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OECD-POVNET Guidelines (2009) and future work on SOCIAL PROTECTION Dr. Timo Voipio MFA-Finland AU/EU Partnership on Social Protection.

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Presentation on theme: "OECD-POVNET Guidelines (2009) and future work on SOCIAL PROTECTION Dr. Timo Voipio MFA-Finland AU/EU Partnership on Social Protection."— Presentation transcript:

1 OECD-POVNET Guidelines (2009) and future work on SOCIAL PROTECTION Dr. Timo Voipio MFA-Finland AU/EU Partnership on Social Protection Nairobi 10-11 March, 2011


3 ICSW Global Conference, Brasilia 16-19 July, 2006 Entry points for ICSW to promote Social Justice in PRS-processes 3 SOCIALECONOMIC RIO-1992  RIO-2012: Sustainable dev’t = Balanced dev’t ECOLOGICAL



6 ’Rich Country Club’ 1961 - 2011 DAC = ’Donor brainstorming forum’, e.g. 0,7% GDP, aid untying, ’ownership’, ’aid coordination’, ’aid harmonization’, (Paris/Accra) POVNET = Poverty Network 1998 – 2011 + GENDERNET + ENVIRONET + GOVNET

7  Poverty is context-specific, and…

8 …Poverty is multi-dimensional (OECD) PROTECTIVE risk, vulnerability social protection / social risk management POLITICAL rights freedoms voice & influence SOCIO- CULTURAL status respect, dignity ECONOMIC consumption income assets HUMAN health education hunger, thirst GENDER + ENVIRON- MENT

9 Tähän maapallo ja lapsia Mbeleni - Future - Tulevaisuus UN 2000 – Millennium Declaration and MDSs Ms. Tarja Halonen, President of Finland Chair of the Millennium Summit

10 UN Millennium Development Goals = Multi-dimensional

11 Helsinki Process Roundtable Dar es Salaam 15 Nov, 2006 Timo Voipio, MFA-Finland 11


13 Helsinki Process Roundtable Dar es Salaam 15 Nov, 2006 Timo Voipio, MFA-Finland 13

14 Timo Voipio, MFA-Finland 14 DEVELOPMENT and PovReduction ? ~ growth + redistribution, if any...? ~ redistribution of opportunity...? OLD NEW All the other sectors where poor people work ’Growth Sector’

15 SP-strategies of Africa + POVNET Tunis, 27-30 June, 2005 Timo Voipio, MFA-Finland 15 …with trust and social protection, people dare to move… In African small holder agric. the growth potential is 6 x larger in domestic markets than in overseas export markets. Redistribution If any… Dynamic structural change from sector to sector

16 Helsinki Process Roundtable Dar es Salaam 15 Nov, 2006 Timo Voipio, MFA-Finland 16  Credible Social Protection needed for poor people to be able to participate in and contribute to growth

17 POVNET Plenary Paris 17 April, 2007 Timo Voipio, MFA-Finland 17 OECD- POVNET: Social Protection is Good for Pro-Poor Growth

18 POVNET Plenary Paris 17 April, 2007 Timo Voipio, MFA-Finland 18 Why Social Protection ? Pro-poor growth helps avoid shocks that derail growth promotes innovation, risk taking and entrepreneurship counteracts irreversible asset depletion asset accumulation + broadening tax base aggregate demand in the economy/world Rights-based Art.22-28 UDHR MDGs, basic needs human development global socio-economic ‘floor’ /’compact’ (minimum standards) democratic participation sustainable dev’t lifecycle and inter- generational thinking + Fastest way to achieve MDGs

19 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948): “Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social security...” (Art 22) “Right to work... freely chosen...under just conditions and remuneration...and to join unions...” (Art 23) “...and to a decent standard of living.” (Art 25)


21 Donor policy + Guidelines on: SOCIAL PROTECTION: - Cash transfers - Growth-impacts - Informality - Affordability - Life-cycle risks - Health, HIV/AIDS - Gender - Fragile states - Climate change adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction OECD-POVNET


23 The ILO Campaign on Social Security and Coverage for All Social Protection Floor  towards higher level services and protection…

24 Key: Our Concept of Development and Progress  Should we measure progress in terms of GDP growth?  Or in terms of numbers of women and men, young, old and disabled who have gained decent jobs, sustainable livelihoods or reliable social protection?  …and who are therefore able to participate as active citizens and economic actors in the ’transformative’ processes…

25 1) Guidelines on EMPOWERMENT and Pro-Poor Growth soon…(2009-2011) 2) Making Green Growth Pro-Poor 2011-12 3) Food Security/Access to Food 2011-12 4) Social Protection Floors  Task Team 2011-12  Coordinate with EU/AU + UN-SPF-I !  Social policy / social protection analytic capacity + staff training !!  Social protection statistics (DAC-codes?) POVNET WORK 2009-2012

26 MOVING TOWARDS ACTION:  Important now to show DEMAND and require BUDGETS and ACTION by EUC/AUC + MSs + Network of EU and African Experts (+ POVNET + UN SocProtFloor Initiative)

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