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Aromatherapy Uses sense of smell for healing Exposes the person to the ideal olfactory environment Works more directly on mind and subtle body Psychological.

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Presentation on theme: "Aromatherapy Uses sense of smell for healing Exposes the person to the ideal olfactory environment Works more directly on mind and subtle body Psychological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aromatherapy Uses sense of smell for healing Exposes the person to the ideal olfactory environment Works more directly on mind and subtle body Psychological and psychic disorders Chakras (energy centers) and the Nadis (energy channels) 

2 Olfactory System Senses and processes odors One of the oldest and most vital parts of the brain Limbic system - primitive brain structures that govern emotions, behavior, and memory storage 

3 Aromatherapy Production Essential oils Hydrosols Attar Expressions Absolutes

4 Overview of Steam Distillation Essential Oil From the top of the separator Has indefinite shelf life Overview of Steam Distillation  Hydrosol from bottom of separator Pictured from left to right: Vetiver, German Chamomile, and Patchouli

5 Hydrosol Herbal waters or floral waters From the bottom of the separator (byproduct of EO) Or made specifically for hydrosols. Hydrosol Production 

6 Hydrosol Distiller – Mountain Rose Herbs

7 Attar Infusion with Sandalwood An affordable way to buy expensive oils 60 flowers to 1 drop 1/2 oz rose EO $290 1/2 oz rose attar $48 Usually made in India Rose Attar from Banyan Botanicals 

8 Expression Cold pressing Examples: usually citrus – lemon, bergamot, lime, orange Lifespan 2 years or till it oxides Lemons ready for cold pressing 

9 Absolutes Extraction uses solvents such as hexane or ether Examples: Rose, Jasmine While not suitable for therapeutic aromatherapy, they do make wonderful perfumes Rose Absolute from Aura Cacia 

10 Aromatherapy VÀtaPittaKapha sweet/ spicysweetpungent TopBergamot Orange Palmarosa Lime Peppermint Wintergreen Tulsi (Basil) Orange Grapefruit MiddleLavenderRosemary Clary Sage LavenderFennel LavenderEucalyptus Base Sandalwood Jatamansi FrankincenseRose Ylang Ylang Cedarwood CinnamonCloveCedarwood Red Bold = Best Essential oil for each dosha 

11 Mixing Oils: Top Note The most stimulating and uplifting oils. They are strongly scented. The scent only lasts approximately 3-24 hours. Approx. 20% of the blend. Examples: BasilCoriander BergamotEucalyptus Clary sageLemongrass NeroliPeppermint Sage Thyme

12 Mixing Oils: Middle Note the next longest lasting at about 2-3 days, and affect the metabolic and body functions. The scent is less potent than Top Notes. Approx. 70% of the blend. Examples: Lemon balmGeranium ChamomileHyssop FennelJuniper LavenderRosemary

13 Mixing Oils: Base Note Base Note: slowest oils to evaporate, lasting up to one week, they have a sweet soothing scents and a relaxing comforting effect on the body. Approx. 10% of the blend. Examples: CedarwoodRose CloveFrankincense GingerJasmine Sandalwood

14 Blending Terminology Blending Terminology Top note oils – thinner, lighter colored, fast evaporation rates, shortest lasting Middle note oils – main body of the blend, harmonize top and base notes, last several hours Base note oils – thick, dark viscous, slowest evaporation rates, longest lasting, acts as a fixative.

15 Formulating Essential Oils Mixing 1 Mixing 2 Wild Oats Dr. Light Miller Top10-20%10-15% Middle70-90%40-80% Base5-10%5% 

16 Aromatherapy Oils for Balancing VÀta Excess

17 Aromatherapy Oils for Balancing Pitta Excess

18 Aromatherapy Oils for Balancing Kapha Excess

19 Sources Sources Books Ayurveda & Aromatherapy by Dr. Light Miller, ND, and Dr. Bryan Miller DC

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