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Enlisted Ranks & Rates NVSC 101.

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1 Enlisted Ranks & Rates NVSC 101

2 Rating Definitions Paygrade - The serviceman’s classification for pay purposes (E-1, E-6, E-9, etc.) Rating- Field calling for certain skills and aptitudes (BM, IS, MM, etc.) See pages in Bluejackets’ Manual Rate - the level of rating (ET1, MM3, OS2, etc.) Petty Officer - Those in paygrades E-4 to E-6

3 Rating Definitions Striker - Those in paygrades E-1 through E-3 who are training for a specific rating. Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) - Corresponds to specific qualifications in a rating. Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) - USMC equivalent of Navy’s rating system

4 General Apprenticeship Categories
Seaman (SN): performs ship-related duties Hospitalman (HN): assists Navy doctors in the healthcare field

5 General Apprenticeship Categories
Fireman (FN) : performs duties in the areas of marine engineering and ship maintenance Constructionman (CN) : operates and services construction equipment (SeaBees) Airman (AN) : performs various duties for naval air activities (aircraft maintenance, etc.)

6 Schools for Enlisted Personnel
Class “A” - School that provides basic, rate-specific training for in-rate duties (e.g. Intelligence Specialist “A” School, Electronics Technician “A” School, etc.). Class “C” - School that provides advanced, rate-specific training for sailors who need to acquire special skills within their rating.

7 USN Enlisted Ranks LEFT SLEEVE COLLAR E-1 Seaman Recruit SR none E-2
               none E-2 Seaman Apprentice SA E-3 Seaman SN E-4 Petty Officer Third Class PO3                                        E-5 Petty Officer Second Class PO2                   E-6 Petty Officer First Class PO1                                       E-7 Chief Petty Officer CPO E-8 Senior Chief Petty Officer SCPO

8 E-9 Master Chief Petty Officer MCPO                                       Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy MCPON

9 USN Enlisted Ranks E-1 Seaman Recruit Hospital Recruit SR HR [none]
Seaman Apprentice Hospital Apprentice SA HA                E-3 Seaman Hospitalman SN HN E-1 Airman Recruit AR [none] E-2 Airman Apprentice AA                E-3 Airman AN E-1 Fireman Recruit FR [none] E-2 Fireman Apprentice FA                E-3 Fireman FN E-1 Constructionman Recruit CR [none] E-2 Constructionman Apprentice CA                E-3 Constructionman CN

10 Rate and Rating There are a lot of ratings, here are some common examples.

11 USN Rating Insignia

12 USN Rating Insignia

13 Rate and Rating - Add it up
How do you refer to a Machinist Mate who is an E-4? What is an MA1? YNC? BMCS?

14 USMC Enlisted Ranks Private E-1 Private First Class E-2 Lance Corporal
      Private E-1           Private First Class E-2 Lance Corporal E-3 Corporal E-4 Sergeant E-5 Staff Sergeant E-6       Gunnery Sergeant E-7           Master Sergeant (Technical Expert) E-8 First Sergeant (Command Oriented) Master Gunnery Sergeant (Technical Expect) E-9 Sergeant Major (Command Oriented) Sergeant Major Of The Marine Corps

15 Put It All Together Private Seaman Recruit Airman Basic
Private E-2 (PV2)          Seaman Apprentice (SA)         Private First Class (PFC)          Airman (Amn)            E3 Private First Class (PFC)          Seaman (SN)         Lance Corporal (LCpl)         Airman First Class (A1C)            E4 Corporal (CPL)          Specialist (SPC)          Petty Officer Third Class(PO3) **        Corporal (Cpl)         Senior Airman (SrA)           

16 Sergeant First Class (SFC) Master Sergeant (MSgt)
Put It All Together E5 Sergeant (SGT)          Petty Officer Second Class (PO2) **          Sergeant (Sgt)          Staff Sergeant (SSgt)            E6 Staff Sergeant (SSG)          Petty Officer First Class (PO1) **          Staff Sergeant (SSgt)          Technical Sergeant (TSgt)           E7 Sergeant First Class (SFC)          Chief Petty Officer (CPO) **          Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt)          Master Sergeant (MSgt)           First Sergeant         

17 Put It All Together First Sergeant (1SGT) Senior Master Sergeant E9
         Master SGT First Sergeant (1SGT)          Senior Chief Petty Officer (SCPO) **          (MSgt) Senior Master Sergeant E9 Sergeant Major          Command Sergeant Major (CSM)          Master Chief Petty Officer (MCPO)          Fleet/Co mmand Master Chief Petty Officer          Sergeant Major          Master Gunnery Sergeant          Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt)            First Sergeant            Command Chief Master SGT (CCM)           First Sergeant First Sergeant         

18 Enlisted Uniforms Service Dress Blue (Cracker Jack’s)
Service Dress White (Jumper) Winter Blue/Working Blue Dungaree Summer White Organizational Uniforms White Hat, Berets, Garrison Cap, Ball Caps Jackets and Coats

19 Marine Corps Uniforms Blue Dress Blue White Dress Service Uniform
A, B, C, D Blue White Dress Service Uniform A, B, C Utility Uniform

20 Review All USN/USMC paygrades/ranks/insignia. What is an NEC/MOS?

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