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What is Water Cycle? It is the flow/movement and storage of water in and between the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere & the biosphere It also.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Water Cycle? It is the flow/movement and storage of water in and between the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere & the biosphere It also."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Water Cycle? It is the flow/movement and storage of water in and between the atmosphere, the lithosphere, the hydrosphere & the biosphere It also involves the changes in the state of water - in gaseous, solid & liquid state


4 Water evaporates from land & ocean Evapo-transpiration OCEAN LAND

5 Water condenses to form cloud Evapo-transpiration OCEAN LAND Condensation

6 Water droplets fall as rain/snow/hail Evapo-transpiration OCEAN LAND Condensation Precipitation on ocean Precipitation on land

7 Rain water infiltrates into the soil Evapo-transpiration OCEAN LAND Condensation Precipitation on ocean Precipitation on land Infiltration

8 Water accumulates as surface runoff Evapo-transpiration OCEAN LAND Condensation Precipitation on ocean Precipitation on land Surface runoff

9 Various processes/flows in the water cycle C OCEAN LAND A B D E F

10 Basin Hydrological Cycle (Land Phase) C OCEAN LAND Atmosphere D E F G HI

11 Basin Hydrological Cycle (Land Phase) 1. Flow - evaporation,precipitation, stemflow, infiltration, throughflow, surface runoff, _________ …. 2. Storage - interception, soil water, ground water, channel, _________…..

12 Human Impacts on water cycle 1. Deforestation - removal of trees 2. Agriculture - intensive cultivation 3. Urbanization - widespread development of built-up areas


14 River Basin & Fluvial Processes A river forms when rain falls on the land which forms rills rills flow downslope, more rainfall, in the form of runoff, joins them, and the rills grow larger, the rills are large enough to be called streams

15 River Basin A main stream and its tributaries river forms a network of streams, called a drainage network/system This network occupies and drains a definite area of land. This area is called a drainage basin

16 River Basin The boundary of the basin forms the watershed of the basin. It follows the crests of the ridges & hills.

17 Tributary WatershedMain Stream River Mouth A drainage basin

18 River Basin River basins, like all other systems, have inputs, processes & outputs. It is an open system

19 Related websites:

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