experience the secret of contentment in any and every circumstance: In fact, Paul has learned through time and experience the secret of contentment in any and every circumstance: humble means and prosperity humble means and prosperity being filled and going hungry being filled and going hungry having abundance and suffering lack having abundance and suffering lack Paul can be content in any circumstance because his sufficiency is in Christ. Christ is the one who strengthens and sustains him, regardless of his material circumstance. Paul can be content in any circumstance because his sufficiency is in Christ. Christ is the one who strengthens and sustains him, regardless of his material circumstance.

5 Paul’s Joy in the Philippians’ Partnership (4:14-17) Yet Paul commends the Philippians for their gift in his time of need. Yet Paul commends the Philippians for their gift in his time of need. He recognizes that this is not the first time they have ministered to him in this way. He recognizes that this is not the first time they have ministered to him in this way. This has been the pattern from the beginning of his association with the Philippians. This has been the pattern from the beginning of his association with the Philippians. They were unique among all the churches in this sense. They were unique among all the churches in this sense. Though he appreciates the gifts, he is even more joyful over the profit that accrues to their account with the Lord. Though he appreciates the gifts, he is even more joyful over the profit that accrues to their account with the Lord.

6 Paul’s Joy in the Philippians’ Partnership (4:18-20) He lets the Philippians know that he has received their latest gift from Epaphroditus and he is “amply supplied” (4:18). He lets the Philippians know that he has received their latest gift from Epaphroditus and he is “amply supplied” (4:18). He describes their gift using OT sacrifice terminology: He describes their gift using OT sacrifice terminology: a fragrant aroma (cf. Gen 8:20-21) a fragrant aroma (cf. Gen 8:20-21) an acceptable sacrifice (cf. Rom 12:1) an acceptable sacrifice (cf. Rom 12:1) Thus the gift is both to Paul and to the Lord, as it serves to advance His work and demonstrates their commitment to that work. Thus the gift is both to Paul and to the Lord, as it serves to advance His work and demonstrates their commitment to that work.

7 Paul’s Joy in the Philippians’ Partnership (4:18-20) Just as the Philippians have supplied Paul’s need through their gift, Paul reminds them that God will supply all their needs (physical and spiritual) gloriously through the abundance of riches He possesses and that are made available in Christ. Just as the Philippians have supplied Paul’s need through their gift, Paul reminds them that God will supply all their needs (physical and spiritual) gloriously through the abundance of riches He possesses and that are made available in Christ. As Paul reflects on that thought, it leads him to doxological praise: “Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen” (4:20). As Paul reflects on that thought, it leads him to doxological praise: “Now to our God and Father be the glory forever and ever. Amen” (4:20).

8 Epilogue – Phil 4:21-23 Paul sends greetings to every believer at Philippi, both from himself and from those who work closely with him in gospel ministry. Paul sends greetings to every believer at Philippi, both from himself and from those who work closely with him in gospel ministry. He also passes along greetings from all the saints who are with him at Rome, especially those who are part of Caesar’s household. He also passes along greetings from all the saints who are with him at Rome, especially those who are part of Caesar’s household. These could include believers among the praetorian guard whom Paul had mentioned earlier (1:13), as well as others who served in the palace and who had heard and believed in the gospel as a result of Paul’s imprisonment. These could include believers among the praetorian guard whom Paul had mentioned earlier (1:13), as well as others who served in the palace and who had heard and believed in the gospel as a result of Paul’s imprisonment. Finally, Paul wishes for the Philippians that God’s unmerited favor continue to be upon each one of them. Finally, Paul wishes for the Philippians that God’s unmerited favor continue to be upon each one of them.

9 Implications from our Study Like, Paul we should learn to be content in all circumstances, knowing that Christ supplies all of our needs. Like, Paul we should learn to be content in all circumstances, knowing that Christ supplies all of our needs. Our giving to the Lord’s work is evidence of our love for Him and is a pleasing sacrifice to Him. Our giving to the Lord’s work is evidence of our love for Him and is a pleasing sacrifice to Him.

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