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Community College and State University Collaborate to Meet Demand for Bioscience Undergraduates: Craig Longtine, Jonathan Shaver, Paul Melchior, (NHCC),

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Presentation on theme: "Community College and State University Collaborate to Meet Demand for Bioscience Undergraduates: Craig Longtine, Jonathan Shaver, Paul Melchior, (NHCC),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Community College and State University Collaborate to Meet Demand for Bioscience Undergraduates: Craig Longtine, Jonathan Shaver, Paul Melchior, (NHCC), Mark Wallert, and Joseph Provost (MSUM) A MODEL FOR GEOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE EDUCATION FROM THE BIOSCIENCES

2 Objective of the Collaboration Offer a Biology/Chemistry Double Major –Biochemistry/Biotechnology emphasis Location: North Hennepin Community College (NHCC) Degree-granting Institution: Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM)

3 Moorhead State (4-year) North Hennepin (2-year) 225 miles Shared educational philosophy Biologists who teach rather than biology teachers NHCC has large enrollments in biology and chemistry

4 Course Rollout Schedule First upper-division MSUM classes on NHCC campus, Fall 2006 –6 courses by Spring, 2008 –Final course for degree, Spring 2009 Objective: Replicate on-campus MSUM degree program and experiences

5 Need for the Collaboration Few alternatives to earn a bioscience degree Private colleges and the University of MN Public 4-Year universities

6 Institutional Characteristics North Hennepin Community College – 9,300 students; 4,300 FYE – 26% underrepresented minority –71% first-generation college students Minnesota State University Moorhead –9,000 students; 7,000 FYE –5% underrepresented minority

7 Institutional Characteristics North Hennepin Community College – STEM students, 46% increase (2001 – 2006) – Biology students, 98% increase (2001 – 2006) – Underrepresented students in biology, 535 (2006) Minnesota State University Moorhead – Established, strong program; however… – Generally aging, static population

8 Benefits to Students and Region Increased opportunities for students – Place-bound, part-time, limited resources – Location, cost, research opportunities – Students underrepresented in STEM – easy transition to four-year curriculum Economic benefits – Relatively high salaries – Growth of biological/medical industry

9 Benefits to Institutions North Hennepin Community College –STEM degrees for underserved students –Student recruitment, retention, and tuition –Students may come to NHCC specifically for STEM –Change perception of community colleges –Individual benefits to faculty

10 Benefits to Institutions Minnesota State University Moorhead –STEM degrees for underrepresented students –Confer more degrees, tuition revenue –Increased visibility in population and industrial center of the state –Benefits to on-campus MSUM faculty?

11 Challenges Buy-in from faculty and administration; communication; not really our students;? Replacement of NHCC faculty teaching MSUM courses Two unions Research opportunities (Freshmen – Senior) Space for new classes and research Who is in charge?

12 Challenges Who pays for what, when, and how –Lab start up, set-up, ordering supplies, shared equipment Nasty details –Application and registration, transcripts, financial aid, advising, academic support, e.g., peer tutoring Changing the culture; Students may not know what they are in for until the “climate” changes Permanent MSUM faculty will experience some unique challenges

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