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Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing COMS 6998-11, Fall 2012 Instructor: Li Erran Li

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1 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing COMS 6998-11, Fall 2012 Instructor: Li Erran Li ( 6998-11Fall2012/ 12/11/2012: Course Summary 1

2 Syllabus Mobile App Development (lecture 2,3) – Mobile operating systems: iOS and Android – Development environments: Xcode, Eclipse with Android SDK – Programming: Objective-C and android programming System Support for Mobile App Optimization (lecture 4,7) – Mobile device power models, energy profiling and ebug debugging – Core OS topics: virtualization, storage and OS support for power and context management Interaction with Cellular Networks (lecture 1,5, 8) – Basics of 3G/LTE cellular networks – Mobile application cellular radio resource usage profiling – Measurement-based cellular network and traffic characterization Interaction with the Cloud (lecture 6,9) – Mobile cloud computing platform services: push notification, iCloud and Google Cloud Messaging – Mobile cloud computing architecture and programming models Mobile Platform Security and Privacy (lecture 10,11,12) – Mobile platform security: malware detection and characterization, attacks and defenses – Mobile data and location privacy: attacks, monitoring tools and defenses 2 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

3 Mobile App Development: iOS iOS Overview Objective C Xcode Model-View-Controller Blocks and Multithreading Core Data and Location iCloud 3 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

4 Mobile App Development: Android Android OS Overview Eclipse and Android SDK Application Framework – Activity, content provider, broadcast receiver, intent Networking Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) 4 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

5 System Support for Mobile App Optimization Mobile device power models, energy profiler and ebug debugging Core OS topics: – Virtualization – Storage 5 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

6 System Calls As Power Triggers Advantages: – Encapsulates utilization based triggers Parameters of system calls – Captures power behavior of ones that do not necessarily imply utilization – Can be traced back to process, thread, function Eases energy accounting 6 Key observation: System call is the interface through which an application communicates with the underlying system (hardware) and outside world (Internet, GPS, etc.) Key Idea: Use System Calls as triggers in power modeling Courtesy: Pathak et al Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

7 Finite-State-Machine (FSM) as Power Model Representation Use Finite-State-Machine (FSM) Nodes: Power states – Base State: No activity on phone – Productive state: Actual utilization – Tail state: No-useful work Edges: Transition rules – System calls (start/completion) – Workload (Ex: 50 pkts/sec) – Timeout 7 State 1 State 2 State 3 Transitions Courtesy: Pathak et al Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

8 Linux Kernel Linux Kernel Power WiFi Cell Radio Framebuffer GPU RTC / Alarms SensorsInputAndroid... Audio/Video Virtualization: Device Namespace safely, correctly multiplex access to devices device namespaces VP 3 VP 2 VP 1 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11) Courtesy: Jason Nieh et al. 8

9 How Apps Use Storage? Exactly what makes web browsing slow on Android? – Key lies in understanding how apps use SQLite and FS interface /data/data/com.necla.webview lib (empty) cache webviewCache 6aaa3f00, 03051d8d, … many files (5.5MB) databases webview.db (14KB) webviewCache.db (129KB) These files written to SQLite in sync These files written to FS in write-behind WebBench Storage Schema  Apps typically store some data in FS (e.g., cache files) and some in a SQLite database (e.g., cache map) –All data through SQLite is written synchronously  slow! –Apps often use SQLite oblivious to performance effects Courtesy: Nitin Agrawal et al. Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11) 9

10 Interaction with Cellular Networks Basics of 3G/LTE cellular networks Impact of radio access network on mobile apps – Radio resource usage profiling (ARO) Impact of cellular network core on mobile applications – In-depth study of middleboxes in cellular networks – Cellular network architecture characterization and Implication to CDN 10 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

11 Cellular Core Network eNodeB 3 S-GW 2 P-GW 11 S-GW 1 eNodeB 1 eNodeB 2 Internet and Other IP Networks GTP Tunnels UE 2 UE 1 LTE Infrastructure MME/PCRF/HSS UE: user equipment eNodeB: base station S-GW: serving gateway P-GW: packet data network gateway MME: mobility management entity HSS: home subscriber server PCRF: policy charging and rule function Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

12 12 LTE Architecture (Cont’d) eNodeB, S-GW and P- GW are involved in session setup, handoff, routing User Equipme nt (UE) Gateway (S-GW) Mobility Management Entity (MME) Network Gateway (P-GW) Home Subscriber Server (HSS) Policy Control and Charging Rules Function ( PCRF) Station (eNodeB) Base Serving Packet Data Control Plane Data Plane Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

13 Power Management: LTE UE runs radio resource control (RRC) state machine Two states: IDLE, CONNECTED Discontinuous reception (DRX): monitor one subframe per DRX cylce; receiver sleeps in other subframes 13 Courtesy:Morley Mao

14 Power Management: UMTS State promotions have promotion delay State demotions incur tail times Tail Time Delay: 1.5s Delay: 2s ChannelRadio Power IDLENot allocated Almost zero CELL_FACHShared, Low Speed Low CELL_DCHDedicated, High Speed High 14

15 Example: RRC State Machine for a Large Commercial 3G Network Promo Delay: 2 Sec DCH Tail: 5 sec FACH Tail: 12 sec DCH : High Power State (high throughput and power consumption) FACH: Low Power State (low throughput and power consumption) IDLE: No radio resource allocated Tail Time Waiting inactivity timers to expire Courtesy: Feng Qian 15 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

16 ARO: Mobile Application Resource Optimizer Motivations: – Are developers aware of the RRC state machine and its implications on radio resource / energy? NO. – Do they need a tool for automatically profiling their prototype applications? YES. – If we provide that visibility, would developers optimize their applications and reduce the network impact? Hopefully YES. ARO: Mobile Application Resource Optimizer – Provide visibility of radio resource and energy utilization. – Benchmark efficiencies of cellular radio resource and battery life for a specific application 16 Courtesy: Feng Qian et al. Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

17 RRC State Machine Inference State promotion inference – Determine one of the two promotion procedures – P1: IDLE  FACH  DCH;P2:IDLE  DCH State demotion and inactivity time inference – See paper for details A packet of min bytes never triggers FACH  DCH promotion (we use 28B) A packet of max bytes always triggers FACH  DCH promotion (we use 1KB) P1: IDLE  FACH, P2:IDLE  DCH P1: FACH  DCH, P2:Keep on DCH Normal RTT 1500ms 17 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

18 ARO System Architecture 18 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

19 Example: Pandora Music Problem: High resource overhead of periodic audience measurements (every 1 min) Recommendation: Delay transfers and batch them with delay-sensitive transfers Problem: High resource overhead of periodic audience measurements (every 1 min) Recommendation: Delay transfers and batch them with delay-sensitive transfers Courtesy: Feng Qian 19 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

20 Impact of Middleboxes Firewall IP spoofing creates security vulnerability IP spoofing should be disabled Small TCP timeout timers waste user device energy Timer should be longer than 30 minutes Out-of-order packet buffering hurts TCP performance Consider interaction with application carefully NAT One NAT mapping linearly increases port # with time Port prediction is feasible 20 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

21 Impact of Architecture Observation – All 4 major carriers cover the U.S. with only 4-8 clusters – Cellular DNS resolvers are placed at the same level as GGSN data centers Implication – Mobile content providers should place their content close to GGSNs – Mobile content providers should select the content server closest to the GGSN 21 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

22 Interaction with Cloud Mobile cloud platform services: push notification, iCloud and Google Cloud Messaging Mobile cloud computing architecture and programming models 22 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

23 Mobile Cloud Platform Services Social network services – Demo: add social feature to the calculator app iCloud service – Demo: add iCloud feature to the calculator app Push notification service – Apple push notification service Demo: add push notification to the calculator app – Google GCM Demo: add push notification to the calculator app – Thialfi: reliable push notification system Track service 23 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

24 mCloud Programming Model MAUI: RPC based offloading architecture CloneCloud: tight synchronization between cloud and phone Odessa: data-flow graph to exploit parallelism in perception applications COMET: distributed shared memory MAUI, CloneCloud, Odessa all have profiler, solver 24 MAUICloneCloudOdessaCOMET Remote execution unit Methods (RMI) Threads (method entry/exit) TasksThreads (any place) Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

25 25 Distributed Shared Memory COMET is offloading + DSM  Offloading bridges computation disparity  DSM provides logically shared address space DSM usually applied to cluster environments  Low latency, high throughput Mobile relies on wireless communication Courtesy: Mark Gordon et. al. Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

26 26 Java Memory Model Dictates which writes a read can observe Specifies 'happens-before' partial order  Access in single thread totally ordered  Lazy Release Consistency locking Fundamental memory unit is the field  Known alignment, known width

27 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11) 27 Field DSM Track dirty fields locally Need 'happens-before' established?  Transmit dirty fields! (mark fields clean) Not clear it scales well past two endpoints  Not important to our motivation  Use classic cluster DSM on server

28 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11) 28 VM-Synchronization Used to establish ‘happen-before’ relation Directed operation between pusher and puller Synchronizes  Bytecode sources  Java thread stacks  Java heap

29 Mobile Security DroidRanger: Non-virtualization-based malware detection – Behavioral footprint matching for known malware – Dynamic execution monitoring for unknown malware DroidScope Virtualization-based malware detection – Reconstruct OS, Dalvik VM and native view Malware characterization – Installation – Activation – Malicious payloads – Evolution 29 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

30 Mobile Privacy Data privacy Detecting and preventing privacy leaks – PiOS for iOS – TaintDroid for Android Limiting mobile data exposure with idle eviction [assume device prone to loss] – CleanOS Stealthy information leaks through covert channels and prevention – Soundcomber Location privacy [after-class reading] – Quantifying location privacy 30 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

31 PiOS: Analysis (CFG) Most iOS apps are written in Objective-C Cornerstone: objc_msgSend dispatch function Task: Resolve type of receiver and value of selector for objc_msgSend calls – Backwards slicing – Forward propagation of constants and types Result: Inter and intra procedural CFG is constructed from successfully resolved objc_msgSend calls 31 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

32 PiOS: Finding Privacy Leaks Inter and intra procedural Control Flow Graph Reachability Analysis (find paths) – From interesting sources – To network sinks Implicit interruption of CFG for user-input (e.g., dialog boxes, etc.) – Touch events are generated by the OS not in the developer's code 32 Courtesy: Egele et. al Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

33 PiOS: Example ObjC to ASM 1 LDR R0, =off_24C58 2 LDR R1, =off_247F4 3 LDR R0, [R0] 4 LDR R1, [R1] 5 BLX _objc_msgSend 6 LDR R1, =off_247F0 7 LDR R1, [R1] 8 BLX _objc_msgSend … r0? r1? UIDevice currentDevice ::currentDevice UIDevice r1? uniqueIdentifier ::uniqueIdentifier 9 STR R0, [SP,#0x60+var_34] 10 LDR R3, [SP,#0x60+var_34] … 11 BLX _objc_msgSend NSString ::initWithFormat:(fmt: "uniqueid=%@&username=%@&country=%@&email=%@") … 12 BLX _objc_msgSend POSTScore ::startPostingData:toURL: (0x1b478) 33 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

34 TaintDroid Leverage Android Platform Virtualization native system libraries Virtual machine Application code Virtual machine Application code Variable-level tracking Method-level tracking Message-level tracking msg Network interfaceSecondary storage File-level tracking 34 Courtesy: Byung-Gon et. al Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

35 TaintDroid Android Architecture in Detail 35

36 The End Questions and comments? 36 Cellular Networks and Mobile Computing (COMS 6998-11)

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