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Poster Presentation EAUN online tool

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1 Poster Presentation EAUN online tool
July 2015

2 Lawrence Drudge-Coates – EAUN Chair
Introduction Congratulations on your successful abstract submission to the European Association of Urological Nurses (EAUN) annual meeting. The following educational tool is provided to assist you now, in the development of your scientific poster for oral presentation. Please refer back to the abstract tool to help you in the preparation of your scientific poster. This tool will describe the key components of the poster presentation, offer practical suggestions for optimising the key messages of your work, provide general advice on poster preparation and tips for its oral presentation. If you are already an accomplished presenter then the guidelines will inform you about the required “EAUN poster format”. If you have never presented or developed a poster for conference previously, or if you feel unsure about the steps to take, then we hope the tool will not only answer the practical questions that you may have, but will give you confidence in composing and presenting your poster. Lawrence Drudge-Coates – EAUN Chair

3 Learning objectives On completion of this tool you will be able to:
Demonstrate, stating clearly the purpose, rationale and scope of the research project or clinical developments you are undertaking or have completed, using the agreed poster presentation format. Be able to present the content and scope of the work effectively. This learning tool should be used in conjunction with the EAUN poster format instructions. Please find the link below.

4 Important instructions for poster presentations EAUN!
Please be aware that it’s mandatory that: The topic of the abstract is relevant to nursing The submitter of the abstract is a nurse or eligible for EAUN membership The presenter of the abstract is a nurse or eligible for EAUN membership The abstract has not been published or presented at an international congress at the time of submission. This rule applies for both European and US abstract submitters.

5 What is the EAUN poster session?
The EAUN poster session is an interactive discussion about your research or clinical development. It allows you to present your research or clinical development quickly and clearly. A way to engage your interested audience as you explain your research or clinical development work, to ask for feedback, to gather new ideas, and develop a network of individuals with similar clinical interests. During the poster viewing, at the beginning of the session, groups gather at the various posters and move from one to the next, discussing their findings with the authors. This permits a one-to-one exchange of ideas. After the poster viewing, the poster presenters will give a short (6 minutes) presentation of their poster followed by an interactive discussion (2 minutes).

6 EAUN poster session format
The format of the poster session Poster viewing; presenter should remain near his/her poster (30 minutes) Introduction by chairmen (4 minutes) Presentations (6 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion per presenter) Your slides will be shown during the presentation in a PowerPoint format. You may submit maximum five slides to the EAUN. NB. All selected posters will be printed as a hand-outs and made available to the audience if submitted as a pdf file before the deadline.

7 Preparing the content of your poster

8 Sequence of poster contents
A poster should use photos, figures (graphs), and tables to tell the story of the study. For clarity, present the information in a sequence that is easy to follow: this will make it easier to present. Organise that material into sections, e.g., Introduction & objectives, Methods & materials, Results & Conclusions, &, if necessary, Literature Cited. (Avoid using too many citations) The EAUN poster format uses numbers to help sequence sections of the poster. The poster should not rely upon your verbal explanation to link together the various portions. Remember! excessive detail about methods, or vast tables of data are not necessary. Such material can be discussed with interested persons individually during or after the session, or presented in a handout.

9 EAUN poster format Munich 2016
The maximum poster size is: 97 cm high, 147 cm wide (38 inch high, 57 inch wide)

10 Poster format The following headings are the format for your poster format: Abstract title & number Introduction & Objectives Materials & Methods Results Conclusion

11 Abstract title & number
This part of the poster includes the title of the work, the authors names, & the institutional affiliations. Think BIG! The title should be readable from 1 – 1.5m away. Remember!- the poster title should be the same as your abstract! Middle initials and titles are not necessary. Each accepted abstract will be given a unique number, this should be included in your printed poster on the top left hand corner. Do not include your abstract on the poster!

12 Introduction & Objectives
Use the abstract information for the basis of your poster The poster should quickly orient the audience to the subject and purpose of your work, as per your abstract. Unlike your abstract, the introduction of a poster is a wonderful place to put a photograph or illustration that communicates some aspect of your research question. [Maximum length: approximately 200 words.]

13 Materials & Methods Briefly describe experimental equipment and methods, Use figures and tables to illustrate experimental design if possible; or characteristics of your patients groups i.e. age, sex, disease stage etc. Use flow charts (the type with text and drawings within boxes) to summarize reaction steps or timing of experimental procedures; Include photographs if relevant Mention statistical analyses that were used and how they allowed you to address hypothesis, as noted in your abstract. [Maximum length: approximately 200 words.]

14 Results First paragraph, mention whether experiment worked, briefly describe qualitative and descriptive results. Second paragraph, begin presentation of data analysis that more specifically addresses the hypothesis; refer to supporting charts or images. Provide extremely engaging figure legends that could stand on their own. Present numerical data in the form of graphs, rather then tables (graphs make trends in the data much more evident). If data must be presented in table-form, KEEP IT SIMPLE. This is always the largest section, except if you have no data. [Maximum length: approximately 200 words, not counting figure legends.]

15 Conclusions Remind the reader of the major result and quickly state whether your hypothesis was supported. Discuss why your results are conclusive and interesting (attempt to convince reader of these points!) Relevance of your findings to other published work if relevant. Future directions. [Maximum length: approximately 200 words.]

16 Literature cited All literature referenced in your poster should be cited. [Maximum length: approximately 10 citations.]

17 Acknowledgments Thank individuals for specific contributions to project (equipment donation, statistical advice, laboratory assistance, comments on earlier versions of the poster) Also include in this section explicit disclosures for any conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment. [Maximum length: approximately 40 words.]

18 Poster tips

19 Poster Background Use colour to attract attention, organise, and emphasise - but don't overdo it. Softer colours (pastels & greys) may work best as a background - they are easiest to view for hours at a time, and offer the best contrast for text, graphic, and photographic elements. Avoid dark backgrounds with light letters - very tiring to read. Stick to a theme of 2 or 3 colours - much more will overload and confuse viewers. Overly bright colours will attract attention - and then wear out readers' eyes.

20 Text size & spacing For section headings (e.g., Introduction), use bold, maybe a font size of about For supporting text (e.g., text within each section & figure captions), use font sizes of about (bold, if appropriate). In general, use font sizes proportional to importance: largest font size- Title next largest font size - Section headings medium font size - Supporting material smallest font size - Details Poster text - Double-space all text!!!!

21 Illustrations The success of a poster directly relates to the clarity of the illustrations and tables. Self-explanatory graphics should dominate the poster. However! Make sure they are directly relevant. Graphic materials should be visible easily from a distance of 1m. Make sure that the text and the visuals are integrated Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which the are first mentioned in the text. Each visual should have a brief title (for example: Figure 1- Location of study area).

22 Now! If it doesn't provide critical support for your main message, ELIMINATE IT! Edit! Edit! Edit ruthlessly! to reduce text. Edit all text to simplify verbiage, to reduce sentence complexity, and to delete details. If it's not relevant to your message, remove it! Have colleagues comment on drafts. Print a small version of your poster and circulate for comment, or hang a full-size draft with pens and invite them to critique. Are your objective and main message obvious?

23 Creating posters with PowerPoint

24 It is possible to order your poster through the EAU Poster Builder Service. More information can be found on the congress website (please find link below). It is also possible to build your own poster in PowerPoint. For an online tutorial, please click the link below. Finally, if you choose to print the poster yourself, it is also possible to download the template below.

25 Resources Poster examples Please find links to some examples below

26 We look forward to seeing you
at the International EAUN Meeting!

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