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The Power is in The Details SWOT Analysis: v1.4 1 Click Here Thank you for downloading the Occulus SWOT Analysis presentation. This document explains the concepts behind the Occulus SWOT Analysis and SWOT chart, how they work and how to interpret the information. The document is a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation and contains elements of animation that must be viewed in PowerPoint Slideshow. This document should automatically open in Slideshow. If it hasn’t, please follow the instructions below to view it to view it in Slideshow. Step 1:
SWOT Analysis The Power is in The Details
The Power is in The Details SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis: v1.4 3 S Strengths W Weaknesses O Opportunities T Threats
The Power is in The Details The Occulus SWOT Analysis is… …a structured approach to the real-time analysis and feedback of a SR’s performance during a sales campaign to identify those attributes of the selling strategy that can: 1. Provide the SR with a competitive advantage Strength 2. Place the SR in an exposed or weakened position Weakness 3. Be improved to become Strengths Opportunity 4. Place the SR at risk of losing the deal or having Threat it slip past the forecasted close date SWOT Analysis: v1.4 4
The Power is in The Details Occulus SWOT Analysis The SWOT Analysis also; 1. Identifies gaps in the SR’s knowledge about the deal that can impact the outcome 2. Measures the size & scope of the knowledge gaps 3. Asses the potential impact of knowledge gaps on the deal outcome (Win or Lose; Close-on-Time or Slip). SWOT Analysis: v1.4 5
The Power is in The Details Occulus SWOT Analysis The SWOT Analysis is used throughout the Occulus, in areas such as: 1. Forecasting 2. Sales Coaching 3. Resource Allocation 4. Risk Analysis 5. Other significant areas SWOT Analysis: v1.4 6
The Power is in The Details WINNING & TIMING Probabilities Opportunity Description How well the deal is defined and if SR knows and understands what the prospect is trying to do and why. Proposed Solution How closely the proposed solution matches the prospect’s requirements. Decision Process How well the SR knows and understands the prospect’s Buying Process, who is involved and their influence. Relationship How strong & deep of a relationship the SR has with the KEY individuals who are part of the project. Competition How well the SR’s solution (& Value Proposition) stacks up against the competition and how he will beat them. Timing How well the SR understands the timing of the deal and confirmed the date with key individuals. The SWOT Analysis analyzes the 6 areas of the Complex Sale 7 SWOT Analysis: v1.4
The Power is in The Details Occulus SWOT Analysis Based on the analysis, Occulus will; 1. Determine the SR’s performance, for each area of a Complex Sales. 2. Identify the performance (Score) as a Strength, Opportunity, Weakness (Exposure) or Threat (Risk). 3. Provide recommendations to improve the performance score in each of the categories. 4. Determine the possible range of values of the Score (Low to High) due to knowledge gaps (missing information). 5. Determine if the Uncertainty in the Scores (Low to High) are within acceptable limits. SWOT Analysis: v1.4 8
The Power is in The Details Uncertainty: What You Don’t Know CAN Hurt You! The uncertainty in the performance score is a direct result of gaps in the SR’s knowledge about the deal, missing information, and is introduced every time the SR answers a question(s), ‘Uncertain’. The more questions the SR answers ‘Uncertain’ the greater the gaps in his knowledge and the greater the uncertainty in the final outcome (Score). The range between the two extremes (High & Low) of the Score is called the “Uncertainty Range” (UR). A well qualified deal has a low UR! The High value of UR represents the potential value of the Score if the missing information confirmed a strengthening of the SR’s position; and conversely, the Low value of the UR would be the Score if the missing information confirmed a weakening of the SR’s position. SWOT Analysis: v1.4 9
The Power is in The Details Occulus SWOT Analysis Example: Decision Process SWOT Analysis: v1.4 10 DECISION PROCESS SCORERATINGCOMMENTS High0.82Strength The high-end of the Uncertainty Range indicates that you have the opportunity to strengthen your position in this category Score0.69Exposure Your knowledge of the Decision Process is not strong Low0.46Risk The low-end of the Uncertainty Range places you at risk in this category. RECOMMENDATIONS: You must obtain additional information about the Customer’s buying Process and identify the key players and their roles in the process. The size of the Uncertainty Range is outside acceptable limits. Reduce the size of the Uncertainty Range by reducing the amount of missing information. The low-end of the Uncertainty Range places you at risk. Examine closely the question answers and determine how to improve your Score Score = 69%:Uncertainty Range (UR) = High – Low = 82% - 46% = 36% The SR is missing key information about the Decision Process; this has introduced uncertainty into the true value of the Score and it could actually be as low as 46% or as high as 82%.
The Power is in The Details Knowledge Gaps: Missing Information In the previous example: 1.The SR has achieved a Score of 0.69 (69%) in his/her knowledge and understanding of the prospect’s Decision Process, this is not a strong performance for this category, as indicated by the ‘Exposure’ rating. 2.In addition, the SR is missing key information which has introduced uncertainty into the value of the Score. The uncertainty indicates that the actual value of the Score could range from a low 0.46 (46%) to a high of 0.82 (82%). 3.If the missing information was available and worked in the SR’s favour, his Score could be as high as 82%. Conversely if it did not work in his favour the Score could drop to a low of 0.46 (46%), Risk. 4.The Uncertainty Range (UR) for this category is; UR = 82% - 46% = 36%, which is outside acceptable limits. 5.The SR needs to obtain the missing information to reduce the size of the Uncertainty Range and obtain a truer picture of his/her performance (Score). SWOT Analysis: v1.4 11
The Power is in The Details The SWOT Analysis Chart Is a Bar Chart that graphically displays; 1. The results of the SWOT Analysis for 5 of the 6 categories of a Complex Sale : 1. Opportunity Description 2. Proposed Solution 3. Decision Process 4. Relationship 5. Competition 2. The Probabilities For Winning & Timing 1. Winning: The probability that the SR will win the deal 2. Timing: The probability that the deal will close by the close date SWOT Analysis: v1.4 12
The Power is in The Details SWOT Analysis: v1.4 13 100% 0% DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION SOLUTIONSOLUTION DECISIONDECISION RELATIONSHIPRELATIONSHIP COMPETITIONCOMPETITION 50% High Low Score The Vertical Axis is measured on a scale from 0% to 100%. The left-side of the Horizontal Axis displays the SR’s Performance in 5 of the 6 categories of a Complex Sale. The right-side of the Horizontal Axis displays the Probabilities for Winning & Timing Score:Represents the positional strength or probability in a specific category (69%) UncertaintyFrom High to Low, indicates Range (UR): the possible range of values for the Score ( 82% - 46% = 36% ) due to missing information (questions answered Uncertain). 82% 69% 46% TimingTiming WINNINGWINNING ProbabilityPerformance The SWOT Analysis Chart Uncertainty Range (UR)
The Power is in The Details The Uncertainty Range (UR) Measures the Knowledge Gap SWOT Analysis: v1.4 14 100% 0% 50% High Low Score Performance High Low Score UR A large UR indicates a large amount of missing information, (questions answered Uncertain) which means the SR’s actual performance (Score) can vary from the Low value shown to the High value shown. The net result being that when a large UR exists in a category you can not be confident that the value of the Score provided is a true measure of the SR’s performance. A severe lack of information about a deal means its poorly qualified. UR A smaller UR indicates less information is missing, indicating a much higher degree of confidence that the value of the Score provided is a true measure of the SR’s performance. High=Score=Low UR=0 When the SR obtains all the information required the UR will shrink to zero and High=Score=Low. In this situation you can be confident that the value of Score is a true measure of the SR’s performance.
The Power is in The Details Degree of Qualification (DoQ) The degree to which a deal can be called ‘Qualified’ is directly dependent on the amount of information the SR has about it A measure of how well a deal is qualified is provided by the Degree of Qualification (DoQ) value The higher the DoQ value, the better qualified the deal. There are 6 DoQ ranges: SWOT Analysis: v1.4 15 DoQ Range 0% Not Qualified 0%20% Poorly Qualified 20%40% Moderately Qualified 40%70% Qualified 70%85% Well qualified 85%100% Extremely Well Qualified
The Power is in The Details The SWOT Analysis Chart Displays the SR’s Performance SWOT Analysis: v1.4 16 100% Performance 50% 0% Opportunity Description Solution Decision Process Relationship Competition Current Performance Levels for: 1.Opportunity Description 2.Proposed Solution 3.Decision Process (Buying Process) 4.Relationship 5.Competition Notice length of Decision Process UR. This implies that the actual Score for the SR’s performance in the Decision Process category can range from 6% to 72%. The SR must reduce the size of the UR by obtaining the missing information. This will reduce the UR and provide more accurate assessment of the SR’s performance.
The Power is in The Details The SWOT Analysis Chart The SWOT Chart also displays the resultant Probabilities for Winning (winning the deal) and Timing (closing by the close date). SWOT Analysis: v1.4 17
The Power is in The Details The SWOT Analysis Chart Winning & Closing Probabilities SWOT Analysis: v1.4 18 100% TimingWinning Probability 50% 0% Probabilities: 1.Timing; the probability that the deal will close by the forecasted Close Date. 2.Winning: the probability that the SR will Win the deal. Notice the uncertainty in the probability of Winning (length of bar), Uncertainty Range (UR). The probability of Winning is given as 40% but can actually range from 10% to 60%, due to the amount of missing information in the other categories. To obtain a truer picture of the probability of winning this deal the SR must reduce the size of UR by obtaining the information for the questions he answered ‘Uncertain’.
The Power is in The Details What Does A Winning Scenario Look Like in the SWOT Chart? SWOT Analysis: v1.4 19 100% 50% 0% Opportunity Description Solution Decision Process Relationship Competition 1.Opportunity is well defined and well qualified,the SR has all the information to create a winning proposal. STRENGTH 2.SR’s proposed solution is an excellent fit with the requirements STRENGTH 3.SR has a complete understanding of the prospect’s buying process STRENGTH 4.SR has strong professional relationships with the key individuals involved with this project STRENGTH 5.SR knows who the competition is and has developed a strategy to beat them. Timing: SR has confirmed the close date with the key decision makers and has considered any other events that could derail the project. STRENGTH, the deal will close on time Winning: The SR will win. ProbabilityPerformance TimingWinning
The Power is in The Details The Evolution of a Successful Sale SWOT Analysis: v1.4 20 100% TimingWinning 50% 0% Opportunity Description Solution Decision Process Relationship Competition ProbabilityPerformance Early in the Sales Cycle; Deal; Poorly Qualified SR has identified an opportunity that his products seems to be a good fit for, however the Opportunity is not well qualified, SR is in the Discovery phase of the sales cycle and is; 1.Performing a Needs Analysis 2.Understanding the Decision Process 3.Developing & expanding relationships 4.Identifying competition 5.Deterring the timing of the deal Midway through the Sales Cycle; Deal: Moderately Qualified 1.Opportunity is much better defined 2.Solution is a good fit, some things to confirm 3.SR is navigating through decision process identifying individuals and their roles. 4.SR is meeting key individuals, lining up support and identifying potential issues 5.SR has identified competition, but has not yet developed a strategy to beat them 6.Timing is firming up Midway through the Sales Cycle; Deal: Qualified 1.Opportunity is well defined 2.Solution is an excellent fit 3.SR has identified individuals in the decision process, but has yet not met them all and is unsure if they support his solution 4.SR continues to develop relationships and has lined up his supporters 5.SR has identified competition, but has not yet developed a strategy to beat them 6.Timing is has been confirmed. Well into the Sales Cycle; Deal: Well Qualified 1.Opportunity is well defined 2.Solution is an excellent fit 3.SR has met key individuals in the decision process and has confirmed that there are no issues. 4.SR builds on his relationships and has solid support, leverages the support to strengthen his position 5.SR has developed and is implementing a competitive strategy (Value Proposition, ROI, etc) 6.Timing is has been confirmed. Well into the Sales Cycle; Deal: Extremely Well Qualified 1.Opportunity is well defined 2.Solution is an excellent fit 3.SR has met key individuals in the decision process and has their support. 4.SR builds and leverages on his relationships and has solid support 5.SR has confirmed his solution is superior to the competitors 6.Timing is has been confirmed. 7.SR Wins the deal!
The Power is in The Details SWOT Analysis: v1.4 21 100% TimingWinning Probability 50% 0% Winning: Score = 15%; Range: 5% to 25%; UR = 20% Timing:Score = 85%; Range: 80% to 95%; UR = 15% Assessment: Deal is Well Qualified and will close on time, but the SR will not win this business. Phase of Sales Cycle: Well into Sales Cycle Action: As this deal is well into the sales cycle it is Highly unlikely that the SR has sufficient time to improve His winning probability and should exit competition. Recommendation: Exit competition and do not forecast. Caution: The SR will lose this deal. Winning: Score = 95%; Range: 90% to 99%; UR = 9% Timing:Score = 20%; Range: 15% to 25%; UR = 10% Assessment: Deal is Well Qualified, SR will win (90%) the deal, but it will not close by forecasted Close Date (Timing; 20%) Very little uncertainty exists in the probabilities for both Winning and Timing indicating that the SR has most of the information he/she can reasonably hope to obtain. Phase of Sales Cycle: Well into Sales Cycle Action: SR should speak to prospect to determine if The deal can be closed by the forecast Close Date, if not the SR should obtain a more realistic Close Date. Recommendation: Do not forecast until the Timing Score improves. Caution: This deal may end up as a ‘No-Decision’ unless the SR can confirm a Close Date. Winning: Score = 40%; Range: 5% to 75%; UR = 70% Timing:Score = 75%; Range: 70% to 90%; UR = 20% Assessment: Deal is Not Qualified from a Wining Perspective and the SR’s probability of winning is low (40%). As the Close Date is solid the implication is that the deal will close, but with a competitor. The SR will lose this deal unless they can improve their Winning Score. The Winning Score is most likely a reflection of the SR’s inability to beat the competition. Phase of Sales Cycle: Well into Sales Cycle Action: SR should determine where they are at risk, Especially relative to the competition and develop a competitive strategy to beat the competition. Recommendation: Do not forecast. Caution: There is a strong possibility the SR will lose this deal. Winning: Score = 90%; Range: 85% to 95%; UR = 10% Timing:Score = 50%; Range: 15% to 80%; UR = 55% Assessment: Deal is Qualified, SR will win but it is highly unlikely the deal will close by forecasted Close Date. Timing Score ( 50%) is low and Timing Uncertainty Range is too large (Low = 15%, High 80%) Phase of Sales Cycle: Well into Sales Cycle Action: SR should speak to prospect to determine what needs to be done to close the deal by the Close Date or obtain a more realistic Close Date. Recommendation: Do not forecast until the Timing Score improves and the amount of uncertainty decreases. Caution: SR needs to confirm that this deal is ‘real’ and that the prospect will actually do something. Winning: Score = 40%; Range: 10% to 70%; UR = 60% Timing:Score = 25%; Range: 0% to 55%; UR = 55% Assessment: Deal is Not Qualified, cannot draw any conclusions until the DoQ of the deal is improved. Phase of Sales Cycle: Early in Sales Cycle Action: SR must improve the DoQ of the deal by decreasing the amount of missing information in the other categories. Review the questions that were answered ‘Uncertain’. Recommendation: None, too early in the sales cycle Caution: SR needs to be cognizant of his inherent weakness in the probability of winning the deal Winning: Score = 50%; Range: 45% to 55%; UR = 10% Timing:Score = 50%; Range: 45% to 55%; UR = 10% Assessment: Deal is Well Qualified but will not close on time, and the SR will not win this business. Phase of Sales Cycle: Well into Sales Cycle Action: The SR should confirm that the deal is ‘real’ and that the prospect is actually going to do something Recommendation: Consider exiting the competition and do not forecast. Caution: This deal may not be real, and might end up in a ‘No-Decision’. Winning: Score = 40%; Range: 5% to 75%; UR = 70% Timing:Score = 60%; Range: 35% to 90%; UR = 55% Assessment: Deal is Not Qualified, cannot draw any conclusions until the DoQ of the deal is improved. Phase of Sales Cycle: Early in Sales Cycle Action: SR must improve the DoQ of the deal by decreasing the amount of missing information in the other categories. Review the questions that were answered ‘Uncertain’. Recommendation: None, too early in the sales cycle The SWOT Chart Can Tell You Many Other Things About a Deal
The Power is in The Details Business Intelligence for Sales SWOT Analysis: v1.4 22
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