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09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 1 CDF Remote Consumer Operator (CO) shifts in Pisa Motivations and project contour CDF online issues for remote.

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Presentation on theme: "09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 1 CDF Remote Consumer Operator (CO) shifts in Pisa Motivations and project contour CDF online issues for remote."— Presentation transcript:

1 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 1 CDF Remote Consumer Operator (CO) shifts in Pisa Motivations and project contour CDF online issues for remote CO shifts What is still needed as SW development and HW resources Time schedule and financial requests F. Scuri – I.N.F.N. Pisa

2 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 2 Motivations and project framework for remote Quality Check shifts ( CDF CO (Consumer Operator) shifts ) Avoid oversee missions just for Quality Checking shifts (8 shift days + + RadWork training + travel time)  save money to allow more people to be onsite for other activities on Physics, Detector upgrades, Operations duties. Acquire know-how for future applications of remote shifts (LHC, ILC,…) Tsukuba and Pisa were chosen as pilot Institutions for the CDF Remote CO shift project Project developed in cooperation with CMS-Fnal, setting-up a multipurpose remote control room in WH-11 at Fnal L.Ristori and F.Scuri were chosen as Fnal and Pisa based reference persons respectively for the CDF-CO remote shift project

3 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 3 Remote shift development project integration CDF { Tsukuba  Fnal Pisa  Fnal CMS CERN  Fnal

4 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 4 4 people crew for the CDF data taking shifts (night) SciCo (Scientific Coordinator) Accelerator Operators Detector on-call Experts CO (Consumer Operator) ACE 1 (DAQ Run Control) ACE 2 (DAQ Monitor) The main job for COs is to online check the detector operation quality by looking at the output of the Consumer Monitors

5 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 5 The CO duties (full list, present status) DutyOperated viaRemote allowed Start/stop ConsumersCommands from and their Monitorsany online cluster node NO a) Check detector plots and fill a run check list everyWEB YES 2 hours Fill e-log with commentsWEB YES and post significant plots Execute the procedure toCommand sequence check several x-sectionsfrom any online node NO a) (XMon) Start the CalibrationCommands from any Monitor patch (DBANA)online cluster node NO a) Check calibrationsWEB YES a) Due to the DOE/Fnal policy, allowing only certified online group members to remotely connect to the online machines (not the case for regular CO shifter)

6 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 6 SW development to allow full operational remote and local CO shifts in almost identical modes 1) Start/stop consumers and Run on local/remote machine GUI almost completed, their Monitors a GUI allowing actions on the need help for finalization consumer jobs and monitor display by buttons - Communication with the on- line cluster to be defined. 2) Execution of the special Move on WEB the command Started, need solid procedure (XMon) to monitor sequence and parameter help to be completed relevant x-sections passing in a short time 3) Execution of the DBANA no plan at the moment SciCo will take care package (Calib. Monitors)to start DBANA in remote shift mode Duty Project Present status D. Fabiani, CDF support of the Pisa Computing Service, will spend 2 months at Fnal (September and October 2006) working on projects 1) and 2)

7 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 7 Recent tests with a prototype control room in Pisa Poor quality webcam Desktop running Polycom PVX under Win XP (loan from GR-I Pisa) Desktop running Mozilla, Root, Ghostview, ….. under SL Two screen draw card added (loan from GR-I Pisa) Screen2 displaying: - CO checklist, - E-logs, Calibrations,…. Screen1 displaying - Consumers and Monitor job status - Reference det. plots - Actual detector plots - Instruction Web pag. Two 8 hour remote CO shifts made in spring 2006 in overlap with Fnal to test video connection and Web based procedures: - Web operations O.K. - Network connection ~O.K. - Sound loopback - many crash of Fnal PVX host Kaori Maeshima, CDF CO operation manager, visited the prototype of the Pisa remote shift room on June 14, 2006 LCD 17” CDF owned Low res. std mon.(GR-I PI)

8 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 8 Remote control room specs required by CDF to start commissioning of remote CO shifts Echo suppression Webcam (Polycom ViaVideo) Desktop running Polycom PVX under Win XP (loan from GR-I Pisa) 4 LCD 17/19“ monitor display Screen 1: GUI windows to handle Consumers and job monitors Screen 2: Event Display and Calibration plots Screen 3: Active run and reference plots for the checklist Screen 4: E-logs, checklist, Instructions (WEB pages) Desktop running Mozilla, Root, Ghostview, ….. under SL 4 monitor draw card (Full system CDF owned)

9 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 9 Time schedule for commissioning and pilot remote CO shifts - Sept 10 - 30 Definition of the procedures for starting shifts in Pisa and for emergency calls for a shifter replacement at Fnal in case of any failure at the shift start-up in Pisa (F.Scuri / L.Ristori) - Sept. 20 - 25 Test and validate new HW (Pisa and Fnal) for video connection (F.Scuri / K.Maeshima) - Sept. 20 - 30 Prepare a remote shift schedule for commissioning and year fall periods; according to a CDF/operations requirement, remote shifters must have done at list one on-site shift (F.Scuri / D. Hahn) - Sept. 25 < Nov 15 Remote shift commissioning; 8 day regular owl shifts, Pisa and Fnal in overlap; begin w/o new SW, only WEB driven operations (F. Scuri & Pisa volunteers). - Oct. 15 < Nov. 15 Check new SW (GUI & XMon procedures) (D. Fabiani / C. Plager + Pisa & Fnal shifters) - Nov. 10 -15 Review of the commissioning achievements with the CDF operations group. - Nov. 16 - Dec. 31 Remote shifts (2/3 max.) w/o Fnal overlap with Pisa shifters - Jan 1 st,, 07  ….. Remote shifts in Pisa (max 1 per month) with any authorized shifter of all Italian Institutions.

10 09/06/2006F. Scuri - Remote CO shifts at CDF 10 Financial requests to complete the remote control room in Pisa Q.tyItemUnit cost (Euro) 1Good quality webcam and related SW 400 (echo suppression, Polycom ViaVideo ?) 3LCD (17/19”) goog quality monitors 400 14-monitor drive card (Invdia Quadra ?) 200 ? 1Good performance desktop (2 GB Ram, 1500 fast processor, Exp. PCI bus,….) tot 3300

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